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norsee diary

Guest norsee

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some good ideas by people are not posted because know it alls pooh pooh them
Very true but then again people shouldn't be allowed to post a string of s**t tips without challenge. If a system shows itself to be making a profit, I'm sure there will be no debate. I look forward to your Sunday update as you appear to be losing heavily so far.:ok
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Guest norsee

norsee diary 1.35 hay dumfries 2.00 epsom dancing lyra 2.10 worcs make haste slowly 2.30 donc night sight 3.00 eps duck row 3.40 hay nuit sombre 5.40 eps loyal tycoon 1 pt e/w stop if we get 2 point profit. kind regards nors

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Guest raylin47

bored Started reading this thread this morning and find it incomprehensible Without regular updates I can' understand whether your horses have won having reached your target price or not I,m afraid if you want people to read your tips you'll have to put more effort into your thread. P.S I also don't condone foul language on any forum and this should be dealt with by the moderators Watch for the foul language after this post

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Re: bored raylin, I find this thread a complete and utter nonsense too. Surely the point of posting tips is to attract interest from others, but without a daily update of w/l and p/l, readers quickly get bored and stop looking. He`s been asked a few times and I believe we received one, albeit seemingly reluctant update. norsee, we are genuinely interested in your tips. keep us interested by posting a daily update eh ?, please. :ok Otherwise you`ll soon be effectively talking to yourself. :(

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Guest norsee

norsee diary 2.50brighton fair options 3.20 brighton heversham 3.50 brighton quabatas 4.40 strat tin symphony kind regards nors

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Guest norsee

norsee diary will update this afternoon as promised, if everyone who is interested would like daily updates will oblige from today. Kind regards nors

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Guest norsee

norsee diary minus 30 points on week To add to last weeks losses. will update daily from today for anyone still viewing. kind regards nors

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Guest norsee

norsee diary 7.00 johannian 8.00 viennas boy 8.45 tommy smith 9.00 fidddle me blue 9.15 albashoosh 1 pt e/w stop if 2 points made. kind regards nors

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Guest norsee

norsee diary 4.4 profit yesterday. 2.15 sal missed a beat 3.15 sal sparkling jewel 3.30 red aimees delight 4.45 sal knickyknacckynoo 5.00 red larad 1 pt e/w stop when/if make 2 points profit. kind regards nors

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Guest norsee

norsee diary 7.20 weet a head 7.50 movie king 8.50 awake minus 8 points this afternoon. 1 pt e/w above. kind regards nors

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Guest norsee

norsee diary .8 profit last night. today 4.20 bev lyca ballerina 4.50 bev river lark 6.50 ham xanadu 7.35 new carrowdore 8.35 new prince hector 9.05 new evaluator 9.20 ham feu duty and chairman bobby kind regards nors

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Guest norsee

norsee diary 3.3 profit yesterday. 3.15 new magic amour 3.55 yar princess galdrial 4.10 sout crusoe 5.25 new lilli marlane 1 pt e/w stop if 2 point profit made. kind regards nors

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Guest norsee

norsee diary 2 point loss last night 2.15 york flotta 2.25 swell crews miss isle 3.15 york forever phoenix and halmehera 4.15 sand habanero and wychbury 1 pt ew stop when/if 2 points made. kind regards nors

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Guest norsee

norsee diary 6.50 good what a dancer 7.20 good presto shinko 7.35 chep mobo-baco 8.10 chep alafzar 8.45 chep mount benger 1 pt e/w stop if 2 points made. kind regards nors

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Guest bowles10

Re: norsee diary bloody hell this is difficult to follow! without updates. Don't know which ones won, at what prices etc. Come on, its about time we knew what the current p/l is?

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Re: norsee diary I think you`re pleading to deaf ears bowlsie. w/l and p/l figures have been requested by a few of us but other than a daily p/l that we`ve been priviledged to get this week, it looks like it`s a case of "work it out for yourself" as far as an overall p/l is concerned. it`s all become very dull and uninspiring i`m afraid and an empty room beckons for norsee.

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Guest norsee

norsee diary The room will never be empty when you continue to moan about everything. I reiterate you do not need to look at the page. Why dont you go and find some friends to bore you with your requests. Havent you got anything else better to do late on friday evening than slag people off?. This forum is not your personal domain other people have the right to post as they please, you are not judge and jury. Youre constant sniping ultimately is detrimental to new people who may be thinking of posting, they look at the pages and think i dont think ill bother if thats the reaction im going to receive. kind regards as always nors

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Guest norsee

norsee diary I will be monitoring ians empty room prediction as he so obsessed by updating figures. Keep looking for the exciting updated views swingometer. kind regards nors

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Re: norsee diary More interesting would be a daily profit/loss swingometer! You do not seem to understand the purpose of this forum,it is to share information, and a list of selections with no analysis or updates of how the bets went is absolutely useless. Do you really expect other punters to check up on whether the odds were obtainable and what the results were? How do others react on the other forum that you post these selections? As for judge and jury you have already been asked by one of the moderators to give more frequent updates on your results,which has not happened. If this is a genuine system then posting the results should not be a problem,nobody on here will have a go at you if you hit a bad run,as we have all had it happen ourselves. There has not really been any hassle so far for you since you started posting,just some polite requests for more information. The choice is really yours,make it easier for us to see how things are going or the moderators will discuss whether to allow this to continue in this forum or maybe move it to glory hunters or tipster proofing. osesame moderator (in case you do not know)

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Guest norsee

norsee diary 3.15 sand flying express 3.20 bath zafeu 3.50 sand incise 4.25 sand mostarsil 4.45 hex muckle flugga 4.35 york blythe spirit and grey cossack 5.00 bath one way ticket 1 pt e/w stop if 2 points made. kind regards nors

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norsee diary Norsee, You should listen to what the guys are trying to tell you, they are amongst the shrewdest punters around, on this forum. Simply add a profit/loss record after each update, like everyone else and you will find you fit in perfectly. ;) Paul Ross (Forum Owner)

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Guest bowles10

Re: norsee diary :sleeping what was the p/l then? No-one is slagging you off Norsee, but in order to make an objective view of what you are posting, we need the up to date info. I have enough problems updating mine to try to work others out. Have a nice time out there.

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