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Full Tilt - Rush Poker


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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

Do you adjust your strategy to play a more straightforward game due to a lack of history?
Yup totally. As pretty much everyone has a very tight starting range it means what rush basically comes down to is the edges post flop. Knowing how people will play hands on certain boards and how they'll react to you. A lot of people seem to be valuing their aces and kings for big hands which is obviously true pre flop but most of the people i've played have no idea what to do post flop and are playing them like a standard 6max or full ring game.
Brilliant stuff Nade, I'm very impressed:notworthy I'm a similar amount of bb's up at 0.05/0.10 and its like shelling peas at the moment. Should be o.k until some one writes a book about it:\
Thanks :)
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

The lack of HUD doesn't really mean anything' date=' you can tell a bad player from their stack/bet sizes/ raising position and because the smart players will only play premiums it negates the need for a HUD as you're barely getting in any tricky spots as you don't have to play lots of pots with marginal hands trying to stack the fish, instead now they just donate even easier.[/quote'] I don't know about that. Bad players frequently bet normal amounts and have stack sizes in the normal range. I know what you mean though...if a guy w/ 10BB limps UTG, it's more likely he's a weak player. But I don't think the fact that you're playing tight means the decisions you're facing become significantly less tricky, or that you can discern most of what you need to know based on stack and bet sizes.
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker I had a quick go 4 tabling - it wasnt too bad - and I was going along at 1500 hands per hour :loon How long before someone on 2plus2 does some kind of prop bet? What could it be, 18 hours a day at 2000 hands an hour? (I'm sure my 1500/hour could be beat) for a month.... um..... something like a million hands in a month? :loon (how many hands a month do the real grinders currently manage - Nade'll know - he knows all things 2plus2 :tongue2)

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

I had a quick go 4 tabling - it wasnt too bad - and I was going along at 1500 hands per hour :loon How long before someone on 2plus2 does some kind of prop bet? What could it be, 18 hours a day at 2000 hands an hour? (I'm sure my 1500/hour could be beat) for a month.... um..... something like a million hands in a month? :loon (how many hands a month do the real grinders currently manage - Nade'll know - he knows all things 2plus2 :tongue2)
I've been 4 tabling full ring and I cant get past 800 hands an hour, you a bot:eek
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker Lol yeh i'm a poker geek i like to keep up with everything in the poker world :tongue2 In december chiren80 attempted to play 1million hands that month (which would be a record i think) - he worked out that would take something like 24tabling for 16hrs a day all month - but he quit halfway through because of the online pro thing (long story). I know a lot of the major grinders on stars and FTP are able to put in 300k+/month. So it's possible if you can play lots of rush tables at once on FTP someone could do a 1.5million hand month i'd say...

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

Haven't had a chance to play this yet' date=' may try it next week sometime. It seems from what I've heard that it's a return to the pre-HUD days, with games filled with fish. Nitting it up and betting strong hands hard seems to be the best option?[/quote'] Pre-HUD days, with games filled with fish. Arrogant git:\
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker What I am suggesting is that there are a) lots of fish who didn't like playing against tables full of HUD players, and also want to play lots of hands - they are drawn to Rush Poker, maybe having drifted away in the last couple of years. b) people who are so used to using HUDs, that they become fish when they don't have them

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

What I am suggesting is that there are a) lots of fish who didn't like playing against tables full of HUD players, and also want to play lots of hands - they are drawn to Rush Poker, maybe having drifted away in the last couple of years. That will be me b) people who are so used to using HUDs, that they become fish when they don't have them Hope thats not you;)
It did come across a bit like suggesting any one not like you was crap:moon
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

Pre heads up poker games were filled with fish. Which bit of that doesnt suggest that you are implying that you are a superior being because you use HuD.
HUDs HAVE made lots of fish better players, and they HAVE caused a lot of fish to either leave the game or go broke quicker. Therefore, no HUDs=more fish. Do HUDs automatically make someone a superior player? No. Have HUDs reduced the % of fish playing in the game? Yes Pretty clear I think.
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker Is it not beyond any question that HUDs have increased the average standard of poker play online immeasurably? I would further argue (though could see this being a lot more subjective) that HUD players are better players without their HUD than they would be if they'd never had a HUD. (I'm saying HUD - I actually mean that interchangably with "poker Database")

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

HUDs HAVE made lots of fish better players, and they HAVE caused a lot of fish to either leave the game or go broke quicker. Therefore, no HUDs=more fish. Do HUDs automatically make someone a superior player? No. Have HUDs reduced the % of fish playing in the game? Yes Pretty clear I think.
If you cant play poker without HuD you are a fish your Hud is just disguising that fact. If having a HuD hasnt improved the vast majority of users(some beyond recognition) I am truely amazed. Nade has been, and hopefully still is destroying this game showing that he has a total grasp on all parts of the game and not just the observation area, which is the part HuD users are cheating the game and themselves in. Unfortunatley as long as cheating is allowed people will continue to do it this at least gives those of us who like to play on a level playing field a bit of breathing space.
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

If you cant play poker without HuD you are a fish your Hud is just disguising that fact. If having a HuD hasnt improved the vast majority of users(some beyond recognition) I am truely amazed. Nade has been, and hopefully still is destroying this game showing that he has a total grasp on all parts of the game and not just the observation area, which is the part HuD users are cheating the game and themselves in. Unfortunatley as long as cheating is allowed people will continue to do it this at least gives those of us who like to play on a level playing field a bit of breathing space.
Online Poker will never ever be the same as live poker - they are simply different games. As different as Stud and Omaha. You might consider HUDs cheating, but they are not. If you want to play without feeling that your opponents are cheating you, head down to your local casino. In fact, come play at the Vic in London. There's lots of fish, no HUDs, and you may even get to donate some cash to me if you go on the right day :ok
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

