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APAT in Newcastle: Full (Sold Out)


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Re: APAT in Newcastle: Full (Sold Out) Details from the APAT site: http://www.apat.com/prizes.html Prize Money Prize money at the UK Amateur Poker Championship will be allocated as follows, subject to a field of 210 players.: Entry Fee: £75.00 Number of Players: 210 Total Prize Money: £15,750 1st - £3,750 2nd - £2,500 3rd - £1,500 4th to 10th - £750 each 11th to 21st - £250 each Please note, all entry fees will be paid out. APAT will not charge a registration fee for running this event.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: APAT in Newcastle: Full (Sold Out) Thought I would bring this back up to the top again, For those there Friday, I plan to play in the £20 freezeout at Aspers friday night with a few of the regulars, morl, paulie etc. If your about friday might see you for a drink otherwise see you sat:ok. Reg starts at 12. If your not there and ready to play at 2pm you will be disqualified.

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Re: APAT in Newcastle: Full (Sold Out) Okay, first update (I think) on this... Hmm. Turned up late on the Fri night after having too many lemonades after work and missing my train (and the next, and the next :$ ). So Friday was a write-off. Sat woke up early, found a chemist for nurofen and some form of diacalm (dodgy kebab the night before..) Registered at Aspers at about 12 - efficient process, friendly staff. All the APAT guys (and gal) were around and about - Des, Richard, Tikay and Mel. Wandered off for a bit then found the bar and the assembled mass of PL'rs (Morl, Teaulc, Rosco, Burnley Joe, Runadrum, possibly a couple others :$ ). In my defence I wasnt feeling too good - struggled to finish my pint (which should tell you something!). After a speech from Tikay we were led off to the tables for a 2.30pm start - 14 tables upstairs, the remaining 6 downstairs. Pretty cramped to start off, but the chairs and tables are pretty decent. Dealers were great, very skilled and sticklers for the rules. 10000 chips to start, 40 minute blind levels so enough room for a bit of playing. Everyone started off steady, and it took a while for significant hands to develop. Runadrum got caught for about half his stack early on when another player caught a miracle river to give him a straight flush :eek After a couple of levels and breaks we caught up - most of us were around the 10000 -14000 chip mark, apart from Teaulc who got burned when a flop came down heavy on Kings so was struggling on 1200 chips :\ Sure enough, not that long after Teaulc made an exit to the customary round of applause. At the teatime break there was a buffet laid on, but as you can imagine for 210 players and plenty of hangers-on it was a logistical nightmare, not helped by the first load of players in who were taking 2 plates laden with food each. Sure enough the food ran out with plenty of people having not eaten. The general manager came up to the card room and apologised, and arranged for more food to be cooked and brought to the tables, then bought us all a beer to make up for it :clap After play resumed Morl got sat down to my left, pretty low on chips. I was struggling at just under average chips at this point so needed to make a move too. Unfortunately we made a move on the same hand, and got another caller too, who showed AA to my QQ and Morl's 88 :eek :eek . No salvation for either of us saw Morl going out, with me surviving as I had both players covered. Not too sure where the other guys were at this point - think I saw Run going out (in his oh so subtle orange PL shirt), rosco looking sheepish and Burnley Joe knocking over the huge Pokerstars sign onto someone's head :rollin . By this point everyone was at the move in or fold stage as the blinds were 1000-2000 (or 1600-3200, I forget). I made a move on JJ and was called by 46s for over half his stack (?!??!?!). The Jacks stood so I survived a little longer, making a few moves, picking up decent pots and staying just above average. By this point there were 60 players left and two levels before the close of play for the night (so it was around 10.30ish I think), and I had the attitude that I wanted to either a) amass a huge stack to make a decent second day or b) get busted out so I didnt have to wait around til 2pm the next day. Sure enough when I pushed all in with my AK after one loose limper had made it 3xBB, he flipped over Aces. No help for me, out in about 52nd out of 210 :puke Not sure what happened to the other guys as couldnt find any of them afterwards (hmm?) - hopefully in time we'll find out where everyone ended up. In summary, Aspers is a really decent venue, the card room staff were decent, dealers very good. The APAT side of things was also handled well. An enjoyable tourney, shame no decent finish (for me anyways). Luckily a good run on Pokerstars .50/1 NL cash funded the weekend for me, and actually left me up for the weekend :cow :lol . Great to meet the other guys, shame I was feeling so horrible and couldn't partake in an actual drinking sesh - definitely next meetup I'm so very much there :ok Mike

