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Virgin Festival in Newcastle


Virgin Festival in Newcastle  

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle had another great weekend :cow:cow:cow first result was the journey,it took less than 4 hours and pretty relaxing:ok . at 60 quid for the flight from stansted on easyjet and a short car journey, i can definately see me visiting newcastle again .a really friendly place and some really great characters:clap:clap:clap. as we arrived pretty early we had a bit of brekkie ,dumped our bags and headed up to find aspers so we could get regged for the 8pm game ,which was good as we found out later that morls was right and it would be quite busy:eek then we had a few hours to burn so made our way round a few bars :cheersgradually picking up a rag tag group of plers on route. nice to meet a few new faces like mad duke,spannerj and fonzie who must be the easiest pler ever to spot by his nick;) a couple of:cheerslater and 8pm rolls by ,a huge 217 players sit down for the 20 quid freezeout:eek. there were a few good players about and also a few a fair few donks,luckily i started on a table full of donks:Dvery easy to read and pretty easy to play. managed to build my stack up quite nicely playing semi premium hands and getting into some value pots here and there. didnt have any really premium hands the whole game but managed to not get donked by any a rag specialists. no wonder morls plays a8 so hard, its a premium hand in aspers:lol my table broke when we got to about 60th and all of a sudden it was a bit of a different proposition.all the fish seemed to have disappeared and i had a few good players around me ,some locals and a few players from other forums as well. also i ended up dealing as the guy dealing had been knocked out and nobody else wanted the job:eyesi ended up having to do it for about 3 and a half hours:puke. now i had to work a bit harder for chips as i still wasn't getting a great deal of great cards and i couldn't even blame the dealer,luckily i managed to give myself just enough to get by when i needed it:D. getting down nearer the bubble i seem to remember hen and dave getting down to around the final 20-30 which was a pretty hard 5 hour slog:ok once we got down to the final 20 the game really seemed to tighten up as only the top 10 were payed ,so the money on the ft was pretty tasty for a £20 freeze. as i'd been tight for a while and everybody else looked worried about the bubble i started playing aggressively which worked pretty well getting me on to the ft sitting in 4th position. that put an end to my dealing duties as the ft was dealer dealt,unfortunately this dealer was giving me even less the i was and once the bubble burst the play became a lot more aggressive. a couple of players went out and i drop down to 7th with 7 left and i pick up a 10 in the bb which i eventually went out on for a nice £220 cash. i will post the hand in strategy tommorow because it involved a bit of a strange live only situation and i would be interested if people thought i did the right thing:ok . by that time it had got round to around three in the morning and we all made our way back to our hotels for some well earned kip:zzz:zzz after a few hours kip and something to eat a lot of us were at aspers when it opened at 12. we managed to talk the manager into letting us play a £10 stt with about 8 of us and a couple of players from lips i think. i went out very quickly after picking up 72os in consecutive hands :lolso went and chatted to a few friendly faces and waited for the main event. it was pretty obvious in the first 20 minutes of the main event that i had probably been seated on the worst table possible as tikay was calling it the table of doom :eyes4 of the first 6 players out were from my table, and 2 were really really bad suckouts both by the same player. the first out was a girl who wrote for poker europa. she was on the bb and the button raised heavily at her she called the flop came k 9 2 rainbow ,she checked the bb bet ,she raised ,he went all in and she called . she turns aa him ak ,he then hits runner runner to hit a flush:eek the next one was even worse. again the same player gets involved in a big pot with pp 5s, where he has another player absolutely dominating him with kq on a 5 k q k turn . and guess what came on the river :drums:drums a 5 :pukei have a feeling that guy may win the bad beat prize anyway. after picking up a nice pot early i hit the first break at 15k and was doing pretty well ,then for the next 4 hours i played pretty much nothing:wallthe table was really volatile and i was getting really terrible cards. eventually i was down to around 7k and the blinds were 400 800 antes 50 i had q9s in the bb and decided to push hopeing my ultra tight image would help:hope it obviously didnt as the other guy called with kj and hit a jack:sad. had a bit of a break then decided to play a stt where i got taken out by the biggest fish i have ever seen:eek although he took me out fair and square with kk vs my qs he was obviously on day release from a institution:lol he was in a pot with one of the awop guys early on and had half his stack in pre flop,the flop was raggy and the awop guy says"im gonna check then you will bet"so he checks,the other guy thinks for a while and folds:lol:lol:lol i nearly fell of my seat:eek the standard on these was ultra poor in some ,i know tipper saw a drunk scotsman bet 1000 at the shortstack pre flop who goes all in for 25 more. the scotsman thinks for a while ,says you have me and folds:lol:lol:lol by then i needed a break so waited around till the forum challenge, which as runadrum said was good for all the forums to have a game toghether:okthe hu between morls and the guy from ems was brilliant with loads of people watching and every hand was crazy ending with morls all in with 72 spades with the ems player on ace ace. the whole crowd went mental after the flop came 2 spade spade but unfortunately it didnt improve:sadul mate wp tho:clap because of the rather rapid blind structure at the start, ie going up every 6 hands everybody was pushing with anything. i was third out on my table all in preflop with 10s called by a7 ,ace on the river:sad it was also quite amusing wasp joining blonds team to wind morls up then getting seated next to topcat,i think he also took one of his team mates out as well:rollin:rollin. after that the night gradualy degenerated into a drunken haze :beer:beerending in a stt we set up that finished at about 5 then back for a few hours sleep:zzz:zzz sunday we again had some brekkie and headed of to aspers to reg for the head hunters where i got drawn next to eyesallin ,hen and washy so it felt like a home game in newcastle. i ended up dealing again but washy didnt mind after a gave him pocket aces, for an aces over fh vs a smaller fh. ended up going out of this vs spannerj after my ak hit top pair and his a 10 hit his gutshot. this left us with a hour to kill before our flight,so i tried to beat alans wii score of 237. i ended up on 236 after my second to last shot hit a 9 when a strike would have ensured a win ,the last pin even wobbled but didnt drop:eyes so well done alan, i think you will probably have won:ok journey home was good and we luckily we managed to get hen to his train 5 seconds before his hourly train arrived:nanabonus. many thanks to all the virgin staff and all the aspers staff as well for a really great weekend,again i cant wait for the next one:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle great write up Ben,i aint too good at writing details down so will be brief ;) bit up and down to start with on the main event,threw 4k away chasing a flush but built it back up again when the easiest guy to read (ironsid3) tried bluffing an ace in his hand. being in table 22 got moved fairly soon after and put on Avongirl and MaD Duke`s table ( FISH :tongue2:tongue2 ),the hand that hurt me was against MD, i raise pre-flop with A/J Spades and he calls..flop comes down A/Q/8, i bet into it and he goes all in,i didnt put him on an Ace and after a little thought called him (i had him covered by 1500 chips,and was quite sure he was trying to bully me off the pot) , he turns over Q/8 :wall turn and river didnt help..i did ask him how he called my preflop raise with that hand and he said cos it was suited :spank:spank:rollin:rollin.. anyway not long after i have my dreaded pocket 9`s,i have no choice and in we go ...2 callers.flop is 9/rag/rag :loon:loon:D:D the other 2 are then all in as well and both turn over K/K so a nice pot for me to get me back in the game.. i then get moved and joined the Mole on his table. get dealt A/Q Hearts and with only 3k in chips i have decided it`s going all in,,big stack before is all-in and i call him,he turns over A/10 :nana:nana flop..1st card out ,a bloody 10 :sadso that was me gone 154/226. had a cracking weekend and was great to meet up with a lot of old faces and a few new ones, Sunday i was driving back early afternoon so had a quick go at the WII challenge and set a target of 237 hoping that that was gonna be good enough seeing as 227 was the high score on Saturday and upon reading Ben`s thread ( very unlucky mate ) hopefully i won it. It was so good to see all the old faces again and to meet the new ones. a big thanks to Virgin, good to see Ted again,(he aint changed a bit) and Joe who always looks younger every time i see him. Well done to Borok, Duncan and the Mole for making it to day 2 and although Graeme got donked very early on in the day well done in the forum challenge and the stt`s :clap:clap:clap

