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Betfair Challenge - Team LUK


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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK

How many/what stake Double or Nothings did you have to play for that number of points. I may try some myself (though I hate that form of "poker").
I played 18 at $11+1.10 and 4 at $22+2.20 (basically I was playing at $11 and stepping up whenever my net profit was enough for a $22 buy-in ... and then stepping down again when I lost).
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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK Ok as AAHall said he's up for being captain I'm happy to go with that too, nice one. :clap Good stuff with the points so far, I've only played a couple of $5 DoN's, a $5 MTT and a couple of $2 STT to get used to the software, I intend on grinding out what I can between now and Monday to bump it up. :ok

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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK

Wow' date=' can't believe it took you so long to call my shove, I was raising any two card on your BB, good luck :ok[/quote'] I was folding!! I realised you were raising my BB with any 2 - but I was still folding. If I'd known you had 2 live cards (even 2 undercards) I was probably still folding. In the end - my stack size persuaded me I had to call - but I really was folding up until the last minute :loon
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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK

I played 18 at $11+1.10 and 4 at $22+2.20 (basically I was playing at $11 and stepping up whenever my net profit was enough for a $22 buy-in ... and then stepping down again when I lost).
Oh dear, I presume it's a bad sign that you ended up in my $5.50 one then.
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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK Good going on the points so far peeps. :clap I'll get alot more in over the weekend but I don't think my points statement has been updated yet, according to my betfair poker buddy thing I've so far played...... 1 x $12.10 DoN 1 x $6.60 STT 10 x $6.05 DoN 6 x $5.50 MTT/STT 1 x $2.75 DoN 1 x $2.20 STT 4 x $1.05 HU coin flips :lol My points balance is saying I only have 46 so far, I hope thats not up to date. :lol

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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK

1 x $12.10 DoN 1 x $6.60 STT 10 x $6.05 DoN 6 x $5.50 MTT/STT 1 x $2.75 DoN 1 x $2.20 STT 4 x $1.05 HU coin flips :lol
I think that should be about 133 points. I'm on 613, so with Dave's 289 that puts us on around 1035. How many of the HU coin flips did you win?
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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK

I think that should be about 133 points. I'm on 613, so with Dave's 289 that puts us on around 1035. How many of the HU coin flips did you win?
My statement is now showing 74 points from Poker so I assume yeasterdays points will be added later on, I'll get as many as I can over the next few days. My results have been going ok apart from those coinflips :lol
Originally Posted by Chapman viewpost.gif 1 x $12.10 DoN Won 1/1 1 x $6.60 STT 1st 10 x $6.05 DoN Won 8/10 6 x $5.50 MTT/STT 1 cash (bubbled in 2 :spank) 1 x $2.75 DoN Won 1/1 1 x $2.20 STT 1st 4 x $1.05 HU coin flips :lol Won 1/4
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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK

Ok as AAHall said he's up for being captain I'm happy to go with that too, nice one. :clap Good stuff with the points so far, I've only played a couple of $5 DoN's, a $5 MTT and a couple of $2 STT to get used to the software, I intend on grinding out what I can between now and Monday to bump it up. :ok
Fine by me' date=' too.[/quote'] Not sure making me captain would be the GREATEST idea in the world :lol:unsure
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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK

i tried playing a bit of cash 5/10 and 10/20 played for a while but didnt seem to get any points only had 9 points when i checked yesterday played a few hands this mornnig - just checked my points balance and its gone uptp 28 points cant seem to work out the rake to points ratio
I think its 1 point for every 10 cents raked?
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Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK

:loon I wasn't spying, well if you call checking you out on sharkscope, then yes I was!! ;)
I finished today 12-3, though I'm still a little down on the week because of an awful run on Wednesday. I think I should restrict myself to about 10 a day: after that I find myself thinking "Why am I doing something so boring?" and my attention begins to wander. :lol
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