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Full Tilt - Rush Poker


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Wow - interesting concept! http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/rush-poker Some initial thoughts - totally removes the need to multitable? (or does it? Probably not - but far fewer tables for sure) Death of trackers? Ok maybe not - you can still have your database open and search players - but the HUD wont work any more, because your opponents change every hand. There'll be no more watching players, figuring out their style and preying on their weaknesses with this though (assuming the player pool is large enough) - assuming the player pools are big enough.

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker Initial reaction from regs is that it will be bad for the standard games as the fish will just want to play rush poker as they don't have to sit around waiting for hands. It's a clever idea though and we'll only know what will happen when we see it in progress alongside the normal games. If all the fish do is play rush poker then that's a license to print money for the competent IMO.

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker First thoughts are that it will reduce the amount of "marginal" hands played, which may well lead to a reduced amount of action in general, but this will obviously be countered by the larger number of hands played. But Nade may well be right in that the good players will win more and the fish will lose more...;) Oh, and as an afterthought....Full Tilt will rake more.....

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker Been looking forward to giving this a go - some more thoughts before I do: - Looks like you cant observe tables - and with no HUD - there really is no information readily available on your opponents. I guess PTR is stoofed if this takes off! Should suit Mr "I hate HUDS" Glceud though ;) Just looking at the NL10 versions of this - over 1500 players in the pools - so you wont get to see the same opponent twice often! - I suppose the real winners are the ABC poker players? If you know nothing about your opponents, then it's text book ABC poker that wins? - This is going to really be like playing blind - they may as well not even name your opponents!! OK - no HUD, but no observed history at all!!!

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

The professional short stackers should love this too?
The min-buyin has been increased at all tables from 20bb to 35bb, it looks like on the rush tables the min bb is 40 so no the pro shortstackers will have to alter their 'hand chart' game. The lack of HUD doesn't really mean anything, you can tell a bad player from their stack/bet sizes/ raising position and because the smart players will only play premiums it negates the need for a HUD as you're barely getting in any tricky spots as you don't have to play lots of pots with marginal hands trying to stack the fish, instead now they just donate even easier.
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker Cant make up my mind what I think of it - I definitely dislike being blind - but it's not all negatives and I cant work out if the pros outweigh the cons :unsure Cheers Nade - I didn't know the min buy in had been increased :ok I disagree that you can spot the bad players just from bet sizing - for example I have been trying different things (min betting and overbetting) with my strong hands. Cbets seem to be successful far more often :) Playing 500+ hands per hour on 1 table looks pretty easy to do - the number of FT Points seems extremely high too - higher than it should :unsure (you play FT more than me Nade - do you get that impression too?)

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker C-bets and button raises seem to get through at micro all the time. Lost another $8 with kings v aces so decided to try my Short stack shove every hand strat and this happened Full Tilt Poker Game #17728383380: Table Mach 10 - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:15:37 ET - 2010/01/19 Seat 1: litlmissivey ($6.10) Seat 2: kvaga84 ($6.78) Seat 3: Nuts4MePlz ($9.59) Seat 4: PrittyEyez ($14.57) Seat 5: glceud ($2.73) Seat 6: olios ($9) Seat 7: Kadr1811 ($2.19) Seat 8: NAREGUI ($3.39) Seat 9: sista01 ($23.16) litlmissivey posts the small blind of $0.05 kvaga84 posts the big blind of $0.10 The button is in seat #9 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to glceud [Jh Qc] Nuts4MePlz calls $0.10 PrittyEyez folds glceud raises to $2.73, and is all in olios folds Kadr1811 folds NAREGUI calls $2.73 sista01 folds litlmissivey has 15 seconds left to act litlmissivey calls $2.68 kvaga84 folds Nuts4MePlz calls $2.63 *** FLOP *** [Kd 5h Ks] litlmissivey checks Nuts4MePlz checks NAREGUI checks *** TURN *** [Kd 5h Ks] [7c] litlmissivey checks Nuts4MePlz checks NAREGUI checks *** RIVER *** [Kd 5h Ks 7c] [6s] litlmissivey checks Nuts4MePlz has 15 seconds left to act Nuts4MePlz bets $1.10 NAREGUI folds litlmissivey folds Uncalled bet of $1.10 returned to Nuts4MePlz *** SHOW DOWN *** Nuts4MePlz shows [Td 8d] a pair of Kings glceud shows [Jh Qc] a pair of Kings glceud wins the pot ($10.29) with a pair of Kings *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $11.02 | Rake $0.73 Board: [Kd 5h Ks 7c 6s] Seat 1: litlmissivey (small blind) folded on the River Seat 2: kvaga84 (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 3: Nuts4MePlz showed [Td 8d] and lost with a pair of Kings Seat 4: PrittyEyez didn't bet (folded) Seat 5: glceud showed [Jh Qc] and won ($10.29) with a pair of Kings Seat 6: olios didn't bet (folded) Seat 7: Kadr1811 didn't bet (folded) Seat 8: NAREGUI folded on the River Seat 9: sista01 (button) didn't bet (folded) :rollin

