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Bad call or bad shove?


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I've been losing sleep over this one for a couple of days now ;) ***** Hand 1290007804 ***** 50.00/100.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 23 October 2008 20:42:05 PL League (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: 27Nade (1051.00) Seat 2: Adetrick1 (1410.00) Seat 3: voiceofjoe (2053.00) Seat 4: morlspin1 (1731.00) Seat 6: PLGremlin (2900.00) Seat 7: Geordigaz5 (1147.00) Seat 8: MCFC66 (1500.00) Seat 9: spannerj (887.00) 27Nade post SB 50.00 Adetrick1 post BB 100.00 ** Deal ** 27Nade [N/A, N/A] Adetrick1 [N/A, N/A] voiceofjoe [N/A, N/A] morlspin1 [N/A, N/A] PLGremlin [N/A, N/A] Geordigaz5 [N/A, N/A] MCFC66 [8c, 8d] spannerj [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** voiceofjoe Fold morlspin1 Fold PLGremlin Fold Geordigaz5 Fold MCFC66 Raise to 300.00 spannerj Fold 27Nade All-in 1051.00 Adetrick1 Fold MCFC66 Call 1051.00

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Re: Bad call or bad shove? Yeah - if Nade has aces, it's a good shove ;) If he has 23o it's a bad shove. Any cards inbetween and it's an inbetween answer :tongue2 You're getting 2-1 on your money - I'll take a coin flip with those odds! Nade could easily be undervaluing the value of what you hold being a raise from the cut off - I dont think you can assume he has one of the 6 hands that beat you - I'm calling every time

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Re: Bad call or bad shove? I've got like 10BBs left so my range is wide, i go into every tourn now trying to win it which is why i'm either one of the chip leaders for large parts of the focus games or out early doors so that's why i 'shove with junk'. I have KQo, standard shove, standard call. Assume you made this thread as i said you were a donk. Who gives a fcuk i've called everyone a donk for yrs including myself, who cares what i say i just talk crap on here constantly, i said that at the DTD meet but all of a sudden ppl take me serious. Wasp sure you could have come up with a better strat. thread then this.

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Re: Bad call or bad shove?