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle What a great weekend arrived Sat morning with Fen and Gilsan had a mosey round and immediatly srarted on the :beerWas introduced to a few Pl ers nice to put faces to all the names. As it was really my second live game and my first in a Casino I started well just playing my best hands and and managing to get paid for them. Got a double up on QQ from this EMS guy who when he bluffed kept his ipod in and when had a hand took it out lol the whole table saw it. A long day finished at around 1.30 ish I think, quite surprised to be chip leader at the end of the first day. Met up with a few PL so myself Dave488, Moface , Gil , Fen and the crazy Roscoe went to Tiger tiger I know one of the Managers got in free Vip room and FREE drinks all night:loon , Crawled out when it closed at 3 am back to the Casino and a £10 STT with the PL guys. Uber was dealing and thats the only thing I can remember about it, we left about 4.30 got a taxi back to the hotel Via the worst Kebab Ive ever had .:puke Back to the game on sunday decided to take advice and play just as I did on Saturday . Took a couple of big hits off Maria she being shortstacked me in position and making healthy bets on pictures she goes All -in I have to call she,s in front preflop I hit my pair only for her to hit top pair on the turn. This happend twice ( see Vid on the Nutz ). Never really recoverd from that drawing blank for an hour or so managed to hit the money in 13th place. Major thanks to the Pl guys for the advice specially Avon and Runa . Well done Morls for his Second and Fen For a shared top 3 and £850 and my 10%:ok. Great bunch of guys ,great weekend defo do THAT again.:nana

