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Hi all Numbers in this have been dwindling dramatically over the last few weeks and its getting embarrassing now that a forum of this size cannot get more than 20 runners in a promo with massive overlay. How can PL and I possibly justify to companies that the promo will be worth it for them when clearly, we cant back that up with figures. I need to know what it is people want? What will make them play and what can we do to ensure that this forum picks itself up and proves we are top notch again? Ideas are most welcomed here, even the smallest or stupidest will help, so dont be shy all, speak up or never complain that the poker companies are getting tight again. Morls

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Re: GUKPT GCASINO PROMOTION - WHAT DO YOU WANT? Ps....i dont want peoples reasons for not playing, i want peoples ideas and thoughts as to what will make them play again. Ive been busy with family, a newborn and a lack of time more than anything and as of the end of this week im back and raring to go, so thats 1 more person who will play My new suggestions are: Change day of Tournament, Wednesday? Thursday maybe? Change Buy-In to £10+1 (at least the poker sites get some rake) Allow open access, no password needed, just be a member here who has posted once.

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Hi all Ideas are most welcomed here, even the smallest or stupidest will help, so dont be shy all, speak up or never complain that the poker companies are getting tight again. Morls
Do you think it could be something to do with the time of year.I for one hardly play during the summer months as I like to be outside but come October I am playing almost all day. I've noticed a few forums go quite during Summer.
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Re: GUKPT GCASINO PROMOTION - WHAT DO YOU WANT? Happy to pay more and/or include some rake for this sort of value and take a vote on the day (although always going to be some can't make whatever day ends up favourite). Only other immediate thought copied from other thread ..... Would it be possible to build in some sort of automatic stake in the person that makes the GUKPT for everyone that plays every leg that month ? I realise 10-20% divided by 40-50 ain't gonna add up to much unless Richard wins one (and maybe not a lot even then) but it might spark some additional interest ?

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Re: GUKPT GCASINO PROMOTION - WHAT DO YOU WANT? i would prefer to keep Sundays or a Tuesday. keep the current restriction,it`s not a tight one anyway, i would like to see a more regular player winning it than someone who has made 1 or 2 posts. happy to pay a rake with the value that is so totally outstanding. i cant understand why we dont have more playing, i go out of my way to support every game if possible and i have restraints on time etc.....

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Re: GUKPT GCASINO PROMOTION - WHAT DO YOU WANT? From a selfish point of view the less runners the better :eyes - and can we stop WASP playing as well :tongue2- however from a forum point of view I know it dosen't make sense. 1.To get the numbers how about a bit of cross-pollenation - promote elsewhere but keep the post stipulations, people can read more than just the one forum - but keeping the post stipulations in place would mean you would get more stayers than strayers. 2.Firstly in General Chat, or within the other most onften visted areas of PL 3.Blonde et al - where you have a lot of 'serious' players - obviously don't just spam them ask permission first - you may get poker players from specialist poker forums that are interetsed in other aspects of PL - I read they have a lad on Blonde who likes to dabble in Sports Spreads for instance :D 4... Poker Player Forum etc 5. Ask Sepp Blatter if he can move the remaining Sunday World Cup fixtures to Kick off about 10:30 in the morning. 6.Nothing wrong with the time/day IMO everyone who plays should be available Sunday evenings. 7. Whats the most we've ever had (recently) for a Promo - we aren't ever going to get 50-60 players from within our own ranks unless its advertised elsewhere 8. See if you can't get some free promotion from the Poker Mags as part of their 'News' articles - ask the guy who Paul contacted to give you a few lines of spiel that could be used as a News Quote - something like "We're trying to get a few more Geordies to play in the GUKPT, so we looked for a link up with a site that offered special dispensation allowing the populus of the Nort East an opportunity to communicate with the more cultured parts of the United Kingdom":tongue2 ... Swampy, Alun B etc may be able to help. 10. Don't take to seriously people that can't number their bullet points correctly

