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monkeys HOME football ratings


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Re: monkeys football ratings Fleet has your top 6 in his top 7: you have to be using similar data!




Bristol R














Bristol Rvs









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Re: monkeys football ratings

I suppose if both mainly look at recent form then they would throw up similar selections. So then, looking for some value by finding winners, dear o dear o dear ;) Good luck :ok
Now Now Datapunter nowhere have I mentioned I was looking for "value" by finding winners, dont try and put words in my mouth so to speak. ;)
Let's hope there's no value in the selections or the monkey will go ape :nana
It is a rating system pure and simple , I have given the ratings a mathematical boundry in which to perform,If it does not perform within them boundaries it will be classed as a fail simple as. Lardy If you wish I could pull from the sky the mythical £1000 starting bank which everyone seems to have just lying around,talk about value, have no idea about money management losing runs etc then when things turn to crap stop the thread, but then it would just be like the 90% of the other threads.
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Re: monkeys football ratings Relax monkey, and good luck with your mathematical "boundry". I hope you succeed, never find value and that the success lightens your mood a bit. :hope I have huge expectations for this thread, and after you've made your humorous and mocking reply to this post I'll try to stay away from interrupting the flow of winners as much as possible.

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Re: monkeys football ratings

PS You should stick to your rules & have no bet. :tongue2
The actual Idea was top 10% ish because I was expecting at least 2 or 3 in the 90's maybe dropping down to the 80's now and again , but after comparing the ratings with a method I used last season looks like these ratings will be in a tighter ratings band for some reason :\ So looks like Ill have to drop in blocks of 10s until I get some bets.:(
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Re: monkeys football ratings the ratings show 2 90 rated teams for today. Not a lover of backing in the championship but if thats what the ratings say then so be it. Dutching both teams will result in a small profit if only one wins. 11.63 on Swansea return = 20.93 8.37 on C.Palace return 20.92 20 staked :hope

C PalacevPortsmouth90.00BACK2.50b365
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Re: monkeys football ratings The ratings are now set to show in groups of 10 ie between 90>100 = 90 rated between 80> 89 = 80 rated between 70> 79 = 70 rated etc The bets will be selected by the highest rating set only, so if no 90 rated drop down to 80 rated and so on, 70 rated will be the lowest set at which a bet will be made.

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