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle What a cracking weekend that was, great to make some new friends and meet up with old ones, too many to mention. A few of us met up on friday night for a few beers before the £20 freezeout started, great to meet uber, tipper, fonzie (must be his twin i think), rivrd, teaulc who i had never met before as well as hen and washy. Anyway onto the tourney, was doing ok, steadily built my stack up to about 9k, with about 4 tables left, when someone pushes all in from the small blind aginst my bb, i look at my cards and i have kk (happy days), he has me covered just, i call he turns over 10's and spikes his 10 on the flop.:sad So i decide to play some cash, 1/2, which for some reason i always do better at live than online, anyway make a profit of about £200, which pays for the wekend just about.:) Retire to the bar where i have a few more drinks with the lads, till i eventually retire at about 4. The next morning i check out my hotel as moving to the travelodge to share with moface on the sat and sun, but i can't check in till 3, so end up leaving my bag in hen and washy's room, we go for something to eat and then arrive at the casino shortly after it opens. Have a few drinks at the bar until the main event starts. I sit down at table 21 i think, i don't pick much up on the first level, i maybe nick one lot of blinds, probably the only time i was over my original stack! Anyway 2nd level, i'm sb, folded round to a lady on the button who raises to 300, i look down to see jacks, so re-raise to 900, she calls, the flop comes 10 8 7 rainbow, i bet out 1500 and she calls, turn is a rag, i decide to slow down here as about 4 players have gone so far and all with big pair versus big pair, so i check, she checks, river another rag, i check prepaired to call a bet on the turn, anyway she checks and turns over kk, glad to have lost only 2.5k really. I pick up jacks again soon after and this time run into queens, so lose a fair portion of my stack as was a low flop again. I do have one other interesting hand against shelley rubenstein, where i called her raise from the button with q10, the flop comes 10 9 8 i think, she checks and i bet about three quarters of the pot, she calls, turn brings a possible flush too, so i check and she checks, i think the river is a 7, so by this time the board is strightening and flushing, so check again and she puts a bet of 1600 in about half the pot, i pause and think for a while and have about 4200 left, so its a large portion of my stack to call, anyway i eventually fold, and she says "good fold", which probably means she bluffed me off it.:unsure The table is soon broken up and i move to table 19 and sit down next to the mole, and we soon break for dinner, when i comeback, i only have about 5 big blinds, i pick up 33 in first position and decide to shove as didn't want to blinds to come through again, called by kq suited and he hits a straight on the turn and i'm out. Sorry adetrick, but just one of those days where i seemed to be on the wrongside of everything. So i retire to the bar and then decide to play in a sit and go, myself, brian(wasp), rosco and millbet are all in it, so not exactly great with 4 other PL ers to beat, anyway don't think the dealer new what was going on as the poker was playing second fiddle to the alcohol fuelled banter between us, anyway a few players drop and we are all still in, i'm getting short and this guys pushes and i decide to gamble with q10, he turns over 10 3 and i double up, a few hands later rosco pushes all, i'm look down at aces on the button at this point i say "i'm going to gamble again":tongue2 and the big blind calls too with 23 suited, anyway aces stand up and we are down to a PL podium of me, brian and millbet eventually i beat brian heads up to qualify for the final next day, which i do nothing in really eventually getting crippled when my kq losses to k6.:puke Well done morls for 2nd place and cashing in fianl by the way. Anyway back to saturday night, unfortunately i was in the restarant when morls was trying to round up the team for the forum challenge, so i missed out on that. I bump into fenners, gilsan, rosco, moface and borokp who tell me they can get into tiger tiger for free, so i decide to tag along, where keith gets us into the vip bar with free drinks to boot!:notworthy:notworthy It closes at 3, so we decide to go back into the casino, they were closing the mall area where the main entrance to the casino is and had reversed the escalator, so gilsan and mo say "i think we can make it" and proceed to charge up the escalators as they are going in reverse, followed hotly on there heels by 3 big burly bouncers!:eek Get back into casino and have a sit & go before eventually retiring at about 5. The sunday was a bit of a blur, got knocked out in stt final and played £30 terminator tourney, where my aj was done by a10 for a 25k pot, that bloke ended up in final 2 of tourney, fenners was 3rd, well played mate. Think i'm getting RSI now, so would just like to say was great to meet up with everyone and thought virgin did a great job of organising it all (well done, joe, josh,ted, etc.), would definately recommend it to anyone. :clap:clap:clap p.s. interesting to hear that the bloke that won it doesn't even own a computer, never mind play online!

