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Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov


Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov  

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov Ok The STT has been set up and im in the process of PMmin players who showed an interest. The STT is $1.10 and the top 2 gets seats to the £110 event at the Blackpool GUKPT Players who can play this are: Miss Daisy Staffy jones12345 andybell666 McG Haichan Andyfmfb Glennop

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov

Ok The STT has been set up and im in the process of PMmin players who showed an interest. The STT is $1.10 and the top 2 gets seats to the £110 event at the Blackpool GUKPT Players who can play this are: Miss Daisy Staffy jones12345 andybell666 McG Haichan Andyfmfb Glennop
Thanks, have registered
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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov

Players who can play this are: Miss Daisy Staffy jones12345 andybell666 McG Haichan Andyfmfb Glennop
Thank you very much for letting me have a crack at the STT, after me missing it till it was nearly too late. Appreciate it. :ok Registered, Pokerstars name - AKA2
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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov

I am no loner going to play this and Missdaisy is also pulling out. Good luck those that decide to play.
Just to clarify because some one said this looks arsey thats not the case. We are both hoping to play the ME event on the friday night which only leaves the Thursday night as an option. We then decided that we were going to go out on the pi55 on the Thursday night. Not sure whats happening now as priorities have changed since we have a wedding to pay for. SO might see you at the table Sunday after all.
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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov Just a reminder guys You are playing in the Staking Fund for the free seats. If you go on to cash in the event, its a 50/50 split with the winnings. 50% goes to you 50% goes towards the next staking fund If anyone wasnt aware of this or wants to drop out because of this, please let me know asap please:ok

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov

I'd like us all to wear PL Gear' date=' but its not compulsary. :ok[/quote'] Don't have any PL gear m8, :cry but if you'd like to donate a Black Polo shirt, size M. I will gladly wear it. :ok (might have a hoody or something over it, if I pop outside for a cig tho, it will be November :))
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Re: Blackpool GUKPT, PL Staking Fund - 9 Free Seats - Players Anounced - 11/12 Nov

Got any ladies hoodies or Ts please? I think my boobs have grown (or sagged) and my PL polo shirts are a bit tight now. :loon Perhaps I should have said the shirts shrunk. :lol
I have no PL gear either sorry but would happily wear some.
What sizes do you guys want.....:ok
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