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My new suggestions are: Change day of Tournament, Wednesday? Thursday maybe? YES! or Monday Change Buy-In to £10+1 (at least the poker sites get some rake) OK why not if it helps get to get good value Allow open access, no password needed, just be a member here who has posted once. No - wouldnt be the same
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Would it be possible to build in some sort of automatic stake in the person that makes the GUKPT for everyone that plays every leg that month ? I realise 10-20% divided by 40-50 ain't gonna add up to much unless Richard wins one (and maybe not a lot even then) but it might spark some additional interest ?
This would probably be a negative for a lot of the type of players you are trying to attract but I think an equity deal should be done between the top 3 finishers but something like 5% each to 2nd and 3rd as the GUK's are 3 days of hard slog and the player himself deserves most of the equity not many people playing GUK's swap or sell much of themselves (except Blatch)
and can we stop WASP playing as well because he owns me :notworthy
This has been the best advice so far. Surely just putting a thread up is not publicity enough as a lot of people (including myself) dont view the forum on a regular basis and there are probably tons of poker players who haven't been around for a while but an email shot similar to the PL newsletter would reach a bigger audience. The current format is fine as you still have a chance come the last leg even if you have bust the first two with no points. The buy in was right I thought but this is always the difficult one to get right. I also noticed a lot of the regulars didn't play including a lot of the mods themselves , that usually has a negative affect (lead by example and all that). Will think of more later off out for a walk...............
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Re: GUKPT GCASINO PROMOTION - WHAT DO YOU WANT? I hate playing Sundays and often struggle to find time just because of other commitments but I guess the next player will have the same problem on a differnet day. Maybe 2 tourneys per week (over 3 weeks) on a variety of days and best 4 count? Should keep the numbers on a Sunday but players that struggle/cannot make Sunday would have more chance to take part? Think Runa's idea of a stake in the seat winner is excellent. Decent prize pools in the GUKPT and any free money is good money. Massive value in this promo so would be a shame to lose it.

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Re: GUKPT GCASINO PROMOTION - WHAT DO YOU WANT? I'm amazed we don't get more people playing. We've had higher numbers with less added value for other PL regular tourneys. Sunday is as good a night as any - most of us play on a Sunday, and changing the night might bring its own restrictions (I'd have no chance of playing in the summer on a Tuesday, for instance). I don't think that increasing the buy-in will increase numbers, but it might help to keep the site sweet. I'm not in favour of hawking this around different forums - not because I want the numbers to be low, more a case of not minding too much when Washy wins the ticket. There's an element of "well, at least it's someone I know (and like), rather then some stranger I hardly know". I'd also keep the posting qualification for the same reason - it's a PL perk for contributing members. By all means lets attract members to our forum by having added value, but don't just give it away. As for the winner giving some percentage - what about the other finalists getting some cut of potential winnings - giving 4.5% to 2nd, 4% to 3rd, down to 0.5% for 10th would mean the winner losing 22.5% of any winnings, but that's still cracking value, in my opinion. Something to consider is a review is the allocation of points. I like the staggered top-heavy points scoring, but perhaps that puts off some of those who are unfamiliar with it :unsure To me, the secret is to hawk it around other parts of PL - General Chat and At the Races would be my starting point. When we've done this in the past for Runa's or ColU's charity games, I'm sure we've got people like Mowgli to play - perhaps, if they rarely venture in to the Poker thread, they won't realise what they are missing. And finally, passwords - let's try and get 1 password for all of the games, and issue it a few days in advance, opening registration at the same time, to allow for any potential delays in travel back from wherever not to prevent members from playing when they are 5 minutes late, or don't realise that they need an upgrade or to add funds at the very last minute.

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Maybe 2 tourneys per week (over 3 weeks) on a variety of days and best 4 count? Should keep the numbers on a Sunday but players that struggle/cannot make Sunday would have more chance to take part?
I like this idea because i work shift and would beable to play if it was different days. Think the cost is ok :ok
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Re: GUKPT GCASINO PROMOTION - WHAT DO YOU WANT? Some points have good merit How does this sound? Our own password issued at the start of the month which is same all time 2 Leagues with 5 places from both? 1st in each league game with 2 from league Sunday and Wednesday Means more can play and with 2 chances to win if you play both?

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Re: GUKPT GCASINO PROMOTION - WHAT DO YOU WANT? Sundays are a real problem because GCasino is on the Ipoker network and you cannot run more than one ipoker site at the same time. Would be better on another night with less tournaments running. Should not be an open event as its one of the reason for being a member of the forum. Also don't forget world cup. Those of us betting in play have tended to play less poker. less value tournaments mid week so a switch to wed or thursday might help.