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle Ok here goes... Nice to meet you all again and a few new ones!! As always had a really great time and enjoyed every minute of it.... Was a pleasure to meet Dave, Fonzie, Mole, AAHall,McG + Jnr, Runners, Avon, Fenners, Borokp, Swampy, Moface, Kippe, Washy etc etc too many to mention.... In the main event was next to Hen for a few hours which was fun then moved onto a table with Moface, Shelly Rubenstein was on our table weewoo she looks at you and you really dont know what to think...If she told me to fold I would have done I think!! :unsure Think Dave448 said the same to me aswell when he played on her table..... Shame we didnt win the Forum Challenge but was nice to finish infront of the others... Last of all would like to thank Virgin and Joe for such a great event and looking forward to the next one :nana:nana Last of all well done to Morls, Fenners, Runners, Borokp, Mole for doing so well over the weekend :notworthy :cheers Football Tipper

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle great wkend cheers everyone, and boro kp nice touch on tiger tiger sweet, dont think that shelly bird liked me too much after i chucked my final 3k in with 72 off on sb, she called on bb with 99 and i hit stright haha, probably my best move of the game which says it all really, great to meet new and old faces and good job them bouncers werent too in shape eh lol was just like gladiators maybe we should try out for the new series gilsan?

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle good to see a number of friendly faces this weekend, apologies for not being more socialable but was ( and still am) struggling with major toothache and had just got back from Tbilisi so was knackered to boot. Went on in around 77/76th place about 11pm, when I decided to chuck all in with 88 when I'd been put all in by QQ.Earlier I got up to around 40K but made a mistake when I called an allin with AK against KK for around a 40K pot, so a bit disappointing to not do better, however it meant I could get myself some more painkillers and a early night. Hopefully will be painfree for the next one.

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle Good weekend, great casino just a shame about it's location, good to meet everyone (even Stan 'Millbet' Laurel :lol) Well done Fenners, I left early last night so missed the end and well done to everyone else who cashed :clap Hal

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle As has been said by all above, 'Great weekend'. Thanks to all for making me feel welcome, and congrats to all who cashed :clap. Fantastic to meet everyone and put faces to names. Oh yeah..... ......just a quick apology to anyone who had to put up with my drunken ramblings last night (Swampster especially) :$

