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Poker Player Mag - 7th September - $5+50c Buy In - 9xWCOOP seats added


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Looks a great tournament to me :ok I think PP Mag have done a fantastic job with the set up :) An obscure password that wont be guessed (and can be googled to see who is giving it away ;) ) and a buy in - should be some of the best value, genuinely for mag readers, in a long while :ok 8PM start on Pokerstars on Monday 7th September.

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Re: Poker Player Mag - 7th September - $5+50c Buy In - 9xWCOOP seats added Think this will be a great move having a buy in of $5 with the prizes on top. Eliminates the freeroll thieves so much better chance that the prizes go to genuine readers. :clap:clap:clap

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Re: Poker Player Mag - 7th September - $5+50c Buy In - 9xWCOOP seats added

well' date=' having a $5.50 buy in hasnt detracted too much from the amount of players playing.[/quote'] $3920 in added value, and 356 entries (so far) - that's over $10 added per player - I'm not complaining :ok
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Re: Poker Player Mag - 7th September - $5+50c Buy In - 9xWCOOP seats added Pretty much steady eddie for best part of 2 hours, finally shoving from the blinds with 10 10, two callers JJ and AA...no help from the board, in fact the J on the flop was the final nail in the coffin. So frustrating when you play well but still come up short.

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