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PL Exclusive Red Hot Poker Promotion! -- 4th October Start €1025 added


PL Exclusive Red Hot Poker Promotion! -- 4th October Start €1025 added  

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Re: PL Exclusive Red Hot Poker Promotion! -- 4th October Start €1025 added Ill be speaking to the guys in the morning about this, i expect it all to be sorted by close of business tomorrow, and i agree, they need to give more notice of the games you guys will be playing. We also have a new deal set up for next month, so will post that up once its confirmed, again, hopefully by close of business on monday.:ok

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Re: PL Exclusive Red Hot Poker Promotion! -- 4th October Start €1025 added

Do we know any details about the tickets we have won i.e when and how they are redeemed?
Hi guys, Firstly apologies for the delay in reply - been a manic few days at Red Hot Poker Towers! Check out our facebook page to see the Red Hot cars we've been cruising in! More importantly, congratulations to all our winners of both monthly finals - we will be in contact with you today to determine which days you'd like to play your satellite entries. Don't worry - we won't be entering you automatically.
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Re: PL Exclusive Red Hot Poker Promotion! -- 4th October Start €1025 added

More importantly, congratulations to all our winners of both monthly finals - we will be in contact with you today to determine which days you'd like to play your satellite entries. Don't worry - we won't be entering you automatically.
Hi Mike, got your email and replied. I have opted for Thursdays game. Cheers (as long as it is this Thursday (4th), can't do following Thursday)
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Re: PL Exclusive Red Hot Poker Promotion! -- 4th October Start €1025 added

Hi guys, More importantly, congratulations to all our winners of both monthly finals - we will be in contact with you today to determine which days you'd like to play your satellite entries. Don't worry - we won't be entering you automatically.
Hi Mike I didnt get e-mail from you and still cant reg for today game:( Is this posible to reg me into it ? many thanks marcin
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

Will chase this up again for you mate:ok
Thanks for PM Of course iam a 4th person who dont replay coz never get in any.. Check e-mail one more time and have nothing there..:( what can do now? can they put me manual into tomorow game?
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

Check e-mail one more time and have nothing there..:( what can do now? can they put me manual into tomorow game?
The email I got did not mention 'Redhot poker' in the inbox, It was from 'Mike Butlin' and just had 'No Subject' in the Subject box. Is it possible you have deleted it thinking it was junk Rejmak, I almost did. Even tho' I have replied, I haven't had any confirmation and still no sign of a ticket, have tried entering to see if ticket was available but was prompted to pay the 100 Euros.
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

The email I got did not mention 'Redhot poker' in the inbox, It was from 'Mike Butlin' and just had 'No Subject' in the Subject box. Is it possible you have deleted it thinking it was junk Rejmak, I almost did. Even tho' I have replied, I haven't had any confirmation and still no sign of a ticket, have tried entering to see if ticket was available but was prompted to pay the 100 Euros.
Glenn now cant say 100% that i didnt get it:( If yes i deleted it for sure. and today i just crush my system again! have to play league on wife laptop now
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

Glenn now cant say 100% that i didnt get it:( If yes i deleted it for sure. and today i just crush my system again! have to play league on wife laptop now
Sorry you didn't get my mail, we'll ensure you can play tonight's satellite.
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

The email I got did not mention 'Redhot poker' in the inbox, It was from 'Mike Butlin' and just had 'No Subject' in the Subject box. Is it possible you have deleted it thinking it was junk Rejmak, I almost did. Even tho' I have replied, I haven't had any confirmation and still no sign of a ticket, have tried entering to see if ticket was available but was prompted to pay the 100 Euros.
Just sent you an email mate. Good luck tonight. Mike
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

Thanks for PM Of course iam a 4th person who dont replay coz never get in any.. Check e-mail one more time and have nothing there..:( what can do now? can they put me manual into tomorow game?
I'm having some problems auto-registering players so I'm going to transfer you the €100 entry fee for tonight's satellite so that you can register yourself. Please note the money will be transfered to your cashier acct and you will need to transfer it to poker to register. Sorry for the inconvenience and good luck if you play tonight's satellite. Mike
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Re: PL Exclusive Red Hot Poker Promotion! -- 4th October Start €1025 added Got your email Mike, thnx m8, and thnx for crediting the 100 Euros, even more thnx for giving us the option to enter the Sat, or use the cash however we like :ok I am going to do the latter if thats OK, as if I won a package I would need to do a sickie from work. But saying that, I am going to do a couple of mini Sats to get into the 100 Sat. Fancy a few days off. :lol

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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

I'm having some problems auto-registering players so I'm going to transfer you the €100 entry fee for tonight's satellite so that you can register yourself. Please note the money will be transfered to your cashier acct and you will need to transfer it to poker to register. Sorry for the inconvenience and good luck if you play tonight's satellite. Mike
Find that 100e in cashier many thanks Mike. If you give us an option to play i would like to invest that into more small tournaments or buy in into PLWSOP in Newcastle later this month!!
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Re: PL Exclusive Red Hot Poker Promotion! -- 4th October Start €1025 added

Got your email Mike, thnx m8, and thnx for crediting the 100 Euros, even more thnx for giving us the option to enter the Sat, or use the cash however we like :ok I am going to do the latter if thats OK, as if I won a package I would need to do a sickie from work. But saying that, I am going to do a couple of mini Sats to get into the 100 Sat. Fancy a few days off. :lol
No worries and hope you manage a nice s pin up however you use it :hope
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

Find that 100e in cashier many thanks Mike. If you give us an option to play i would like to invest that into more small tournaments or buy in into PLWSOP in Newcastle later this month!!
No worries mate. No requirement to buy into the EMOP satellite but you will need to play the €100 through on RHP first before withdrawing.
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