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle

Good weekend, great casino just a shame about it's location, good to meet everyone (even Stan 'Millbet' Laurel :lol) Well done Fenners, I left early last night so missed the end and well done to everyone else who cashed :clap Hal
:lol:lol:lol Took me a while to work it out :\
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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle First of all, another big thanks to Mr V, who gave me the chance of going in the first place :ok Had another great time. Main event poker was poor for me, and I didn't get going at all. Lasted until about Level 6 or 7, always at or just under starting stack, then made a dodgy call against Luckbox on my left, who I thought was bluffing (but he wasn't :$ ), then chased a flush which didn't hit, then, with my last 1500 chips, and blinds at 400/800 about to get to me, called a massive overbet with my 10 10, and lost to the KK :cry Had been sat next to Gary "I never bluff" Blades all the time, and he was a good sport, hovering just under the starting 10K for most of the time that I was there, crucially going to his lucky coin card protector when deciding, on about 8K, whether or not to call 2 higher all-ins with his pocket KQ. "Do I gamble and give myself a chance, or fold and wait for a better spot?" Coin lands on "fold", I suggest "best of 3?", but he was chuffed to see the 2 hands of AK and AQ get turned over from the other 2. Chuffed until the only 2 high cards on the board were a King and a Queen :wall :wall. Good to meet so many PL, some for the first time (Hen, Al, Nigel and his mate Lee, Fonzie, Jason RIVRD, Gary and Steve - the Hall boys, Spanner, Swampster, Gaz B - as Helen hinted, it's probable that I've missed some out there, so apologies for that). Apart from the main event, the rest of the poker was OK for me. Cashed in 3rd in Ben's STT at the start - favourite moment being Rob's short stack BB, threatened by 2 larger bets, still calls the extra with 35o and catches a pair to beat AJ and KQ :lol. Final HU lasted over 30 minutes of to-ing and fro-ing until Steve Hall and Matt from LIPS decided to split the pot :loon Tried my hand at one of the STT's for the Sunday tourney and came 2nd to Swampster, beating one of the THE most annoyable people I've ever met in the process. The recently-tutored John showed off his newly-discovered HU tricks and his 10 J did for my J Q when 2 more Tens landed on the board to leave me virtually chipless - yes, I'm still bitter about it.:spank And then to the Forum challenge, scheduled to start at 1am. Morl prepared his team, trying really hard not to offend anyone, doing his best to accommodate all people's requests, and Rosco stepped down at the last minute, leaving me to plug the gap (finished a fairly respectable 4th of 10). It must have been a tough call for him - Forum challenge or free drinks in the VIP lounge at Tiger Tiger :dude. Somehow Psycho Dave won his STT - he could hardly speak, never mind see :loon. Played in a great atmosphere, with more roaring and cheering than at a football game. Morl can take up page after page with the bad beats he took, unable to get rid of his opponent. But congratulations on our 2nd place, beating the other main forums, and missing out on top spot to the ladies and noisy gentlemen of LIP-O-SUCTION.:ok And so to Swansea, or wherever the next one is. :beer:beer:beer

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle My first proper live experience and it was fantastic :ok. Sadly, I was card dead in all 3 tournaments, yet I extremely enjoyed them. As Sam mentioned, I went from main event when I re raised all in with JJ. I was called by AJ. Flop A x x then J A :\. Good to see old, PL nutters, but also great to meet new PL guys :clap. Runa and Avon, Hector and jnr, Fenner, Gazblades, Kip, Swampy, Mole, Spanner, Gilsan, Mad Duke, Borokp. I tried to talked to every one as much as I could, but of course some were to much involved in the game and some in spirits. Special mention go to Millbet, who lived two days like true Pole. Totally drunk, mad bastid. I love you man :ok. Thanks to Washman for hotel and Uber for lift home. Thank you AA and Eyes for winding me up all the time. Gits :lol. Hats off to Virgin :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy. Everything went pretty flawless :cheers

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle You can see most of PL guys here http://www.thenutz.tv/videodetail.php?video_id=66502 I tried to catch time as they are coming in. RIVRD 00:15 (boldy with brown thingy on) Eyesallin 1:09 (behind short woman with glasses on) Teaulc 1:39 (white Tshirt) right behind him Spanner (tall git) Mad Duke 3:04 (white, long neck jumper) Helen and Duncan 3.09 behind them Swampster and very bold Gazblades crazy Pole heniek 3:27 and behind him Football Tipper Fonzie 3:57 (little guy in white jumper) Borokp 4:01 (happy chap with bear) Mikesaban 4.22 (too close to Maria :tongue2) Morl, Fenners, Dav488 4:49 Ubermonkey 5:34 (blue hat)

