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Sporting odds poker not working?


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Re: Sporting odds poker not working? Tried that with and without fire wall on it wont finish the download, tried deleteing all references to S.O in files etc, tried system restore, tried two different isp's and finally tried hitting the PC with a large hammer. I think its all a cunning plan to stop me winning the champions league although I am well capable of that without outside interferaence

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Re: Sporting odds poker not working? No I dont have any thing related to sporting odds on my puter now no matter how far I go back in system restore this is happeningwhen I try to reload the software. On NTL it stops the download. on AOL it appears to complete the down load but when I hit the icon it says this is not a valid winzip 32 application

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Re: Sporting odds poker not working?

Have you tried downloading it with another internet application? Are you using Internet Explorer at the moment? If so try downloading it using Firefox - or vice versa.
Never thought of that!! must be the only thing I did'nt try Any way got it sorted after 28 hours(less 6 for sleep) after 10 emails, 5 phone calls and countless time on online support. My final phone call went somthing like this me; I cant download the poker software will you try? SO; Hang on I'll try, aye mate your right it doesnt work. I'll let you know when its back online. Gawd if I only had a brain.
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Re: Sporting odds poker not working? :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin Quality I emailed SO today to ask for the latest STT League table. This is the friendly customer service response I recevied: "I have contacted our poker manager regarding this, however he has confirmed that you have not played in the STT league this month" To which I gave them dates, times and table references of all the games I've played (it was only 2), then they realised that their data was a week out of date. At least they apologised but it doesn't give you much confidence in them. Glad it's sorted now.

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