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Pop quiz (part XIX) call fold or shove


Pop quiz (part XIX) call fold or shove  

  1. 1.

    • Call and use your positional advantage
    • Shove, there is too much in the middle to do anything else
    • Fold and let the others beat themselves up

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bubble time in a 10 seater SNG so who is doing what here - I am on the button FYI: Jalka on the SB is loose - you check/show weakness and he raises ringpiece is tight ultra aggressive (shove or fold) Kutsal is a bit of both, he normally comes in for a raise, but has CR Jalka a couple of times now Cheers Damo 150.00/300.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 23 May 2007 20:28:04 Seat 2: robilaruk (2210.00) Seat 7: Jalka (5970.00) Seat 9: ringpiece (2340.00) Seat 10: kutsal01 (4480.00) Jalka post SB 150.00 ringpiece post BB 300.00 ** Deal ** robilaruk [Js, Kh] Jalka [N/A, N/A] ringpiece [N/A, N/A] kutsal01 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** kutsal01 Call 300.00 HERO????????????

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Re: Pop quiz (part XIX) call fold or shove Well if you push and get called you're gonna be behind to multitude of hands and I can't see K10 calling an allin. Therefore I'm folding if there wasn't a limp in front of you I'd push.

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Re: Pop quiz (part XIX) call fold or shove

Well if you push and get called you're gonna be behind to multitude of hands and I can't see K10 calling an allin. Therefore I'm folding if there wasn't a limp in front of you I'd push.
exactly the same
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Re: Pop quiz (part XIX) call fold or shove

Well if you push and get called you're gonna be behind to multitude of hands and I can't see K10 calling an allin. Therefore I'm folding if there wasn't a limp in front of you I'd push.
There was a limp. so are you'd saying you'd push ? Not sure, what i'd do. As Kutsala has limped UTG, maybe he's expecting a raise from Jalka, so he can reraise. If you thought you was going to see a flop by just limping then I'd take a flop, but as theres an aggressive player, that might be unlikely. If the BB pushes or even raises, then I'd be dumping KJ. A raise from the BB, still might mean a push from UTG too. So inclined to fold, although you're the shortest stack, still got a stack which severely wounds anyone who calls an all in from you, so still got time to wait for a better spot. One important piece of info missing, you haven't said what your image is, if its tight then a push would almost certainly take it down.
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Re: Pop quiz (part XIX) call fold or shove excellent spot! :clap :clap :clap I doubled up early and have been playing TAG since, raising every other orbit or so with position to pick up some blinds - but have been card dead the whole of this level and the blinds have gone thru me 3 times so I would say tight/rock - however they may not think that! nice post! :ok Damo

One important piece of info missing, you haven't said what your image is, if its tight then a push would almost certainly take it down.
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