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle well i had a great time and looking at the posts above didnt get into any trouble even though i was on about 3 gallon per session.got there friday booked into my cave then into pub round corner 4 pints later taxi t casino. played the friday game with no luck,didnt see anybody i knew made a few quid on roulette back to cave for about 4am.saturday was easy to find people with the big name tags but i still managed to sit next to mike saban up to the first break without knowing :lol .psycho dave turned up at our table after break so the once serious table slowly turned to banter.i really should take more notice of what goes on because all i can remember is mike telling a really bad joke and me doubling dave up,but i did last longer than this sounds. played a stt after going out of the game few plrs on table, think it was first hand with 3 allins thought this isnt going to last long but at least i could spread out abit cos there wasnt much room .saying that i didnt last that much longer.i managed to get a seat in the forum game ended up with psyco dave on my right and the tower to my left banter was fierce but not as fierce as the blinds,there was a guy playing a lot of hands i look down at aq sooooted thought he cant have it this time pushed right into his aces think i was 7th may have been 6 though,sorry morls but blinds to big to throw that away.its about 3am now i think its time to go but i go out the back door and theres late night entetainment its a tag team event males and females against the yellow jackets funny to watch but after about an hour noticed my taxi at the bottom of street so walked down hoping i wouldnt get tagged into the main event.well onto sunday play the terminator,and im flying got a big stack knocked a few out hitting cards table behaving doing great right up to fenners turning up and a two others with fair stacks lots of raising and i didnt see another hand for ages made a silly move on short stack and doubled him up so sat tight .my demise was aces short stack pushed with k 10 i push with aces to keep the guy after me out who has bigger stack he only called as well hes got qq after the dust settled king ten got his flush queens hit trips and im beat:puke:puke:puke.well i pick myself up off the floor cash my 5 scalps get a curry back to the cave pour the curry down my jumper and pants and thats my weekend. im now in detox drying out,nice to have met you all hope to see you again at another do

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle Nice to put a few faces to names on here seeing as I am a very newbie on this forum...especially Fonzie and Football-Tipper:) Well..Main event and I sat and sat and sat as my table was so quiet and I'm used to a lot of banter going on...:loon Went allin with my QQ had a caller who had KK:pukeWouldnt have played it any different as I hit my trips on flop..so wouldve gone all-in then anyways..He hit his trips on turn..so goodbye me:cry Played the forum game at 1.15ish and as you know LIP won it....well we had to didnt we :clap:clap:clap So a great end to the first day for me :rollin Played the £30 terminator the next day...lost 2700 of my 4000 chips in first hand..hit trips on flop,but got flushed out:eek Managed to stay in until final two tables..so not bad going seeing as there were around 155 in the game.All on the tables were sitting with lots of terminator scalps and me sitting there with none at all was quite some feat I promise you..But went out 19th so again no cash:cry Looking forward to the next one..yeahh:nana:nana:nana

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Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle Hi Guys :ok Well what can i say really that all of yoou have done already except that it was a cracking weekend all in all and first main event tournament.:clap Well friday night started as it has been going recently for me with being the first PL knocked out of the £20 freezeout:@ and washman getting me to be the waiter:beer so to stop that from happening all night decided instead of puttting money in the slots, that i would put £50 on a £1/£2 pot limit cash table just to pass the time and see how long i would last well, well didnt go to bad and made a fair bit £292 in total.:nana:nana Main event day and we played a STT about 12.30 before it began and looked like my luck was changing came heads up with some guy and stayed like that for about 45 mins going backwards and forwards in the chip lead well we decided to split 1st and 2nd cause werent long before the main event and i was busting for a wee.:clap:clap Main event well this was just so bad no cards at all highest pair i saw was 88:@ and had to really work hard to stay in got knocked out eventually about 9ish by mole he called my push with JJ i had 77 oopps:cry:cry:cry played some more STTs that night and cards just werent coming had make plays that i normaly would make but hey thats poker Forum challenge was a crack :clap:clap:clapbut had a preflop raise with A7 called by 34 off and she hit her straight:wall:wall:wall Same thing again on the sunday Termainator but werent first out Was nice to meet all the guys from PL cracking bunch of guys and Girls good to put the faces to the names thanks to everyone for making me and eyesallin as welcome as you did and will be seeing you all very soon for the next one:gimme Thanks to Virgin aswell for arranging such a great event :clap:clap:clap:clap

