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Oh dear - Gravesens coming to kick our ass...

Guest Da Hannanah

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Guest crowie1969

Re: Oh dear - Gravesens coming to kick our ass... Gettin, Aye, would agree that banter is fine, we all enjoy it and considering Scotland England are traditional rivals then its only to be expected. But I do think your wrong in the view that the PL is very anti-England (but thats just my opinion:) ). Views such as that actually sound near paranoia-ish - and I mean that in the nicest possible way;) Especially considering that the bulk of the members on here, I would imagine, will be English. You want others (I assume you mean non English people) to give England credit - but why? If you play well, get the result, then what does it matter what I or anyone else thinks? For the record, I though England were excellent in Turkey but what should that matter to you. But if someone else thought they were lucky then so what? They just have a different opinion to you (and me in this case). In the end it doesn't change the result or your view on it does it? And also for the record I have no real interest one way or the other on Englands results in any competition/sport, as I generally also take that view with any other country who is not Scotland. If I think they have done well then I will praise them, if not then I generally am silent. But for the most part. media overkill apart, I don't give a monkeys if you win or lose. Honestly, my opinion, stop worrying or getting worked up about what others think of your country, or its performances. If you are happy with them then that should be enough. Like many things, its always nice to hear praise (and also agreement with your views/opinions) but going and courting or demanding it isn't exactly going to get it. Anyway, just all in my opinion as I know your views are in yours. If they differ the so be it, no one can say for sure if either of us are right or wrong. Just accept that not everyone views everything the same way. It would be a bloody boring world if we did:)

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Guest AnothrSpacecat

Re: Oh dear - Gravesens coming to kick our ass... i dont care what you say about fairness and givnig credit, i love to see those plebs mark lawrence and gary lineker squirm abit on tv. nobody likes a loudmouth and if england losing makes them think before they speak next time then im all for them going down. what you guys have to realise is that the first thing that comes into most peoples heads when they are asked about you is gazza, jim davidson, kat slater and roy chubby brown :lol what are the rest of the world supposed to think o you when you see these 20 stone monkeys on tv throwing coffee tables at riot police in belgium? or in any ofthe other countries the ing-ger-lund circus rolls through if i or the rest of the world want the english team to lose it isnt because we want to see the entire english race live in misery, its because we want the arrogant w#nker minority to wind themselves in as for rangers fans supporting england theres more than likely another motive behind it other than neighbourly well wishing. thousands of gers can identify closer with the 'typical' engand fan than that of the typical scottish because involving politics in football is par for the course up here (for hundreds of thousands not all!) and the tartan army has traditionally been seen as an independance crowd. waving the scottish saltire or lion rampant doesnt do it for these guys. anyway i hope you see my gazza/chubby brown point that is- we want that beer-boy element in your support to lose and couldnt give a flying f#ck about the rest of you, so stop your greeting

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Re: Oh dear - Gravesens coming to kick our ass... The PL has a very anti-english side to it sometimes and if you were around at the time of the last world cup you will know exactly what im talking about. I was speaking to a scot at work on saturday and he was saying he finds it a bit embarassing at times when people come up to him saying good luck scots when he really knows and realises how many of his own people dont support England in games. His actual comment to me was "It makes you realise how bitter some of us actually are" I will admit that yesterdat I didnt set out to support Wales or Scotland but by the end of the game the "britishness" shone through and I was willing Scotland to get a 2nd and Wales to hold out for there point. I know a few Rangers fans and to be fair they all support England and I remember meeting a scot in greece this summer who told me he supported England but couldnt admit it to his mates as they would take the piss, makes me wonder how many more are like that? I really couldnt care less to be honest as we have 1966 and while the scots continue to spout the anti-english bullshit Ill be happy to continue that England have been WORLD CHAMPIONS and are still the only British side with a somewhat realistic chance of still doing it. ;) One more quick point cus im rambling.........anyone who thinks Denmark could come to England in a proper game and win 3-2 surely is having a laugh? Not being funny but the only side to beat us in a competitive match over the last 2 years is Brazil (who won that trophy we won once) and if you look at our record in friendlies you'll see that we dont take them seriously at all.

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Re: Oh dear - Gravesens coming to kick our ass... AS

if i or the rest of the world want the english team to lose it isnt because we want to see the entire english race live in misery, its because we want the arrogant w#nker minority to wind themselves in
Obviously we're the only country to have arrogant w#nkers in our ranks in the minority? (you said minority - not me...)
what are the rest of the world supposed to think o you when you see these 20 stone monkeys on tv throwing coffee tables at riot police in belgium?
We're the only country with hooligans as well I suppose? Forget Holland, Germany, Italy et al. Why don't you just accept that most countries (and you obviously) have a natural predilection to want the English to lose as opposed to trying to justify your arguments with that kind of nonsense? I mean - read it in the morning - by saying that our w#nkers are in the minority you disprove your own argument. This is exactly the kind of veiled (unintentional) kind of slighting of England that gets on my tits.
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Conclusion Anyway, I have just read back over the whole of this thread and it has turned into something more appropriate for the 'football banter' forum. As a result, I will rest my case in the posts that I have typed before this one. Those that wish to retort can have the last word comfortable in the knowledge that I am right. |I

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Guest Da Hannanah

Re: Oh dear - Gravesens coming to kick our ass... I dont know, Gett1L - looking over this thread again, I have to ask: who is actually being arrogant here? England just lost 2-3 at home and were outplayed for most of the 2nd half, yet you claim that this is irrelevant and that of course England would have won had there been point at stake. To me that sounds fairly arrogant, to be quite honest.....

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Guest AnothrSpacecat

Re: Oh dear - Gravesens coming to kick our ass... if i want england to lose to get it up media pundits, overweight retarded larger louts and scots who always follow them over scotland then to me thats fine. the rest of you i dont care about! ill ask again, do you know how youre viewed by the rest of the world? when i was living in england last year all the guys i spoke to in pub during the football hated the fighting rasict elements as much as me. they were also embarrased by the mindless lager guzzlers the rest of the world views your average fan as me. so i know you arent all gazza lookalikes ill say it again but dont take it personally, unless youre one of these plebs im talking about. when somebody slights the english they arent having a go at you all as for putting words into my mouth thatll get you nowhere!

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Guest Da Hannanah

Re: Oh dear - Gravesens coming to kick our ass...

But England, IMO, would beat Denmark, at home, the vast majority of the time, in any game that mattered.
May I remind you, Gett1L, that the last time we played England at Wembley in a game that mattered, we won 1-0 ;)
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Guest steve1966

England This match has certainly stirred up some interesting banter and I for one think England deserve the stick their getting. I'm not anti-English and love to see our nation do well but I hate it when the players seem to stroll round the pitch as if they couldn't careless. May I also point out many of them earn more in one week than most of us do in a year. The Danes on the other hand worked incredibly hard and fully deserved their win. It wouldn't have been so bad if we had made an efort and still lost. I can except that. At the end of the day the people I feel sorry for are the paying spectators who fork out for overpriced tickets to see their heroes only for them to put in a lacklustre display. Where's the passion?. Yes it was quite exciting but only because the Danes made it that way.

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