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Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites


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Hi all Ive been playing a lot of these lately and having great success, my strategy has been to buy in with 2 mins left before the break, and using the rebuy and addon, effectively costing me 3x the buy in. But leaving me in as a freezeout usually sitting around mid table or better. This may seem daft, but once the break hits and the rebuys stop, they play is attrocious. People tighten up, wont go all in anymore and im finding myself qualifying for bigger more expensive tournaments around 8 out of 10 times so far. Some results so far, played the 25k gtd sats from $2 rebuy (only bought in and added on =$4) i won a seat worth $220 in less than 30 mins play, using only premium hands. Played the $1 rebuy monday night takedown, and spent $3 altogether gaining entry to the $27 tourney Playing the blowfish $5 rebuy now and spent $15 to gain entry into the $109, $3000 final Id advise any of you to play a few, start small and see how you do, as it may not be to everyones taste, but im certainly having good success and long may it continue.....just wish i was playing well enough in the damn finals lol GL ALL!

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Re: Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites

Sounds interesting mate - Late Reg is open for an hour?
Yep mate, late reg is available even during the 1st break AS LONG AS ITS A REBUY, FREEZEOUTS CLOSE AT THE END OF LEVEL 1, however you gotta get in a min or 2 before so you can buy in, add-on and add-on again once the break hits By this time you have 5k in chips and are mid table as a minimum:ok effectively turning your buy in into a freezeout
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Re: Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites

Heres tonights effort, $15 buy in to a $109 event [url=http://imageshack.us]
So using this as an example you need to qualify 1 time in 7 to just about break even and it sounds like you are easily beating that. What is your success rate in these late reg sats fella? Can you cash these entries in? Could result in a very healthy ROI. FBF
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Re: Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites I cashed one in last sunday cos i couldnt play, dunno if its allowed all the time, but all i had to do was send an email stating the above and my account was credited by $200 Ive qualified 8 out of 10 so far, for various events and taken away just over $80 in winnings and the $200 buy in back, so not too well in the finals, but practise makes perfect

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Re: Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites Good going Morls, seems like a lot of people are doing exactly this.. Tried it out in a dollar game, buy in, get seated straight into BB, that's half my stack gone already. Buy on and win an all in with 77 - up to 5.8k so don't add anything at break. BBs are 1.2k, go card dead for 5 mins which enough time for blinds to eat me up a bit so I am shoving with any A, painted suited. Get A 2s allin with 2.4k, 4 callers, im out. Thought you said no one goes all in after the break :lol :lol

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Re: Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites downside to this is the blinds,when you first buy in if you get seated in bb or close to you being bb,at least half your stack will go plus if you wait for premium hands you will soon get blinded out unless they come quickly,tried this late joining a few times but not had any real success,my opinion is buy in at the start,rebuy straight away then play only premium hands,gives you much longer to be dealt those winning hands and should only cost you about the same.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites Well morl I tried 5 of these $1 satellites after reading your post, and qualified for only 2 of them (no cashes, regrettably), but tried a $3 satellite on Sunday using your trusted, patented idea of joining just before the hour mark, getting a rebuy and an add-on, so starting after the break with 5,500 chips - 32 people playing for 12 places. I caught 2 good hands, acted sensibly, and sailed through, at a cost of $9, to qualifying for the $30 buy-in $12,500 guaranteed tourney at 8pm. Some wild play by others early on, and a huge slice of luck in the first hour when, with me sitting on about 4,000 chips, about 600 chips behind top spot, the chip leader (KK) was against my A6 in the big blind. He flat calls me, along with 2 others. I check, flop comes AJA - I check, he bets the pot, the other 2 fold, I call. Turn is another J, great for my 6, so I check again - he bets the pot, I call again, figuring I will be unlucky to find him with either JJ, or AK/AQ with help for him on the river. River brings the final A, and I am chuckling like a mad thing. 2,500 chips left, 3,000 chips in the pot, so I put 1,000 in. He raises me to 2,000, so I go all-in. He calls, and suddenly I'm nearly 4,000 chips clear of the field. Anyway (and I know I'm rambling, but it's got a fairly happy ending), I've got about 12,000 chips at the first break, in about 3rd place out of 125. Although most people choose an add-on, this is new territory for me, so I decline. Get slapped about a bit and lose chips, even though I am being a sensible boy, waiting for good cards and being patient (AK beaten by Q8, and QQ beaten by 67 two real gems), but I'm still alive after 2 hours - 37th of 45. Another hour goes by, and I'm 19th of 21 (money for the top 20) just before the 3rd break, holding Ac 9c, checked round to me on the button, with only the blinds to follow. The blind structure is very gentle, and I still have enough for 3 full rounds, including antes, so I pass with a heavy heart, knowing that to go out on the bubble would be disastrous. I get through, and am then out in 18th place when my JJ in the small blind gets cracked by AK in the BB (King on the river). My prize money was $126.19 - not bad for a $9 outlay, and, with a bit more luck towards the end, it could have been so much better (top prize was over $3,000, and the top 4 or 5 paid over $1,000). And now for the request for advice - should I have loosened up a bit more earlier in the game? My main criticism of myself is that I only tend to play "properly" when the big money is around (well, big money for me - eg 25 Up final). My play generally in the $1 and $3 tourneys is just too loose (as most people will have in their notes of me), but should I have put my chips to better use in that period when I was towards the top of the standings, stealing pots and raising more than I should? With so many wild callers around, this seems a bad plan at the time, but perhaps my novice status just clammed me up. Any thoughts from my fellow PL'ers? All help gratefully received. McG