If you cant play poker without HuD you are a fish your Hud is just disguising that fact.
And this is exactly the point I am making. Not only will fish come back to poker in rush poker, but other players will be exposed as fish (as they can't use their HUDs). Meaning a higher % of fish in the game. Exactly what I was saying several posts ago.
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

If you want to play without feeling that your opponents are cheating you, head down to your local casino. In fact, come play at the Vic in London. There's lots of fish, no HUDs, and you may even get to donate some cash to me if you go on the right day :ok
Have you moved, Dave? Otherwise that's a bloody long commute. :unsure
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

I would further argue (though could see this being a lot more subjective) that HUD players are better players without their HUD than they would be if they'd never had a HUD.
So poker tracker and the likes are a usefull learning tool but eventually you should be far better without them? Think thats were Nades going;) Never heard how the mole got on with his use of PT would be interesting to know.
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

And this is exactly the point I am making. Not only will fish come back to poker in rush poker, but other players will be exposed as fish (as they can't use their HUDs). Meaning a higher % of fish in the game. Exactly what I was saying several posts ago.
O.K I'll put my handbag away. You werent slagging of the over 25's. Now off you go, play some rush, and prove that you are superb at all aspects of the game
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker Some strategy questions from FullTiltRushPoker on Facebook: Assume it's 9-handed $.5/$1 NLHE, and you don't have notes on anyone. Scenario #1: You have $50, which is the table average. You're dealt A10s under-the-gun (i.e. first to act preflop). Do you fold? call? raise? (If raise, how much?) Scenario #2: UTG+1 (i.e. second to act preflop) has $200 and raises to $3.50. You have KJ and $75 on the button. Do you fold, call, or raise? Scenario #3: You have $150 in the cutoff (i.e. one seat to the right of the button). UTG has $200 and limps (calls the big blind). You raise to $5 w/ AQ, the blinds fold but UTG calls. The flop comes Q-8-5 rainbow (no flush draw). UTG checks, you bet $10. UTG raises to $35. Do you fold, call, or raise? Scenario #4: You have $100 and QQ in the big blind. UTG ($200) limps, UTG+1 ($75) raises to $4.50. The cutoff ($30) goes all in, and the button ($80) calls. Do you fold, call, or raise? What if you had KK? Scenario #5: You have $90 and black tens in the cutoff. Action folds to you. You raise to $3.50. Button ($100) raises to $6, blinds fold, you call. Flop is 2-8-9 w/2 hearts. You bet $10, button goes into the tank (i.e. thinks for a while) then goes all-in. You...

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker First, I never would have less than 100BBs, so I may be out on some of the short-stack questions, as I have little experience of it.

Some strategy questions from FullTiltRushPoker on Facebook: Assume it's 9-handed $1/$2 NLHE, and you don't have notes on anyone. Scenario #1: You have $50, which is the table average. You're dealt A10s under-the-gun (i.e. first to act preflop). Do you fold? call? raise? (If raise, how much?) Insta-Fold Scenario #2: UTG+1 (i.e. second to act preflop) has $200 and raises to $3.50. You have KJ and $75 on the button. Do you fold, call, or raise? Insta-Fold Scenario #3: You have $150 in the cutoff (i.e. one seat to the right of the button). UTG has $200 and limps (calls the big blind). You raise to $5 w/ AQ, the blinds fold but UTG calls. The flop comes Q-8-5 rainbow (no flush draw). UTG checks, you bet $10. UTG raises to $35. Do you fold, call, or raise? Raise to $5? Seriously. Well that's bad to start with. As played I'd call and try to get it in on basically any turn. Can't be scared of such a narrow range as 55/88. Raising flop isn't terrible either, but since I'm not scared of any turn card I might as well let him continue with any bluffs on the turn. Scenario #4: You have $100 and QQ in the big blind. UTG ($200) limps, UTG+1 ($75) raises to $4.50. The cutoff ($30) goes all in, and the button ($80) calls. Do you fold, call, or raise? What if you had KK? I'm shoving here. You're probably not in terrible shape here, and if you are the most you're going to lose is 40BBs. UTG unlikely to have a monster here with all the action after him. Scenario #5: You have $90 and black tens in the cutoff. Action folds to you. You raise to $3.50. Button ($100) raises to $6, blinds fold, you call. Flop is 2-8-9 w/2 hearts. You bet $10, button goes into the tank (i.e. thinks for a while) then goes all-in. You... You're playing $1/$2, so you can't raise to $3.50. Button is obviously gay with his min 3-bet, insta-call his flop ship.
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

Scenario #4: You have $100 and QQ in the big blind. UTG ($200) limps, UTG+1 ($75) raises to $4.50. The cutoff ($30) goes all in, and the button ($80) calls. Do you fold, call, or raise? What if you had KK? I'm shoving here. You're probably not in terrible shape here, and if you are the most you're going to lose is 40BBs. UTG unlikely to have a monster here with all the action after him.
That's a good point that with all the later action UTG probably doesn't have AA or KK.
Scenario #2: UTG+1 (i.e. second to act preflop) has $200 and raises to $3.50. You have KJ and $75 on the button. Do you fold, call, or raise? Insta-Fold
You still fold KJ on the button there w/ $.5/$1 blinds? I think there are a lot of players who raise a lot pre-flop (even in early position) because so many people behind them have already Quick-Folded. It's tough cause even if you hit and villain leads you're in a tricky spot. I guess a big part of it is: Do you think a player w/ 200BBs is significantly more likely to be a good player?
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