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Eurovision Song Contest

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest "Nothing can stop me, stop me" goes Russia's song Believe, by Dima Bilan. IMO, absolutely nothing can or will stop him. Dima was the Russian entry in 2006 and came 2nd with a song that isn't as good as Believe (Never Let You Go). Russia also haven't won Eurovision before, and a Russian victory strikes me as something that would satisfy the political element that plays into it (Russia has lots of neighbours, post-soviet Russia, maiden victory a symbol of their new status etc. etc.) Admittedly I thought Ireland would win when I first had a look around, but I believe that it's Russia who will win. If you're looking for the gimmick act, then I actually prefer Latvia (Wolves of the Sea) over Ireland or Spain. Switzerland (Era Stupendo) is ok too, but it's basically in the same style as Russia's song, only in Italian, which basically rules out it's chances.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest Having backed the last 3 winners on the trot I'll be back with a run down on this year's crop..or is that crap :lol Last year was a massive win with my selections Serbia and Ukraine 1 and 2. Will put off my final selection until after the Semi's as the countries through can make a big difference to voting. If you want early advice Serbia just may land back to back wins ( hosts always collect better points) and Armenia look possible though no Euro history and remote geographically, out east of Turkey, so not sure of their ally votes. Both around the 5's 6's mark. I've backed Sweden E/W at 12's and advise that one now before the price tumbles especially if a few more Scandinavian entries make it through. Of the other 2 market leader Russia and Ukraine. Russia's entry very similar to last years Belarus effort and they always get their share of political votes. Has to overcome the barrier that no solo male has won for donks ( I think it's around 8 years or so ) Ukraine again get their geographical votes but considering it's what I first thought would be a popular up beat poppy number it doesn't seem to have done well on virtually any country's Euro website polls...so I've taken that off my list.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest Some good tips in these early posts - esp the one about seeing who gets in from the semis re. geo-voting. I look to forward to reading more on this thread in the coming days. What date is the Eurovision this year? I haven't a clue!!

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest

Some good tips in these early posts - esp the one about seeing who gets in from the semis re. geo-voting. I look to forward to reading more on this thread in the coming days. What date is the Eurovision this year? I haven't a clue!!
20 May Semi final 1 22 May Semi final 2 24 May Final
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Re: Eurovision Song Contest i have listened all the songs that are going to compete on eurovision. I do not like the songs of the favorites Russia and Serbia. Armenia's songs is not bad but i do not think they can win eurovision because they do not have vote potential.After Ruslana's championship ; with this year's song ukraine has no chance. As a result Greece is going to win eurovision i think.They have very nice song and singer.Moreover, they have excellent choreography.2 weeks ago at Betfair i took their win;the odd was @40. Greece to win Eurovision @40

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest Just listened and had a couple of quid @ 200/1 on the British entrant. I agree with Terry Wogan Andy Abrahams is our best entrant for quite few years! How about this for a talking point, as good as his song is I do not believe he will win because he is black! As sad as this makes me feel I do not beleive he will get many votes from those countries, as with football, who have racist elements. I was wondering if others agreed with me or am I overeacting.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest 1st semi Qualifiers Greece Romania Bosnia and Herzegovina Finland Russia Israel Azerbaijan Armenia Poland Norway Good news for Russia backers with most of their political voters through and qualified to give big points to them. With Armenia also through the 2 big contenders cmfortably into Saturday - thought Armenia lacked any sparkle though so that's maybe off my short list. Happy with my current ante post 12-1 E/W on Sweden with Finland&Norway progressing. See how Ukraine perform in semi 2 but if you can get 4's Russia then an E/W on them is almost certainly a no lose with all to gain if they win.....cert top 3 now. Ireland's Dustin the Turkey crashes out :lol can't believe Paddy Power were going odds against (~13/8) on non qualification....Irish punters must have been loving Dustin's chances for that kind of price but Europe just don't get that kind of thing...free money PP:ok

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest It seems to be much harder this year so I am just doing some small stakes fun E/W bets. I'm going for Bosnia, Ukraine and France. They all represent good value to me. Bosnia - modern tune that's offbeat without being an annoying novelty. It's got an interesting structure, the artist is apparently well established and Balkans countries have a decent advantage, being more or less a cultural bridge between eastern and western europe. France - another modern offbeat tune from a well known artist, it's more of a grower, is a bit too repetitive and lacks the immediacy of many of the favourites but at odds of 80/1 or so I'll have a nibble. Ukraine - punchy campy europop number with some excellent hooks performed by drop dead gorgeous girl with powerful voice. Eurovision written all over it imo. I like the Armenian entry for much the same reasons as above but the singer's performance has been a bit lacklustre when live which is unfortunate as she looks and sounds great in the video. I think the Russian one is boring but I can see it doing well.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest

