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Monthly Cash Graphs


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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Monthly Cash Graphs According to HEM, I'm running about 1800 big blinds down on Virgin :loon It's lucky I dont tilt ;) (actually I dont believe I'm that unlucky - I reckon there's somthing going wrong in HEM with the Boss files :unsure But that would make me a fish rather than unlucky - so I hope HEM's right!) 20091229virgin.gif

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Re: Monthly Cash Graphs Maybe we can put this in poker chat or change title cause I just have sng results. Here is my december graph, played more at start of month all were $3 and $2 180s Had a good month with a good mtt score for $3.7k my first ever $5k month. Hope january is just as good ;) december09sng.png

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Re: Monthly Cash Graphs Pretty much a break even month for me, with a break for the festive season coming after the 21st. Am now trying out HEM, and have been pretty impressed with it so far. Dec 09 dec09graph.jpg Overall: 2009graph.jpg Could someone please comment on my red line.. Am I folding/getting pushed around on the flop and turn too much?

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Re: Monthly Cash Graphs Your redline (and 2nd graph in general actually) looks a lot like my HU cash graph from last month. I've been trying out HU cash but i was playing way too tight. My redline was almost exactly like yours, steadily going down mirroring my blueline. I was just being eaten alive by the blinds (and rake - at 50NL on stars it's pretty harsh). I've since gone back to 6max and am killing it (cue downswing :lol). I've never seen my redline (or greenline for that matter) so healthy. I guess the HU play has tuned my 6max game perfectly. I'm definitely more aggressive, double/triple barreling more often. That was a big leak of mine, cbetting, getting called and check/folding the turn a lot. So I'm picking up more pots than I used to. I'm also running pretty good so remains to be seen if the trends continue. I'll try and post my graphs so you can compare but I'm having trouble uploading them at the mo.

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Re: Monthly Cash Graphs For 6max i'd say you're red line is more then fine, my equivalent over the last 100k hands is -9k but my green line is +3k, but i don't know if you play all full ring and if so then don't know how that would impact on redline to say whether its good or not tbh.

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Re: Monthly Cash Graphs Been playing slightly differently this year and it seems to have led to a positive red line.. can't confirm this till I've played this style for longer though. Seems like Woodie has moved up to NL100 FR? Saw him multitabling 14+ tables earlier today though he didn't acknowledge my greeting:sad

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Re: Monthly Cash Graphs Yeah just trying it out as intenets been dodgey this last week so don't want to register for loads of sngs cause I got disconnected last time and was in like 12 games. Played about 9k hands of 100nl so far, last night did well up about $600 but today has been a joke properly given back about $350. Check this beauty. PokerStars Game #37632219693: Hold'em No Limit ($0.50/$1.00 USD) - 2010/01/04 14:04:35 WET [2010/01/04 9:04:35 ET] Table 'Umbriel III' 9-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: Muehle69 ($100 in chips) Seat 3: 29206298 ($150.25 in chips) Seat 4: hammanbmw31 ($108.55 in chips) Seat 5: ValentjNN ($100 in chips) Seat 6: woodiejr ($168.65 in chips) Seat 7: olivehj ($125.30 in chips) Seat 9: rapsusklei ($100 in chips) woodiejr: posts small blind $0.50 olivehj: posts big blind $1 averickz: sits out *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to woodiejr [Kc Kh] rapsusklei: folds Muehle69: folds 29206298: folds hammanbmw31: folds ValentjNN: raises $2 to $3 woodiejr: raises $5.80 to $8.80 olivehj: folds sig66 leaves the table ValentjNN: calls $5.80 *** FLOP *** [9h 6c Qh] woodiejr: bets $15.90 ValentjNN: calls $15.90 *** TURN *** [9h 6c Qh] [Ks] JuantotheC joins the table at seat #8 woodiejr: checks ValentjNN: bets $25 woodiejr: raises $88.15 to $113.15 ValentjNN: calls $50.30 and is all-in Uncalled bet ($37.85) returned to woodiejr *** RIVER *** [9h 6c Qh Ks] [Qc] *** SHOW DOWN *** woodiejr: shows [Kc Kh] (a full house, Kings full of Queens) ValentjNN: shows [Qd Qs] (four of a kind, Queens) ValentjNN collected $198 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $201 | Rake $3 Board [9h 6c Qh Ks Qc] Seat 1: Muehle69 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: 29206298 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: hammanbmw31 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: ValentjNN (button) showed [Qd Qs] and won ($198) with four of a kind, Queens Seat 6: woodiejr (small blind) showed [Kc Kh] and lost with a full house, Kings full of Queens Seat 7: olivehj (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 9: rapsusklei folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Re: Monthly Cash Graphs The hand pretty much played itself out. Remember this?:tongue2 Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players - View hand 455446