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker Hehe - we played (I use "played" in the loosest possible way) a hand against one another - I bet you didnt see me either :tongue2 ***** Hand History for Game 17726689116 ***** (Full Tilt) $10.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, January 19, 01:04:24 ET 2010 Table Mach 10 (Real Money) Seat 1 is the button Seat 1: TheWizardofWaz ( $14.76 USD ) Seat 2: sunny_man24 ( $10.89 USD ) Seat 3: Krab13 ( $3.30 USD ) Seat 4: Ddonie ( $6.28 USD ) Seat 5: glceud ( $23.80 USD ) Seat 6: Zabrodin ( $8.80 USD ) Seat 7: M2ggs ( $6.43 USD ) Seat 8: Nsk4erep ( $7.65 USD ) Seat 9: Telepe ( $10.76 USD ) sunny_man24 posts small blind [$0.05 USD]. Krab13 posts big blind [$0.10 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Telepe [ :7s: :Ad: ] Ddonie folds glceud folds Zabrodin raises [$0.35 USD] M2ggs folds Nsk4erep raises [$7.65 USD] Telepe folds TheWizardofWaz folds sunny_man24 folds Krab13 folds Zabrodin calls [$7.30 USD] Nsk4erep shows [:Qd:, :Qs: ] Zabrodin shows [:Kh:, :As: ] ** Dealing Flop ** [ :5d:, :6c:, :4s: ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ :Qc: ] ** Dealing River ** [ :5c: ] Nsk4erep wins $14.42 USD from main pot

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

Playing 500+ hands per hour on 1 table looks pretty easy to do - the number of FT Points seems extremely high too - higher than it should :unsure (you play FT more than me Nade - do you get that impression too?)
Someone has worked out that you can play 8 100nl rush games for 3hrs a day and get $3k rakeback a month :eek However, i've played rush for a couple of hrs today and nearly had heart attack at the swings :lol. I think the softness of the new regular games with higher min buy-in outweighs the nitty rush games though two people did donate stacks to me by bluffing into my over pairs... so it's all initial thoughts really. Not sure about the points, can't check my promotions page as it's down for maintenance atm :ok
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker Now played a few k hands of rush, i've played with a whole host of top red pros and top online whizz kids and it's been a pretty cool experience all in all. Decided to start stacking tables even just playing 4 at a time the eye and hand movement required for a long length of time i just can't keep up with .. for once .. ;) Think my serious sessions where i'm on my A game i'll play the normal tables but when i don't really feel like playing but have nothing else to do i'll play rush as it's just so damn easy to put in volume and make decisions playing rush without too much effort and thought unlike normal games where there's a lot more history and psychology involved with opponents.

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker Nade has hit it on the head, its good fun and a rake machine but you need all the information to play a serious game. I haven't worked out what and why yet but some people seem to have adopted a strategy, there must be something exploitable in this ;)

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

Nade has hit it on the head, its good fun and a rake machine but you need all the information to play a serious game. I haven't worked out what and why yet but some people seem to have adopted a strategy, there must be something exploitable in this ;)
I'm glad some ones come on here and admitted they are crap without software to "observe" for them;)
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker

Think my serious sessions where i'm on my A game i'll play the normal tables but when i don't really feel like playing but have nothing else to do i'll play rush as it's just so damn easy to put in volume and make decisions playing rush without too much effort and thought unlike normal games where there's a lot more history and psychology involved with opponents.
That about sums it up:ok
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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker Tight is definitely right on rush poker, as your big hands still get paid off! I've also had some success limping marginal hands in early position. Hands you might not play normally UTG often get folded round to the BB. If you tried this in a normal game people would realise what you were doing and call with marginal hands when they had position. The rakeback and FTP points are great!. I reckon I will be able to kit the whole family out in FT attire by the summer.

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Re: Full Tilt - Rush Poker There is a lot of talk on the HEM forums about getting the HUD working (and incidentally a lot of opposition to equiping the population with a HUD - which is interesting from people who are clearly pretty big HEM users.....) - http://forums.holdemmanager.com/showthread.php?t=24827 The most realistic (and quick) solution at the moment, IMO, looks to be to put player stats/colour coding in the player notes, for at least a basic read on the players....

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