All through 2nd Semi Right I'm going to be brave and say favourite Russia are going to be close but not win again (if you can get 4's at 1/4 odds then cover with a no lose E/W I'm going to say back Ukraine available @ 9/2 , Serbia available @ 8's and Sweden still available @ 10's. Can't see losing any money backing this set. Hoping for my 12-1 Swedes though :hope (drawn 15 - same draw as when she won in Israel in '99) If pushed ..and if the Swedes pull it off I'll be cheesed off at deserting them this late but I'm gonna go 1.Serbia, 2.Ukraine, 3.Russia, 4.Sweden edited to say - if you think I don't do my homework on this event :lol cant find 2006 but here's 2007 thread http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f16/eurovision-2007-may-12-final-45570/index2.html
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Re: Eurovision Song Contest I've another angle on this year's contest, the last 12 winners have been: 1996 Ireland 1997 United Kingdom 1998 Israel 1999 Sweden 2000 Denmark 2001 Estonia 2002 Latvia 2003 Turkey 2004 Ukraine 2005 Greece 2006 Finland 2007 Serbia the last 12 contests have produced 12 winners from 12 different countries so whose turn will it be in 2008?? :lol Russia 2.8/1, Armenia 18/1, Spain 41/1, Norway 64/1, France 69/1, Portugal 74/1, Georgia 79/1, Azerbaijan 84/1, Iceland 159/1, Romania 199/1, Poland 249/1, Croatia 279/1, Germany 299/1, Albania 319/1. Betfair prices quoted, apart from Russia if you put a small stake on the other nations then you should make a handsome profit. I haven't heard any of the songs yet but this is a good time to fill your boots. ;)

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest Haven't done the analysis for Ukraine yet but if you want the Russia E/W no lose to cover your other selection(s) then you should get the 4's needed in running round about the San Marino vote at position 9 (quickly before Latvia at position 10 give 12 or 10 to Russia/Ukraine in whatever order taking them up the board again. Failing that another good stalling point where the price may wander out to 4's is just after the French vote at 17 edited to say having looked through the vote schedule around 17 after French vote is a good point to look for a covering Ukraine bet too - prob get ~5's, 6's Good luck:ok

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest Not convinced about Serbia at all. Back to back winners are rare than male solo winners, the song isn't that great, and if Anna Vissi couldn't do the double for Greece with Everything then it's just not possible! Sweden a definite danger, Ukraine is good but Verda was better last year (I took Ukraine last year ahead of the political Serbia). Not going to repeat that mistake and have taken Russia. I still think it has the political vote behind it, plus Dima got 2nd in 2006 with a song that I still think was a lot shitter than Believe. On a sidenote, I must say how appalled I was Romania never won in 2006 or 2006. Let Me Try and Tornero have to be two of the top 5 Eurovision songs!

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest Well done Crouchy :ok Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Armenia Didn't ever get any 4's for Russia with some good early votes but had my jury's worked out and hammered 2-1 offered after Greece took a lead about 15 in that they couldn't expect to hold with many ex soviet countres to come....a good night. My antepost Seden went way down the pan :lol note to self - no Scandinavians under the present system.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest Songs mean nothing, that was the biggest load of biased voting I have ever seen..........What a joke this thing has become. If you can make money out of it, why care, but I have never seen voting like it.

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Re: Eurovision Song Contest It has become farcical now with the likes of Spain picking up maximums from oo surprise Portugal and Andorra...Western nations may as well not turn up really whatever their song. Very grateful to the new semi vote system as it turns out....having put Sweden up early on on the back of them sweeping all the fan votes throughout Europe I backed them heavily at 1/7 for their cert qualification for the final. They did and I landed my cash but horrified to see last night that they were actually in 12th or so in their semi and got through on the new Jury ruling decison where a country go through if they win the Jury vote but fail to qualify on televote..jeez that was close. Position/gimmicks maybe key this year with early like Armenia(5) or late Top 3 Russia(24),Greece(21),Ukraine(18)) and 5th Norway(25) 6th Serbia(23) Top 3 all gimmicks Russia - World Champ Ice skater, Ukraine - light boxes, Greece - Giant heart book. Listing this all so we don't forget next year ;) It's a good betting event as even though they got the top pair correct this year bookies rarely do enough homework an personally I had enough check points knowing how many biased votes were to come to take advantage of the 8-1 E/W Ukraine offered and the 2-1 value offered by some when others stuck to 6-4 Russia some way in when it became apparent only Greece could possibly keep pace but didn't have much in the way of geographical/political maximum votes to come. Sweden E/W were my main loss. Also lost a little on an E/W in play dabble at 25-1 Serbia. Never fancied Greece early enough to take advantage of their price for the E/W and in play never gave the chance either with them doing so well... A win for them would have crippled me :lol Same time next year:ok

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