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PL Live Poker Night at Barries - May 23rd - Birmingham

Sir Puntalot

PL Live Poker Night at Barries - May 23rd - Birmingham  

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    • Poker and Party? Yes please!
    • I'm a big girls blouse and can't make it this time!
    • Errrrm, ummmm, no, yes, no, maybe.......

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Re: last night @ Barries :$:$:$ How pi$$ed was I. :loon Can't remember a thing. :eyes I remember getting to Barries and playing a few hands then I woke up in the hotel around 7.30 thinking how the fcuk did I get here. :lol Found a few cuts and bruises on my arm so I must have gone over somewhere. Where did I finish?? :unsure Hope I didn't upset or annoy anyone. :hope Big thanks to everyone at Barries and a massive thanks to BA for organising yet another great night. :clap

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Re: last night @ Barries

:$:$:$ How pi$$ed was I. :loon Can't remember a thing. :eyes I remember getting to Barries and playing a few hands then I woke up in the hotel around 7.30 thinking how the fcuk did I get here. :lol Found a few cuts and bruises on my arm so I must have gone over somewhere. Where did I finish?? :unsure Hope I didn't upset or annoy anyone. :hope Big thanks to everyone at Barries and a massive thanks to BA for organising yet another great night. :clap
I had pretty much the same night but without the poker and the cuts and bruises!!! thanks to everyone the flowers were gorgeous and i do remember a cake, I had a great time! x
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Re: last night @ Barries Think I'll skip the Jaegerbombs next time....;) Thanks to BA, all at Barries and Paul (for getting me back to hotel - cheers mate). Pretty sure I had a good time...going by how I felt all day yesterday. Vague recollection of winning one of the SNGs....but it all goes very hazy after that. Thanks again everyone.

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Re: last night @ Barries

if anyone can tell me what drink Rick gave me at the bar, some sort of finnish bomb entailing a short within a short,whatever it was it was good stuff. :beer:beer My First Ever,Give me more please. as for the karaoke,i am surprised the machine lasted as long as it did,what stamina mrs GeordieGaz has,pretty much sang for god knows how long,seemed like forever,and what with Paul, BA`s and Kevsul stone deaf tones adding to the noise,i am surprised i aint deaf.:lol:lol. Yes AL, I am rubbish, mind you not that loud really :rollin:rollin Thanks a lot to all :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:clap:clap:clap Your Missus is brilliant fun mate, make sure she comes to more, Along with Ali's Missus & Michaela,and the others she will love it.:ok Throughly enjoyed it all as usual, Staff excellent,:clap:clap Got home to daughters house at 6.15am Sunday morning, Got up 9.15am Monday morning :$ I just cannot drink like I used to ;) Poker front going well till I call Morls allin with my AQ, he has AK, next hand allin again with KQsuited, to be called by Heniek (I think PP 8's) which hold up, then off to have a few drinks and murder every song that came on :$:$:$
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Re: last night @ Barries

bri? you got any fags?
:rollin:rollin:rollin Thats a story we couldn't tell anyone, you had to be there, I think Jeffers might appreciate it. For the record I think Bearswood in a lovely area great pubs and great shops, Dik was right we shouldn't have ventured out :lol
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Re: last night @ Barries Never leaves my lips, dont fancy a spell inside. Thought that was one of the best PL related meets ive evr had to be honest, everyone seemed intent on wnjoying themsleves and it happened. Fantastic.

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