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PokerPlayer Open, london


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Guest gazza271

Re: PokerPlayer Open, london

Then you've done all that anyone could expect mate. I'm sure that if you've emailed Dave Woods, he will have let your place go to someone on the reserve list.
Never got a place to start with mate, wanted a place, sent the email and nuffink :sad
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Re: PokerPlayer Open, london Road Trip Report Left home about 1ish to drive to down to to London, I dont mind driving down south has its all downhill, its just the climb back up thats a bit tiring. Decided it would be a good idea to leave the car in Luton and get the train into the city, rather than struggle through rush hour traffic.In theory this was a good idea, however once the car was parked and the ticket bought, found out that there was a power failure and all trains were delayed.Anyway after a wait around in the cold for about an hour, finally got going again and managed to get into Cannon Street for about 5.30. Got into the Loose Cannon club to be greeted by a chap who recognised me from the cash tables at the APAT Birmingham event. He seemed to have it made, spending the night in London for this event and then flying up to Newcastle for the APAT at the weekend. The club itself is very impressive, built under some railway arches, wall to wall with poker tables. Met up with old and new friends from PL, and settled into a couple of pre match pints. Joe Legge from Sporting Odds joined us for a chat, Teddy Sherringham was spotted athough didnt seem him at the tables so not sure if he played in the tournament or not. We were due to start at 7.45, but it was more towards 8.30 before we kicked off. I was sat next to Joe Legge, also had Kara Scott from Poker night live, Sarah ? from VC Poker and some guy called trevor who was unhappy about the arsenal result ( wasnt you was it GAF ?) aswell as other pokerplayer readers on my table.I would have liked to have been on the same table as Grub Smith, not for his poker playing talents, but I'm sure he would have been entertaining with his stories of thai brothels or German S&M clubs. Starting chips were 2000 with 20 minute blinds starting at 25/50 with 185 runners, the tables were self dealt, and with some people dealing for the first time, not many hands were being played per level early on. Nick Wealthall who was on another table went out early on, and came and watched our table whilst he waited for the cash games to begin. To begin with, there wasnt much poker being played IMO, all ins were being called by bad hands and the worst hand winning - for example one guy pushed all in with AJs to be knocked out by K2o, when the 2 hit.So it was a case of going back to basics and only playing premium hands, and only stealing when certain people were'nt in the pot. I got to the first break still in tact, with about 4500 chips. Whilst on the break had a chat with hillythefish, and told him what I thought " jammiest man in poker",to be paid for playing in all these tourneys around the world, just for a two page article once a month, its not as if its written in font type times new roman size 8 but more like ariel 12 and then padded out with pictures - he completely agreed, I'm only jealous.He seemed a nice guy so good luck to him. Back to the tourney, the gears were changed and I went on a run of taking people out, as our table became a death sentence for many, one was Joe Legge who got fed up of my stealing and fought back with 22 against my A6s, it didnt luck good for him when I hit a flush draw on the flop, a straght draw on the turn and then finally a 6 on the river to give me a higher pair. I got up to about 12K, only to lose most of it when my 77's ran into AA's Finally the TD got fed up of sending people to our table, so broke us up, only 3 of the orginal table remained, myself Sarah and a guy called frasier. Myself and Sarah joined the table where ColU_FC was just about to depart, we were joined by one of the pokerplayer guys who nicely got the beers in, shortly after I took his chips, which probably wasnt the nicest way to say thank you. The spaces were filled by some girl who's name I didnt catch but was whinging that her boyfriend lived in the states so only saw him 5 days a month, I was tempted to ask what she did the other 26 days, but resisted as didnt want to be put in a position to reject her offers, and some young lad with a rupert the bear scarf. As more and more people were dropping out, I noticed that there was only me and legendkiller ( andy) left from the PL gang, and only myself and frasier from our original table left. Sarah from VC had lost most of her chips with AQ losing to K10, despite a blast on my ipod of "Bring me Sunshine" she was gone shortly after. I managed to stay alive with a few steals, including an allin with 72o, which I didnt show but was tempted to shout " only the best god dam hand in poker " Midnight came and went, around 30 minutes later with the blinds at 1200/600 I found myself with only about 6k left, and chucked all in on the button with AK, rupert the bear considered for a while and although I found MC Hammer "U cant touch this" on the ipod and showed him, he obviously thought he could and called with J10o - first card on the flop - J, with no improvement I was gone around the 38 - 42 mark, as the tables broke to 4 during that hand. After a quick chat with Dave Woods, it was time to get off - a short walk to cannon street to find the station closed meant a quick tab to blackfriars to get the train back to Luton and then a drive home finally getting in after 4 this morning. In summary, it wasnt the most challenging of tournaments Ive played in, but the friendly atmosphere and surroundings made it a lot of fun so worth the journey. Congrats Legendkiller for your money finish.

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Re: PokerPlayer Open, london i sat with hilly for an hour or so as he was going out and seemed like a damn decent chap as did a short drunk guy called matt from pokerstars who went out in 5th i think. when we got to two tables they found a couple of dealers for us which was a bonus as most of us were either drunk or tired or both. the blind structure was harsh throughout (although there were only 27 out at the first break) and by the end there wasnt much room for manouvre so i just resorted to all ins, which usually had the dired effect, firstly when they were called i had hands and they stood up and then that seemed to work a treat when i did it later.

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Re: PokerPlayer Open, london Just come back from the venue. Its really really nice but you can tell it hasnt been open long - it was exremely quiet, maybe because it was a Monday? Nevertheless I played 2 x £20 STT's - finished 4th out of 10 in one and went out early i the other (9th i think) when my 77's were called by KK's. A nice venue with real potential but they need to sort the marketing out because there wasnt enough people there tonight. Definitely a possibility for a future PL event though :ok

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Re: PokerPlayer Open, london

A nice venue with real potential but they need to sort the marketing out because there wasnt enough people there tonight.
They've had a huge amount of publicity (in poker circles) so their marketing seems ok to me from that perspective..... I think what is probably restrictive for them is charging quite a high membership fee (which they need to do instead of charging rake to get around the law) - though I understand it is temporarily cheaper at the moment..... Have you signed up AK or did you go along as a "guest" (which you can do once I think but no more)
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Re: PokerPlayer Open, london Ive signed up for 3 months as i work 5 minute walk away- it was £25 but you have to pay a £5 entry fee every time you go so its a bit pricey I suppose - you have to play a fair bit to compensate for the rakes you would have payed if you catch my drift?? I got the impression from chatting to one of the dealers that they are waiting to see what happens with this Gutshot court case before they decide on the permanent level of membership fees, they may even abolish them altogether an adopt the same structure as the Gutshot, if they win the case. He did mention an amazingly good value tournament thay had there a few weeks back - £12,000 guaranteed and only 36 entrants. £50 entry. he may have been bullshitting me but if he wasnt thats amazing value :loon

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