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Re: Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites Well done. :clap :clap To answer your question - yes, definitely need to do some judicious bullying and pot stealing when you are on top of the heap. But then who am I to say because on the rare occasions I get there I find myself watching my chips slowly drip away whilst I slide gently down the places. :lol Might be worth a duplicate posting in Strategy, where all the clever boys are, and I'm sure you'll get lots of sound advice. :ok

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Re: Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites

Well morl I tried 5 of these $1 satellites after reading your post, and qualified for only 2 of them (no cashes, regrettably), but tried a $3 satellite on Sunday using your trusted, patented idea of joining just before the hour mark, getting a rebuy and an add-on, so starting after the break with 5,500 chips - 32 people playing for 12 places. I caught 2 good hands, acted sensibly, and sailed through, at a cost of $9, to qualifying for the $30 buy-in $12,500 guaranteed tourney at 8pm. Some wild play by others early on, and a huge slice of luck in the first hour when, with me sitting on about 4,000 chips, about 600 chips behind top spot, the chip leader (KK) was against my A6 in the big blind. He flat calls me, along with 2 others. I check, flop comes AJA - I check, he bets the pot, the other 2 fold, I call. Turn is another J, great for my 6, so I check again - he bets the pot, I call again, figuring I will be unlucky to find him with either JJ, or AK/AQ with help for him on the river. River brings the final A, and I am chuckling like a mad thing. 2,500 chips left, 3,000 chips in the pot, so I put 1,000 in. He raises me to 2,000, so I go all-in. He calls, and suddenly I'm nearly 4,000 chips clear of the field. Anyway (and I know I'm rambling, but it's got a fairly happy ending), I've got about 12,000 chips at the first break, in about 3rd place out of 125. Although most people choose an add-on, this is new territory for me, so I decline. Get slapped about a bit and lose chips, even though I am being a sensible boy, waiting for good cards and being patient (AK beaten by Q8, and QQ beaten by 67 two real gems), but I'm still alive after 2 hours - 37th of 45. Another hour goes by, and I'm 19th of 21 (money for the top 20) just before the 3rd break, holding Ac 9c, checked round to me on the button, with only the blinds to follow. The blind structure is very gentle, and I still have enough for 3 full rounds, including antes, so I pass with a heavy heart, knowing that to go out on the bubble would be disastrous. I get through, and am then out in 18th place when my JJ in the small blind gets cracked by AK in the BB (King on the river). My prize money was $126.19 - not bad for a $9 outlay, and, with a bit more luck towards the end, it could have been so much better (top prize was over $3,000, and the top 4 or 5 paid over $1,000). And now for the request for advice - should I have loosened up a bit more earlier in the game? My main criticism of myself is that I only tend to play "properly" when the big money is around (well, big money for me - eg 25 Up final). My play generally in the $1 and $3 tourneys is just too loose (as most people will have in their notes of me), but should I have put my chips to better use in that period when I was towards the top of the standings, stealing pots and raising more than I should? With so many wild callers around, this seems a bad plan at the time, but perhaps my novice status just clammed me up. Any thoughts from my fellow PL'ers? All help gratefully received. McG
Firstly, Well done on using the late reg to its best! and well done on cashing in a tourney too, i still cant do it! SO am probably not the best person to give advice on it, but definately when your chip leader or up there abouts, you HAVE to bully, steal blinds and antes and its suprising just how fast it all mounts up! GL mate!:cheers Heres a great one for me tonight.....only cost me $2 to get entry to the South Africa Final for a trip to the South African Poker Festival, with a package of $7k, which includes a $3k buy in, $1500 expenses and 5 nights in the Montecasino.......but best of all.....due to the low turnouts and the majority of the SA sats being cancelled, theres only 9 in so far and the final is on sunday!!!!!!! Wish me luck guys!:ok southafricastep1dd0.jpg southafricastep2tq7.jpg
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Re: Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites

Heres a great one for me tonight.....only cost me $2 to get entry to the South Africa Final for a trip to the South African Poker Festival' date=' with a package of $7k, which includes a $3k buy in, $1500 expenses and 5 nights in the Montecasino.......but best of all.....due to the low turnouts and the majority of the SA sats being cancelled, theres only 9 in so far and the final is on sunday!!!!!!![/quote'] Ooh very nice, good luck for Sunday. :hope
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Re: Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites Well, another Sunday evening and another $9 invested in accordance with morl's rules, and another ticket to the $12.5k tourney on SO. Just like Groundhog Day (well, not JUST like), I play patiently and do OK. Dropped from 30k to 7K when my QQ ran in to AA, then limped like a very bedraggled rat in to the money (739 chips when I made the money) before going out in 19th position - $145.35!!:nana This is my first try at a screen shot, so let's see how I do. Well, not very well - I copied it into Paint, and it looked great, but can I get it into my reply? :wall er, .... no Any clues? McG

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Re: Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites Late Sunday afternoon, time for another of my Morl-inspired weekly dabbles at a Paradise satellite. Lost $6 trying to get in to my usual $12.5k guaranteed ($30 rebuy tourney), but looked around, invested $14 in a $7 entrance and a $7 add-on, so started with 4,000 chips, and caught a few cards, wasn't silly, and have qualified for the $25k guaranteed ($200 freezeout) tourney at 7pm. :cow Apologies in advance if I don't pay my usual close attention to the Poker League game. McG :gimme

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Re: Paradise Poker Rebuy Late Reg Satellites Well, it wasn't to be. Out in 54th (out of 129) - always in the bottom half of the table, rarely threatening average. KK lost to A6, A 10 lost to KJ - good value for $14 though. 20th place paid $258.26, and top prize was nearly $6,500. Off to be sociable with the family now - well, fairly sociable :sad McG

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