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PokerTracker3 - new update


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Re: PokerTracker3 - new update Nothing to do with the above update, but anyone else finding they have to revert to the trial version today as it wont verify your registration? As PT3 site is down i presume its that thats the cause.

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Re: PokerTracker3 - new update

er' date=' the other thread is wrong, PT3 does still work if you have any days of the trial left.[/quote'] You only have trial left if you installed PokerTracker within the last 30 (???) days?
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Re: PokerTracker3 - new update I'm not convinced - I think PT have sorted out most of their major problems and I dont feel there is much to choose between them now (I have both and which I use depends on which site I'm on). Have you used PT3 recently? What do you think are the major advantages of HEM that puts it so far ahead of PT3?

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Re: PokerTracker3 - new update

I'm not convinced - I think PT have sorted out most of their major problems and I dont feel there is much to choose between them now (I have both and which I use depends on which site I'm on). Have you used PT3 recently? What do you think are the major advantages of HEM that puts it so far ahead of PT3?
You're probably right as I cannot pass comment as I haven't used PT for months and I don't see the point in using two so will just stick with HEM. I guess its personal to what you like but I found PT less robust than HEM, I didn't like the HUD, the reporting was flakey and the omaha was not as good as HEM's. If all that has improved good luck to them but I stuck on HEM now :ok
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Re: PokerTracker3 - new update The sole reason I use both is because they both have sites that I play on that the other doesnt. PT does crash more frequently than HEM, but far less than it used to and not that frequently overall. The default hud in HEM is superior to PT3 but PT3 is totally customisable and appears to be more so than HEM (you can download kraada's advanced HUD to replace the default HUD in PT3 which is a lot better). I confess I havent customised my HEM HUD much though. The reporting on PT3 seems great to me (but you have to write your own reports) I'm not sure if HEM has the same degree of customisation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: PokerTracker3 - new update The vast majority of sites have it specified as "allowed software" - including all of the major sites. There are no issues with using it from that perspective. Players that dont use it are at a disadvantage, so unless you're a freak of nature :tongue2 you should be using it - maybe less so for tournaments, but for cash games it's a must. Some sites even allow you to collect data on players when you're not sat at the table - you have people datamining every hand played by every player on every table 24 hours a day on some sites. The largest sites have now stopped this though. (I dont know what the latest is on Full Tilt - they changed their T&C and also said they wouldnt take any action against anyone caught :lol)

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Re: PokerTracker3 - new update Here's a list of the software explicitely authorised on Pokerstars(http://www.pokerstars.com/poker/room/prohibited/): The following are examples of tools and services which are permitted:

  1. Auto HandPoster
  2. Calculatem Pro
  3. Coach Rounder
  4. DoN Indicator
  5. DonkeyTracker
  6. Draw Poker Source
  7. FlopZoom
  8. FreePokerDB (aka FPDB)
  9. Gam Poker Analyzer
  10. GameTime+
  11. Hold’em Cockpit
  12. Holdem Helpem
  13. Holdem Indicator
  14. Holdem Manager (including Table Scanner)
  15. Holdem Partner
  16. Holdem Ranger (including RealTime HUD)
  17. HoldemLuck
  18. LongHUD
  19. NotesNL
  20. Official Poker Rankings
  21. Omaha Brain
  22. Omaha Indicator
  23. Omaha Poker Coach
  24. PH_Stars
  25. PlayerGPS
  26. PlayerPeek
  27. Poker Academy Prospector
  28. Poker Buddy
  29. Poker Butler
  30. Poker Copilot
  31. Poker EV
  32. Poker Evolver
  33. Poker Indicator
  34. Poker Juggernaut
  35. Poker Office
  36. Poker Potjie
  37. Poker Sharpener
  38. Poker Shortcuts
  39. Poker Sleuth
  40. Poker Sniffer
  41. Poker Stove
  42. Poker Vitals
  43. Poker Weapon
  44. Poker Wingman
  45. PokerAce HUD
  46. PokerEval (Registered Version Only)
  47. PokerGrapher
  48. PokerHands
  49. PokerObserver HUD
  50. Poker-Spy
  51. PokerStat
  52. PokerStrategy Elephant
  53. PokerStrategy Equilator
  54. PokerTracker (including TableTracker)
  55. Pot Odd Rechner
  56. PPA Poker Calculator
  57. Sharktoolz Bankroll Manager
  58. Sharktoolz Poker-Reader
  59. SitnGo Wizard (version and newer)
  60. SmartBuddy
  61. Star Tracker
  62. StoxPoker Combo
  63. Table Shark
  64. TableNinja
  65. TableScan Turbo
  66. Telescope by SpadeIt
  67. ThePokerDB
  68. Tournament Indicator
  69. Tournament Shark
  70. Tournament Updater
  71. Tourney Manager

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Re: PokerTracker3 - new update I've never heard of 99% of the software on that list. I suppose it depends what you play. If you play cash, then I'd look at PokerTracker3 or Holdem Manager as the obvious starting point. I think I view stars as the least fishy site going :unsure

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Re: PokerTracker3 - new update Quick query from a novice.....just installed the trial version of Poker Tracker 3 and had a dabble in some (very small stakes) cash games to get used to the software!:cry How do I clear my sessions so that I can start with a clean board....I've tried a few forums and googled without any joy....I'm thinking it's maybe only possible to do this on the paid up version!:unsure If this is the case, would uninstalling and then reinstalling give me a blank version again!:unsure Thanks for anyone who can help! :ok TQM

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Re: PokerTracker3 - new update Not sure why you would want to do that :unsure You can view just session information. However easiest way is probably to create a new database/delete your existing database. (make sure you clear the HH from your Hard drive first, or it will just reimport them) You could also purge the hands that are already there.. (Database / Database Management / Purge) I cant be certain this functionality is in the trial version, but think that it should be.

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