Wasp sure you could have come up with a better strat. thread then this.
No not really as this shows what a terrible poker player you are and what happened after was more than calling me a donk. Your shove was shit and you didn't realise you were giving me the odds (2/1 on a race any player woud call) apart from a higher pair which was highly unlikely. Then berating me, my play, the other players at the table and then PL in general just shows you haven't got the mental stability to play poker (or the skill). I used to stick up for you on here but you have recently been showing what a low life urchin you are. At DTD you was quiet as a mouse, if you can't back your gob up in a live game don't do it online kid.
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Re: Bad call or bad shove? That's an extraordinary outburst, and totally uncalled for. Ok, let me set a few things straight because it's evident that people have been taking things out of all proportion, having chats between themselves and ganging up. Firstly, at DTD i didn't have 1 conversation about poker strat. with anyone, the Mole and I had a little chat about 1 hand talked about a lot on here but apart from that there was absolutely no time at all to as we were playing poker solidly from 3pm until 10pm as you know and by then as i've mentioned i was so tired i just wanted to get out of there but stayed on and played a few games until about 12pm all in great spirit, banter and it was an amazing experience. Where and why i'm supposed have 'backed up my gob' i have no idea. I could have had a go at Galronix after he sucked out to knock me out on the final table but as it was a final table in a big venue with outsiders watching the spectacle i figured there's no point giving PL a bad rep. where people jump on eachother's backs. Instead i shook everyone's hand, said GG, although i was a bit gutted and went to the bar. At the first table of the day, the Hold'Em event i had some good banter with GeordieGaz, AAHall, Hen, Hornet and VoJ, i had a go at Hen a couple of times for 'bad play' or whatever but in the usual spirit just as i do online. Apart from this i was there to play poker and have a very good time and i did both of these things, everyone i spoke to was really nice and welcoming so why all of a sudden pretty much since DTD people have been jumping on my back i've no idea and TBH it makes me really sad. Moving on to the hand above. When i was on the rail i said 'What did you expect me to shove with? KQo?' Obviously joking that you knew i was shoving that kind of wide range. If people are offended by me even in any small way saying they're slightly bad, although usually i come right out and say you're all donks :tongue2 then people could have said many many months ago, i've been saying that kind of crap for ages, but i've also said right back when that i respect everyone's games massively because it takes a lot of skill to be good tournament players, i've said that so many times. People are choosing to take offence now so i'm just going to stop talking full stop at the tables, it won't be any fun for me but it seems that's what you guys want, or preferably, as shown by Paul Ross's and your post Wasp that you want me off the forum for good. Paul can whip out his BanHammer at any time, and if he did i would be totally gutted, although i said to Dogs and on here yesterday it's best if i 'leave' the forum it's been a part of me and my poker experience for a year and a half and TBH i can't move on that easily. Especially as i met most of you at DTD which only reaffirmed my thoughts that you're all cool people so i wouldn't like to walk away but it seems more and more that's what people want. As for mental stability to be successful at poker, i can only point to the hundreds of thousands of hands the last few months showing a few £ profit meaning i was able to buy a very nice Corsa in cash recently, still have quite a bit in the bank and even more online for poker. I only mention this so bluntly as it's what i've worked my absolute ass off this year to achieve everything i've wanted to acheive: Be on for a 2:1 at Uni, pass my driving test, be able to afford a nice looking car plus insurance etc etc. be playing 200NL and earn a nice living from it, not only that but i'm becoming one of the best players at 200NL this month i'm running at 8ptBB on FTP, that's running at expecation, not above. I personally know so many guys and girls my age who are insanely jealous of me right now as i don't have a boss chirping in my ear, i earn my money from the comfort of my home, have cash in the bank, a cool car, can buy and do whatever i want, go out whenever i want and not have to think about it. I've been there where i didn't have enough to buy a magazine from the shop as i wouldn't have enough for bus fair the next day, i've worked at poker so hard with the great help of PL so i could acheive all i've wanted and now i'm 'living my dream'. So i work incredibly hard at life and poker and so what, i like to vent sometimes when things don't go my way, but to say i don't have the mental stability to play poker is so laughable. Whenever i have those negative thoughts myself i look back to the days where i start off 3/4/5/6 Buy In's down in my first session of the day, but gather myself, come back to either break even or mostly show a profit for the day. This has happened countless times over the last few months so i know for a fact i have one of the best possible mindsets you could need to play poker successfully. Lastly, to call me a low life urchin could not be further from the truth IMO, if that's how people view me then i guess it's time to buck up my ideas, but i'm pretty sure the way i was at DTD wasn't a 'low life urchin' but quite a nice person , i thought :\. I'm 'man enough' to apologise for any offence i seem to have caused to people on here. Brian i'd like an apology too for those comments above which are actually appalling and i'm shocked by them. I'm playing the focus game tonight, for PL, i always want to do well for the collective and i'd like to be a part of the community spirit again. Please :tongue2

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Re: Bad call or bad shove?

i can only point to the hundreds of thousands of hands the last few months showing a few £ profit meaning i was able to buy a very nice Corsa in cash recently' date=
I didn't know that - very nice :ok As for the rest - I'm not getting involved cos I haven't a clue what's really going on :unsure
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Re: Bad call or bad shove? Tom, having met you at DTD, you are a nice guy, and a very promising player. One thing that people will occasion take an affront to is an ill-timed comment as to their play. I'm sure that Brian wasn't meaning to be offensive, but in the heat of the moment, people will react to untoward comments. No-one is trying to get rid of you from PL, perhaps when you see a play that kicks your ass, count to ten...........let it go, mate. Shit will happen. Rise above it. You'll be fine mate Steve

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Re: Bad call or bad shove? Bite your tongue Nade, simple as that. In my opinion your rant went over the line of what i'd expect at a PL exclusive tournament. If the hand had been played out with the roles reversed, I am certain that WASP would not have reacted as you did. Even Morls, whom I've heard likes a bit of banter, had to tell you to shut up and go away, take from that what you will.

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Re: Bad call or bad shove? Thanks Steve, we had a lot of good banter when the football was on as well :lol Ade, i'd love to see a copy of the chat after the game, because i can't remember what i said but i know for a fact that i wasn't pissed off at all, i was shoving with KQo, if there's anyone who knows what comes with shoving a hand like that it's me as i'm always in marginal spots and know that's a race every single time if called. I remember being told to **** off by Wasp, among many other things, i know i didn't go down the line of retaliating at all and haven't stooped to his level either in this thread, i should be commended for that. So if anyone knows what i said apart from 'what do you expect to be facing? KQo?' then i'd love to know.