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Re: Virgin Festival in Newcastle Two crazy Poles Heniek and Millbet (and some clown in between :tongue2) dsc00113id6.jpg PL on the top after day one dsc00115rx0.jpg Mole and Runa dsc00118pp8.jpg standing from the left: RIVRD, AvonGirl and below Runa; standing guy in the middle with beer is Hector and of course lovely Maria :tongue2 dsc00119rx5.jpg glowing fly (or WASP) dsc00121dx3.jpg

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Re: Virgin Festival in Newcastle Was A Great Weekend, Did Well In The Main Event To Say This Was My 1st Live Event, Came Around The 60 Mark,went Allin Wid Ak As I Had Around 12,000 Chips Left, Got A Call And He Showed A8, Hit His 8 On The Turn, Gutted, Good To Meet You All In Person 2, Looking Forward To The Next Event, Thanks All

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Re: Virgin Festival in Newcastle All of us here at Virgin Poker just wanted to say a big thank you for coming along to the Virgin Poker Festival last weekend! We’re still buzzing after such a terrific weekend! Congratulations go to local player Darren Laverick for scooping the 1st prize of £7,500! Take a look at the players that made the final table and where they finished.






Darren Laverick



Stewart Palethorpe



Shelley Rubenstein


The Luckbox

Jon Spinks


EMS Chalky

Chris Baylis



Lee Harrison



James Eccles


Golden Ovaries

Lucy Rokach



Jim Goodison



Tony Barlow

Virgin STT Champions Congrats also go to Mark ‘EMS_Jag’ Allum for taking down Sundays STT Champs comp winning £500 and Virgin’s added value of 50,000 Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles which is enough for a return flight to Las Vegas! Well done to everyone who won an STT and sorry to those players who had to wait a while for a table. Bounties Having bounty players added a little extra fun to the proceedings.Well doneto those players who knocked out one of our bounty players (two of which made the final table). Rally won by Jon Spinks aka TheLuckBox

Balloon Ride: won by Darren Laverick

Seat in Virgin WSOP Final qualifier: won by Graeme Scott aka EMS_GS

Seat in a Virgin WSOP Final qualifier: won by Glen Willcock aka :Street7

Wii 10 Pin bowling on the Nintendo Wii proved as popular as ever and the winners of a crate of wine were: Petey Teaulc :nana:nana:nana:nana Photos Snaps of the weekend can be found on our Facebook group – Friends of Virgin Poker. Join the group if you haven’t already done so and see if you can spot yourself in action! Feedback This was just the 2nd Virgin Poker Festival we’ve organised and we are learning all the time about how to put on a great poker event. Therefore we’d love to hear from you for your thoughts on the Virgin Poker Festival, which elements of the weekend you enjoyed and where we need to pull our collective socks up. Just reply to this email if you have any thoughts you want to pass on. Qualify for the next Virgin Poker Festival If you enjoyed the weekend you may be interested to know that we are already planning the next festival which will take place over the summer. The location is still to be confirmed but it’s probably safe to say it will be further south than Newcastle! Tomorrow (Wednesday 16th April) we are running an exclusive ‘Festival Meetup’ tourney on Virgin Poker at 8pm. There are two seats up for grabs for the next festival so for just a €2 buyin you could be preparing yourself for another weekend of poker fun! The password is: ******* Judging by the fact that we all helped the Aspers Casino brake their record for weekend bar receipts I think this is an entirely appropriate password! All the best Ollie Poker CRM Manager image001.jpg

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Re: Virgin Festival in Newcastle

Forgot to mention the few hours I did spend in the main event I was sat next to Norfolk Enchance' date=' a good man :ok[/quote'] It was good to chat with you, Brian, shame I didn’t have time to hang around for the whole weekend. I bet on sports for a living – mainly football - so its difficult for me to take time off at weekends and I had to shoot off after I was out on sat night. I’ll have more time at the next one though if its in June.
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