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Re: APAT in Newcastle: Full (Sold Out) Nice one Mike - think I would have worn my blue PL shirt if I'd have known the dealers were all dressed in orange ! You were being kind with the 'miracle river' as my call of 3000 to drop to 6000 was with a ridiculous two pair when there was both a possible straight and flush on the board, let alone his straight flush (using both his cards). Problem was I flopped the 2 pair and he had bluffed at something a hand or two before. There was an amazing number of hands won with one card flushes on our first table - something I moan about when I see it online ! Highest pair I was dealt all night was 10's (once) which reminds me that Mike does not mention his spectacular fold of KK pre-flop following a huge reraise by AA :clap :notworthy . Only highlights for me were doubling up before the first break with A9 v A6 after a A69 flop and folding AK two hands later after a flop of AQ10 when I was reraised by KJ (same player as Mike's KK v AA above). Never got above 15k in chips and went out in what I think was 99th when the blinds were 800/1600 with A4 on the SB raising the BB who had KK ! I knew I was behind when he reraised all-in but after the first of these in Birmingham the last thing I wanted to do was to survive to Sunday as a short stack so it was all or nothing. The tournament was played in a great spirit again as far as I could see, although I think the two room situation detracted a little from the overall feel (if you were downstairs). I didn't have any food at the 'first sitting' (Morlspin, Burnley Joe and I went out for a KFC) and when I saw what was being brought round to the tables I was happy to refuse it ! I need to think about whether I am suited to playing live (paying to play anyway !) but I am glad I played and would not put anyone else off from playing the next APAT tournament. Good to see the PL guys that were there - Norfolk I thought I might see you at breakfast but I guess you were up earlier than me. Sorry our longest chat was two minutes outside the hotel. :ok

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Re: APAT in Newcastle: Full (Sold Out) I'm finally home after just getting back from Day 2 (we were 24 handed). 22nd got £75 as they had registered one player too many. I think I got the priviledge of sitting at the same table as a certain Burnley Joe (I'm the suited Scotsman that wouldn't shut up.) I lucked out today with my JJ cracking Aces and my K-Q busting 10s on the river. I finished in 13th after starting the day shortest stack on around 39,000. My A-J was swiftly crushed by J-J when the case Jack hit the board. Great event. Glad Aspers is getting the kudos it deserves for having a great card room. I'm not going to post my whole tournament experience, as my brain is still struggling to catch up after a long day yesterday and another hour and a half on top of that trying to play top notch poker. Hope everyone that attended enjoyed it as much as I did and hopefully see you all the one of the up-coming APAT events.

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Re: APAT in Newcastle: Full (Sold Out) Really enjoyed the tournament, great structure and everyone was friendly with plenty of banter and trash talking ;) ….10 times better than playing a normal tournament at your local casino and Aspers is a great venue. Made a slow start leading up to the first break and the standard at the table I was on first was very good. Had 14k in chips when my table was broken up and I was moved upstairs. I started to loosen up a bit at this point, hit a couple of nice flops and managed to get my stack up to about 30k so was in a good position when we broke for the buffet that never was. Tired and hungry I hovered between 20k and 30k for the rest of my time in the tournament with not that much action for the next couple of hours. Ended up going out 65th (I think) when my 2 pair was beaten by a higher 2 pair. Blinds were 1k/2k at this point so was in a position where I had to make a move soonish, thought I had him beat too :sad Nevermind, bit disappointed not to get to the 2nd day but it was a great experience :) Yeah sorry we didn’t get a chance to chat more runa, I was away early this morning. Well done on cashing H-Bomb :clap

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Re: APAT in Newcastle: Full (Sold Out)

Hey H-Bomb! Unlucky with the AJ' date=' I think you would have busted however the hand was played since the case J flopped. I was lucky to have JJ in the SB.[/quote'] How did you finish Damatrix? Still cant believe your Queens busted my Kings
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Re: APAT in Newcastle: Full (Sold Out)

Hey H-Bomb! Unlucky with the AJ' date=' I think you would have busted however the hand was played since the case J flopped. I was lucky to have JJ in the SB.[/quote'] Oh, definitely. I guess that's why I'm not beating myself up over it. If you had flat called, I would have pushed on the flop regardless. Pleased you made it to the final table, since you were playing very solid poker the two times I sat at the same table as you. Although thr theatrics over a few hands were "interesting" ;)
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Re: APAT in Newcastle: Full (Sold Out)

I finished in 13th after starting the day shortest stack on around 39' date='000.quote'] Well played H-Bomb (and DaMatrix for making the final table) but believe it or not I was actually the short stack on the last day with 21,000. I managed to scrape through to 11th somehow. Thanks to all the players for ensuring I had a great time! montagu (in red jumper on 2nd day) Oh and thanks for the PokerPlayer Open photos on your website DaMatrix, can just about see me on the final table, nice one!
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