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Re: Bad call or bad shove? Rightly or wrongly that's my opinion Nade. All I can say is that it came across as a rant. Hand history doesn't include it. But Morls definately said something along the lines of 'Nade we get enough shit at normal tourneys so lets not have it at PL tourneys now shut up and go away'. I'm sure he'll be able to confirm but it really doesn't matter. What does matter is how you were conveyed. Wasp obviously thought you were out of order and so did I, shouldn't that fact tell you something?

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Re: Bad call or bad shove? Tom, After meeting you at DTD and having some good banter with you online, you seem a good lad. I hope that from what you made of me you'll realise this is meant to be a constructive post, and is no way a 'slagging' post :ok I do look on Brian as being a good friend but, I've had no chat with anyone else, and ganging up on people isn't in my nature. There is no transcript for chat on Paradise - but from what I can recall other comments included ... '88 great play' 'Your all Donks' 'You want to read some Books' and others .... When it first kicked off I wasn't 100% certain whether the tone you portrayed in your comments was meant to come across with such vitriol - I had a feeling that you where trying (very badly I must admit) at making an attempt at humour (by the very fact that the flop had come 88). However when it was obvious (at least from the reaction by the rest of the table) that no one had seen the comments as being flippant, instead of offering an apology for your comments - you then proceeded to compound the insults with a ... 'You ought to buy some books' remark to Brian. Which, IMO, totally overstepped the line. Its not the first time you've reacted badly to a (good/loose) call against you in a PL game - (You did the same on the J3 suck out above). What you've done in respect of your Poker winnings and work at University we can all admire - your academic, poker ability wasn't the cause of the 'Strategy Thread'...... The reason for this thread is your piss poor people skills,even when the posting of this thread gives you chance to apologise for your actions, the first post you make is one that lays into Brian again !!:eyes You may have gained a 2:1 but for a would be Journalist your communication skills are frankly all at 6's:7's I think you ought to follow a little of your own advice and buy a few books ... 'How to make friends and Influence people' would be my first suggestion;)

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Re: Bad call or bad shove? i dont say much on here and please dont take this the wrong way but its well known that you can be very loose so when you rammed it down my throat all night in a tourny and it got to near the end im not going to fold a pp to you we all know you can make moves. youve got to expect suck outs and alike but to swear at us when you dont win can wind people up.the forum would miss your posts if you was to go, and people do like the banter but you cant keep callin us idiots when we win against you most of us make money one way or another so we must be doing something right.god thats abit of a rant for me

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Re: Bad call or bad shove? Lol now you mention it i totally remember the 'buy some books' comment! That was one of the most sarcastic things i've ever said in a poker game. I said it because i guess people see me as having read a lot about poker and strategy so was using that as a sarcastic reply to the abuse i was getting. (considering he'd just knocked me out i figured people would recognise the sarcasm and that i knew he didn't need to read the books :eyes) TBF the reason my first post is like that is because i didn't realise i had to apologise for anything, thought my comments post event were OK, and didn't mind the call or the shove. As people saw my comments in a different light then intended i apologise. Actually the fact nobody has picked up on Bri's appalling personal abuse in this post and the swearing in the PL game is quite shocking. I know he's a big 6ft+ bloke, family man and a big character around this place but it seems people condone his behaviour yet i can't make a couple of remarks like 'read some books'. This isn't actually the first example of people over-stepping the mark with their remarks to myself, but i never get personal, never swear at anyone, only ever comment on poker plays yet i'm seen as the one stirring crap. Where's the perspective? FWIW i really like Bri and everyone else, we can get along if people want but if you want to burn bridges then fair enough, we can all move on, after all we all have life's to lead.

