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W.S.O.P. 2007,advice please


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ok peeps,as a lot of you know i have the opportunity to play in 3 buy in`s for this years W.S.O.P. what i am after is any advice to help me cash in in any of the 3,my best result live was 14th out of 130 i think playing the paddy power tour,in the APAT tourneys i have usually gone out within 4 hours,my only cash in live was the pl meet up in newcastle early last year. i tend to start ok in online games then get caught out later on in the game, so do i go for it and be really aggressive in my 1st buy-in (friday)knowing i have 2 more chances or be a total rock and try to reach the 2nd day (if i do this i get saturdays buy-in in my pocket)? any advice would be much appreciated and taken on board. also i am thinking of doing a blog on here, so what is the best way to keep track of what i have done when i am playing?

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Re: W.S.O.P. 2007,advice please Personally Al, I would forget about the 2nd & 3rd tourney and just try and get as far as poss in the first one. I would start tight only playing premium hands until youve weighed your table up, and then, well just relax and play your normal game. But most of all, just enjoy the experience, good luck mate.

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Re: W.S.O.P. 2007,advice please The only big buy in game I've played was the £1000 Bolton Poker6. I played supertight to start with because of the long structure. After the first three hours I had the table pretty much sussed AND I started hitting cards. Five hours later and I'd won my table but was buzzing so much I couldn't get to sleep properly so wasn't on top form the following day. The only change I would have made would to have been better prepared for day two.

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Guest gazza271

Re: W.S.O.P. 2007,advice please Play your normal game mate, it's what got you there in the first place :ok Dont think a live event at the 2007 WSOP is the time to start changing your game plan ;)

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Re: W.S.O.P. 2007,advice please

Play your normal game mate
I think thats why he is asking for advice :lol Alan I'd be very careful who you go with because that guy could lead you down the path to ruin. Wild parties with silicon charged women, cheap beer and drugs you'd be lucky to take your seat on anyday never mind the first :ok
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Re: W.S.O.P. 2007,advice please

I think thats why he is asking for advice :lol Alan I'd be very careful who you go with because that guy could lead you down the path to ruin. Wild parties with silicon charged women, cheap beer and drugs you'd be lucky to take your seat on anyday never mind the first :ok
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: W.S.O.P. 2007,advice please

I think thats why he is asking for advice :lol Alan I'd be very careful who you go with because that guy could lead you down the path to ruin. Wild parties with silicon charged women, cheap beer and drugs you'd be lucky to take your seat on anyday never mind the first :ok
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Re: W.S.O.P. 2007,advice please

i tend to start ok in online games then get caught out later on in the game' date='[/quote'] Ive noticed the bit about starting ok in online games, you certainley seem to have no poblem racking up chips early doors in tournies. Whats the secret? But I've got to disagree with everybody and say you cant play your normal online game. Deep stacked slow levels dont have much in common with onlinepoker. For what its worth in my 2 attempts I have played very rocklike and have limped into respectable finishes not a 100 miles away from the money. If you do that I think you will just be reporting how you finally got knocked out when well ahead preflop but got called by some one who had you so far covered chipwise he had little to lose. Given another chance I think I would put aside 20/25% of my startiing stack to gamble with in the first 2 levels, playing loose agressive and continuing like that untill my chip stack couldnt afford a 20/25% loss in relation to the blinds. The bit about getting the Saturday buy in if you are still in the Friday tourney is a tricky one and I guess depends on how much you need the money. If the money means little to you, go all guns blazing on the Friday, if it works youll get the Sat buyin and have chips to go deep in the Frday one. Dont know the structure of the fri one but you could just about post and fold into the second day from my experience.
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Re: W.S.O.P. 2007,advice please From what I'm reading about the organisation of this year's WSOP, I'd aim for a tournament far from this particular madding crowd. The registration queues are enormous, the funky new card design they've introduced has been a flop in completely the wrong sense and generally, all seems not to be well with the WSOP organisers. Maybe they'll have sorted it out by the time of the Main Event, though.

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Re: W.S.O.P. 2007,advice please

From what I'm reading about the organisation of this year's WSOP' date=' I'd aim for a tournament far from this particular madding crowd.[/quote'] If you're going "free" though, it's probably still worth the effort ;)
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Re: W.S.O.P. 2007,advice please I've never played in a big live tournament, so you should probably ignore this, but... I agree with glceud that you have to adjust somewhat for the structure of the tournaments, but if it were me, I wouldn't make major changes to my normal game: I think it would probably be suicidal to choose this opportunity to have your first go at being loose aggressive instead of tight aggressive, or whatever. Personally, I would ignore the fact that you have a buy-in to another tournament the next day, and just play to do as well as possible in the one you're playing. If it gets towards the end of the day and you're getting short-stacked, you could make the decision then as to whether you'd prefer to limp into the second day and pocket the buy-in for the next tournament or to go all out to build your stack, on the basis that if you go bust then you can start from scratch the next day. Actually, it's probably best to decide beforehand what you want to do if this situation arises. I don't know if you've played many slow, deep-stacked tournaments (and I don't know how deep-stacked the ones you'll be playing in Vegas are). But if you haven't, then it's almost certainly worth trying some online (I think Ladbrokes have some relatively inexpensive ones?) to get some experience.

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Re: W.S.O.P. 2007,advice please

From what I'm reading about the organisation of this year's WSOP, I'd aim for a tournament far from this particular madding crowd. The registration queues are enormous, the funky new card design they've introduced has been a flop in completely the wrong sense and generally, all seems not to be well with the WSOP organisers. Maybe they'll have sorted it out by the time of the Main Event, though.
hardly insurmountable problems - you can pre-register via the website and the card design will not stop me playing ;)
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