The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter

CO: $118.95 Hero (BTN): $216.10 SB: $113.50 BB: $100.00 UTG: $106.00 UTG+1: $123.85 MP1: $110.80 MP2: $170.15 Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BTN with K of diamonds A of hearts5 folds, Hero raises to $4, SB raises to $11.60, 1 fold, Hero raises to $31, SB raises to $113.50 all in, Hero calls $82.50 Flop: ($228.00) Q of spades 5 of spades 2 of diamonds(2 players - 1 is all in) Turn: ($228.00) 2 of clubs(2 players - 1 is all in) River: ($228.00) T of clubs(2 players - 1 is all in) Final Pot: $228.00 Hero shows K of diamonds A of hearts (a pair of Deuces)

SB shows 8 of diamonds 8 of clubs (two pair, Eights and Deuces)

SB wins $225.00

(Rake: $3.00)

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Re: Monthly Cash Graphs Personally, it depends solely on my opponent(s) likely ranges (and pot odds). I'll happily shove with AK against an opponent I've identified as a fish, in the above case I didn't put him on KK/AA and needing only 36% equity I couldn't fold my AK.

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Re: Monthly Cash Graphs

Been playing slightly differently this year and it seems to have led to a positive red line.. can't confirm this till I've played this style for longer though. Seems like Woodie has moved up to NL100 FR? Saw him multitabling 14+ tables earlier today though he didn't acknowledge my greeting:sad
There's some good threads about redline on another poker forum I wont mention. Basically from what I remember, the general consensus was not to worry about it. If your greenline is going up you shouldn't worry. And it's hard to have a positive redline at lower stakes because people call so much. But it's still hard to look at the graphs and not want to improve it. Although if any improvement in redline comes at the expense of $$ then, well, it's erm, bad. I'm drivelling now but I hope you get the idea.
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Re: Monthly Cash Graphs

Genuine Q: Is it standard to stack off with AK at full ring?
The only time I'm happy to get it in pre flop in full ring is against the button/small blind/big blind providing I have a little info on them and I know there protecting/raising in these positions. Otherwise I'll 3 bet but have folded a few pre last few days to over shoves.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Monthly Cash Graphs Yeh that's 27%, i spoke to Wasp in manchester and he said he was offered about 40% RB deal for full tilt i told him to snap their hand off as i thought the highest offered was 27, but wish i got 100% like the pros :loon I'd be up over $25k the last 6months with 100% RB :lol.

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Re: Monthly Cash Graphs

Yeh that's 27%' date=' i spoke to Wasp in manchester and he said he was offered about 40% RB deal for full tilt i told him to snap their hand off as i thought the highest offered was 27, but wish i got 100% like the pros :loon I'd be up over $25k the last 6months with 100% RB :lol.[/quote'] Nice going Tom, the deal turned out bad as they wanted to own my soul and I cannot find the hours or the inclination to play millions of hands, so I stuck with my existing deal but can you imagine getting 100% RB like some of the red pro numpties do?
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Re: Monthly Cash Graphs newbie after 5 yrs online pretty much says it all ready for the ? are the graphs you're inputs (I'd guess not)I'm not posting any worthy time at the tables but still some sort of idea wouldn't hurt educate me if possible .On a related subject what am I meant todo if you were to "show me a playbook designrd on you're experiences do I read ? play? watch ? allthe above I'm sure .The thing is I know but I don't know like now it should be rolling off my keys what I need to know but I truly can't remember what I needed help with .I apologise for the length of this post but hey the internet is filled with crap so a little more shouldn't hurt.Thanks in advance either way.

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