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Re: Bad call or bad shove?

i dont say much on here and please dont take this the wrong way but its well known that you can be very loose so when you rammed it down my throat all night in a tourny and it got to near the end im not going to fold a pp to you we all know you can make moves. youve got to expect suck outs and alike but to swear at us when you dont win can wind people up.the forum would miss your posts if you was to go' date=' and people do like the banter but you cant keep callin us idiots when we win against you most of us make money one way or another so we must be doing something right.god thats abit of a rant for me[/quote'] Don't think i've ever called someone in a PL game an idiot, when i'm frustrated i usually type lol or wtf or how can u do that or why did u do that or i get no respect etc etc. I remember when you knocked me out i was really frustrated as i'm pretty sure there were like 4left and i was the only one trying to make moves and get the chips and so i'm not folding a solid ace at that point so was frustrated i'd done all that work for virtually nothing. In a different focus game last week or the week before i left with a 'fcuk' i couldn't stand that i'd just bubbled with 2 people playing so tight of the 4 remaining, again i lost the race. It's just pure frustration, i hate losing, i've never sworn directly at anyone in a PL poker game, and i wouldn't do it as i respect your games and like everyone. I don't remember ever calling someone an idiot in a PL game either, it's possible over the years that i might have done once as it's a mild thing to say but i totally doubt i've even said that. ** P.S. why the fcuk can't i just say "yes you're all right i'm an idiot, lets move on?" Because i have opinions i guess and i need to air my PoV. Seems like i'm very mis-understood :tongue2.
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Re: Bad call or bad shove? Nade, The "banhammer" comment is ridiculous, it makes you sound childish I have to be honest. I ban people for very good reasons and I'm not afraid to voice my opinion to anyone on here, and I'd like to think I've gained respect for just that. You were out of order in your post yesterday and on the tables, so I hear. Most site owners will try to keep the peace, I'll tell you what I think and I'd do it face to face too, even if you were Big Gaz. I think all this comes down to that you have a serious lack of humility. You can take this as patronising if you like, but it's not meant that way. It is your age, I was an arrogant tit too at times around that age, hence my comment of 21 year olds don't know shit - the majority don't, they can't, they haven't lived long enough to gain enough experience. I'm disappointed more than angry, because you first came on here with a know it all attitude, then admitted you were wrong and naive and learned very quickly from it. Not sure what's changed, perhaps you're having a rough time at the moment, but if that is the case, then you have to learn to bite your lip. All I can suggest is that you "hear yourself in someone else's shoes" then you might start to understand. As for banning you, I have no reason to do that. I do however reserve the right to not invite you to the next added value series we have lined up, based on the stuff you said at the tables the other night. That won't be solely my decision, because I'll let the poker mods have their say. At the end of the day, there's just no need for what you did. Humility is everything.

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Re: Bad call or bad shove?

I've been losing sleep over this one for a couple of days now ;) MCFC66 Raise to 300.00 spannerj Fold 27Nade All-in 1051.00 Adetrick1 Fold MCFC66 Call 1051.00
My initial gut reaction was to fold you still have 1200 chips left. Maths: 1051+300+100 - 1451 in pot 751 to call, about 2:1 so a possible call. Bah, don't know for certain, depends on whether you are beating the others and can get back your 300 easily - if so then fold, if you feel you are a weaker player than at least half the table then call. I would fold 80% and call 20% nice post:ok Damo EDIT: sigh, why do we need to argue amongst ourselves?, can't we agree to disagree and be gentlemany about it even if we do disagree?
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Re: Bad call or bad shove?

My initial gut reaction was to fold you still have 1200 chips left. Maths: 1051+300+100 - 1451 in pot 751 to call, about 2:1 so a possible call. Bah, don't know for certain, depends on whether you are beating the ohers and can get back your 300 easily - if so then fold, if you feel you are a weaker player than at least half the table then call. I would fold 80% and call 20% nice post:ok Damo
:lol :lol :lol
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Re: Bad call or bad shove?

My initial gut reaction was to fold you still have 1200 chips left. Maths: 1051+300+100 - 1451 in pot 751 to call, about 2:1 so a possible call. Bah, don't know for certain, depends on whether you are beating the others and can get back your 300 easily - if so then fold, if you feel you are a weaker player than at least half the table then call.
I think it was a rhetorical strategy post...:D
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Re: Bad call or bad shove? Sorry but Paul that's completely ridiculous to say you don't want me at PL events because i've said comments like "you need to read some strat. books". So the person who's swearing at other PLers and giving personal abuse in threads is absolutely absolved of anything? If that's the case, and it totally seems it is, then i really don't want to be a part of this place where some people are given leeway due to personal friendships. Again everyone is floating around the point that Brian has used some of the most disgusting language i've ever seen in PL games and threads and is getting away with it, like i'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. I've said all my pieces now, apologised for all the minor and major things i may have or have not done so we can get back to some normality but if his comments are allowed to stand free as day then it's clique absolute rule IMO.

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