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Sundays are a real problem because GCasino is on the Ipoker network and you cannot run more than one ipoker site at the same time. Would be better on another night with less tournaments running. Should not be an open event as its one of the reason for being a member of the forum. Also don't forget world cup. Those of us betting in play have tended to play less poker. less value tournaments mid week so a switch to wed or thursday might help.
you can play more than 1 I-poker site if you use sandboxie :ok
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Sunday-£5.50 Wednesday-£11.00 5% if a gukpt cash to sunday and wednesday league winners. Or the runner up if the same person
Think you might be starting to price people out at £16.50 a week and I doubt if the sites are too bothered about the rake generated by the actual PL tournies. Might make more sense to slash the buyins and and at least get more PL to deposit on the site.
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Re: GUKPT GCASINO PROMOTION - WHAT DO YOU WANT? How about 2 x $5.50 games per week then with 2 leagues as outlined above? Makes it $11 total and around £8 per week? We could also say that if you win more than 1 seat, there will be less in the final? Much like the virgin v points finals used to be Making it worthwhile to play both events?

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Some points have good merit How does this sound? Our own password issued at the start of the month which is same all time 2 Leagues with 5 places from both? 1st in each league game with 2 from league Sunday and Wednesday Means more can play and with 2 chances to win if you play both?
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How about 2 x $5.50 games per week then with 2 leagues as outlined above? Makes it $11 total and around £8 per week? We could also say that if you win more than 1 seat, there will be less in the final? Much like the virgin v points finals used to be Making it worthwhile to play both events?
Sounds good to me:ok As regards getting the word out there i thought brian's idea of sending out an email to all PL members was a good one and surely this type of great added value tourney may encourage a few members who haven't been on PL for a while a great reason to come back. I know milber didn't know about it till i told him as he doesn't get on here very often with a new child and all.
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Re: GUKPT GCASINO PROMOTION - WHAT DO YOU WANT? I have opted out of similar promos in the past because the winning prize was one that I would be unable to take up. As it is, only the Blackpool leg of this in November is OK for me...and I will still have to go crawling to the holidays department to alter a week of my already booked holidays when I win my seat. This is no less than awesome in added value, but maybe it's the live ticket prize that just isn't attracting the numbers. So, in essence, a £500 cash prize would probably attract more players than a £1000 live tourny ticket. Also think online tickets would be more attractive than live tickets. I don't think the buy in would be that relevent £3 to £15...don't think it would make that much difference really. :unsure ---------------------------- I think we could do with a PL sponsored freeroll superseries. Open to all who register with PL. Say 10 x £50 freerolls across different sites. Then a final STT paying another £100. This would attract a hoard of new players who play on different sites...and it's got to be a numbers game hasn't it? If on average we increase our ''regulars'' count by 20% of extra entrants, then the more we attract the more we keep and that strengthens us for future backing. If we continue running restricted tournaments like we have for some time now we are just going to have the same group of players with little chance to expand. ------------------------- I try to play all PL games in any case...the buy in/added value is essentially irrelevent, I just want to kick PLers asses and be top dog for a few days. Hopefully the above thoughts will prompt some others to post up some fresh ideas.

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Re: GUKPT GCASINO PROMOTION - WHAT DO YOU WANT? Thanks Dodger Great reply and just what im looking for, without you guys helping the mods and I to sort out promo's that players want, were screwed. I think in this particular promo, giving a seat away in a live event cost the company very little to do, just one more sponsored player in a big event. But to actually cough up £500 would require a return on investment, which at the minute we cannot guarantee.

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Re: GUKPT GCASINO PROMOTION - WHAT DO YOU WANT? Some good ideas here I really think the numbers is to do with advertising when a big added value promo like this comes round everyone on PL should know about it not just poker players who check the threads daily, how to achieve this is more tricky, a weekly promo e-mail might work sent to ALL PL'rs about the best promotions and added value events, not all of them as there is loads of value on here and we want to push the BIG ONES. I do think the key is short and to the point nobody wants loads of long winded e-mails about lesser promo's. As for buy-in I think 5.50 is about right

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