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Let this be a lesson


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***** Hand 484642642 ***** 10.00/20.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 14 December 2006 20:06:40 Champs League-Rnd 6 (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: RookyOne (1650.00) Seat 2: glceud (1520.00) Seat 3: guyden (1460.00) Seat 4: potbelly11 (940.00) Seat 5: MAFIUSU (1380.00) Seat 6: chpboos (1460.00) Seat 7: Griff505 (1380.00) Seat 8: tornis (2130.00) RookyOne post SB 10.00 glceud post BB 20.00 ** Deal ** RookyOne [N/A, N/A] glceud [7s, 2s] guyden [N/A, N/A] potbelly11 [N/A, N/A] MAFIUSU [N/A, N/A] chpboos [N/A, N/A] Griff505 [N/A, N/A] tornis [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** guyden Fold potbelly11 Raise to 80.00 MAFIUSU Fold chpboos Fold Griff505 Fold tornis Fold RookyOne Fold glceud Call 80.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [2h, 7d, 2d] *** Bet Round 2 *** glceud Check potbelly11 Bet 100.00 glceud Call 100.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [2h, 7d, 2d, 8s] *** Bet Round 3 *** glceud Check potbelly11 Bet 560.00 glceud Raise to 1120.00 potbelly11 All-in 840.00 *** River(Board): *** : [2h, 7d, 2d, 8s, Kh] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 2050.00 glceud [7s, 2s] Full house Win :0.00 potbelly11 [Ks, Kc] Full house Win :2050.00 The Moral of the story is that 7/2 suited is just a pale comparison to the monster that is 7/2 off and should be dumped accordingly

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Re: Let this be a lesson Once that flop came out you were toast. If you push there, he'll call you with his pocket kings, and beat you at the end. He doesn't fear anything on the board, and will call. He puts you on a low pocket pair, or something like J 10, based on your call of 80 preflop. Maybe he thinks you have 2 diamonds and are drawing at a flush ?? To be hoinest though, I have no sympathy. What were you doing calling a raise preflop with 7 2s ?? Should have folded that trash without a thought and saved $1520 in chips

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Re: Let this be a lesson I know, I know, but I keep thinking 7/2 suited is a strong as 7/2 offsuit. Hence the "let this be a lesson" thread. 7/2 SUITED SHOULD NEVER BE PLAYED. 7/2 off would have given him the king on the turn and me the other 2 on the river. I have alot to learn about the mystic powers of 7/2

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Re: Let this be a lesson I have been thinking about this (alot recently) and about value calling on your BB against a single PF raiser most of the time they are raising with two high cards not a PP - so am wondering how often it would pay to call and then bet the flop (like this) or Check raise their continuation flop bet, and how much to raise I am sure there is a way to make chips that keep you alive in the tourny, just need to come up with a decent theory BTW- ul matey on the river - I would have led out and then called the shove Damo

To be hoinest though, I have no sympathy. What were you doing calling a raise preflop with 7 2s ?? Should have folded that trash without a thought and saved $1520 in chips
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Re: Let this be a lesson M8 you should have raise on flops when he bet. Twice his bet....you had the house for sure but seen his raise just on a flop like that ment he had pockets or 3's...for me thats what i'd assume. If you had of bullied him to an all in....he prob would of folded but then again he mite not of...personally if i was in his shoes i'd of called ya any bet but i'm saying you'd of had better chance of winning if ya had of called an all in. Ppl will say he folded and you got not alot...but remember this...you would still have your chips in tack plus a few extra. You were terribly unlucky that a king came out in river. For what its worth. I'd of done same along with everyone else on the forum regardless of what they say. Unlucky again m8 and better luck next time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Let this be a lesson Glceud, if it were me I wouldn't have shoved after the flop, no way, I'd be confident of winning the hand regardless and played it exactly the same as you did. Shoving after the flop is easy to say in hindsight and even then, perhaps only a good player may have folded KK (thinking you had another 2 or even pocket 7's) You were more likely to be called and lose anyway - if you were sat with kings after this flop would you really fold after someone's all in? Just another unlucky river mate.

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Re: Let this be a lesson Never learn will I Cruising along quit nicely in the top 5 of this massive Multi Tourney and this happened Game #1834160268 - Tournament $250,000 Guaranteed - 300/600 No Limit Texas Hold'em - 2007/01/12-13:53:35.7 (CST) Table "250k 21" (MTT) -- Seat 10 is the button Seat 1: V. és K. (7,080 in chips) Seat 2: kittenkate (9,935 in chips) Seat 3: AliiR (4,990 in chips) Seat 4: Devil73 (585 in chips) Seat 5: samuapu (570 in chips) Seat 6: kkf0rever (9,740 in chips) Seat 7: Hmmmmm (6,255 in chips) Seat 8: fivepenny (13,320 in chips) Seat 9: It's McG (735 in chips) Seat 10: hangya75 (5,625 in chips) kittenkate: Ante (50) AliiR : Ante (50) Devil73 : Ante (50) samuapu : Ante (50) kkf0rever: Ante (50) Hmmmmm : Ante (50) fivepenny: Ante (50) It's McG: Ante (50) hangya75: Ante (50) V. és K.: Ante (50) V. és K.: Post Small Blind (300) kittenkate: Post Big Blind (600) Dealing... Dealt to fivepenny [ 2c ] Dealt to fivepenny [ 7c ] AliiR : Fold Devil73 : Fold samuapu : Fold kkf0rever: Fold Hmmmmm : Fold fivepenny: Raise (1,800) It's McG: Call All-in (685) hangya75: Fold V. és K.: Fold kittenkate: Call (1,200) *** FLOP *** : [ Jc 8s Kc ] kittenkate: Check fivepenny: Bet (11,470) kittenkate: Call All-in (8,085) fivepenny said, "woops" *** TURN *** : [ Jc 8s Kc ] [ Ks ] *** RIVER *** : [ Jc 8s Kc Ks ] [ Qh ] *** SUMMARY *** Pot: 2,855 | Side pot 1: 18,400 | Board: [ Jc 8s Kc Ks Qh ] V. és K. lost 350 (folded) kittenkate bet 9,935, collected 21,255, net +11,320 (showed hand) [ Kh 8d ] (a full house, kings full of eights) 40 places paid, and just to rub it in the poker gods knocked me out in 41st

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