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apat live tourney birmingham


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Re: apat live tourney birmingham Was nice to meet some of you guys there! I hope you enjoyed the fish food i brought with me!! ROFL Think i finished 111th/120 :$ :$ :$ :$ My king high flush which i got on the flop managed to get outdrawn when all the chips went in to someone who was holding the ace of hearts!! Naturally my luck being the way it is the other heart came out and i was walking!! Good luck to you other guys who are there!! I hope you enjoyed the table banter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and me smacking women ???????????? :eek :eek :\

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham Hi guys/gals - thankyou very much for all of the support that you posted/called with to cheer us all on. :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy (Chin up Morls :tongue2) Good News is that we still have 3 players into day 2 : In stack order: Danarama Runadrum JarJar :hope:hope:hope for the three of you for today. I was the last player out last night before the end of play in 46th after my JJ getting beaten for a second time that night leaving me short stacked and ALL IN with 22 on my BB - was called and 3 others also went all in revealing AA AQ and A10 - the straight won it in the end. :( Big apologies if I miss anyone from this list - from memory i believe that the PL players that we had were: Lou Saban JarJar Danarama Runadrum Burnley Joe Teaulc Money Ivey Prowler Jeffster Sir Fish Pie Pocket Lady Ther were 8 of us wearing PL shirts including our entourage cheering us on in the wings- :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy Big Andy AvonGirl Mike (moustache) Saban Mr V Staffy LocoLady Thank you for your support guys/gals -you made my night being there. :ok

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham A big thank you to Des and Tony for a fantastic day and event-:cow:cow:cow A well structured tourney starting stack 10,000 with blinds starting at 25-50 and 40 minute levels. Each player that went out had a round of applause that must have been embarrassing for the 1st one out but everyoscottishne else was used to it by the time they went out- I look forward to trying to get into the Welsh/Scottish events. The Broadway can only be descibed as a "classy" establishment that was hosted well - the casino endevours to look after a party/event and I doubt that I would be the only one to say what an enjoyable day/night I had in comfortable surroundings. :ok They have a large lounge area with the days sports on various screens- great for get togethers with a food counter for parties, a large restaurant, 2 bars, a good sized casino floor and a decent sized card room (a little squashed for 120 people but plenty of room for 50-90). Thanks Des :notworthy Thanks Tony :ok

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham Hi all. A forum newbie here. Just wanted to say thanks to Pocket Lady for being good company at my table yesterday :clap , and for introducing me to the forum, a top lady......... :) Gutted to hear you went out, i was hoping you would take the whole table out, and go on to win after getting a few chips !. Please dont tell me you let the young guy on the end of the table take you out, he seemed to hit everything he played !. As for my tournament, didnt go too well, out in the early stages after going all in with JJ, and running in to Q's :wall ... Hopefully get to know a few of you here and see you at other tournies....... Cheers Chris

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

Hi all. A forum newbie here. Just wanted to say thanks to Pocket Lady for being good company at my table yesterday :clap , and for introducing me to the forum, a top lady......... :) Gutted to hear you went out, i was hoping you would take the whole table out, and go on to win after getting a few chips !. Please dont tell me you let the young guy on the end of the table take you out, he seemed to hit everything he played !. As for my tournament, didnt go too well, out in the early stages after stupidly going all in with KJ, and running in to Q's :wall ... Hopefully get to know a few of you here and see you at other tournies....... Cheers Chris
:welcome to PL shawyboy
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

Hi guys/gals - thankyou very much for all of the support that you posted/called with to cheer us all on. :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy (Chin up Morls :tongue2) Good News is that we still have 3 players into day 2 : In stack order: Danarama Runadrum JarJar :hope:hope:hope for the three of you for today. I was the last player out last night before the end of play in 46th after my JJ getting beaten for a second time that night leaving me short stacked and ALL IN with 22 on my BB - was called and 3 others also went all in revealing AA AQ and A10 - the straight won it in the end. :( Big apologies if I miss anyone from this list - from memory i believe that the PL players that we had were: Lou Saban JarJar Danarama Runadrum Burnley Joe Teaulc Money Ivey Prowler Jeffster Sir Fish Pie Pocket Lady Ther were 8 of us wearing PL shirts including our entourage cheering us on in the wings- :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy Big Andy AvonGirl Mike (moustache) Saban Mr V Staffy LocoLady Thank you for your support guys/gals -you made my night being there. :ok
Unlucky Sam, Well done for getting so far tho!:ok
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham well, got back late last night after going out fairly early (not the 1st pl `er left that to burnleyjoe) in about 88th,,,thought it was very well organized and made to feel very welcome right from the off by des duffy who called me by my first name right away(albeit i hadnt told him who i was but knew from my pl shirt,secretly think he has memorized all our names:lol ), the casino manager raj was very welcoming as well as was all the staff:clap :clap :clap :clap .. the tournament itself was great with 10,000 start chips(not enuff for me tho:dude )and 40 minute blinds,didnt once get above my starting chips as whenver i got a decent hand everyone folded:sad ,,,after the 1st break got moved tables and straight away on the defensive when i big raised my pocket 10`s and got re-raised,i bottled it;) .. but all in all great experience and have to thank all the apat staff for all the hard work they have done so far:clap :clap :clap :clap .... it was nice to meet up with mike & lou saban,jeffster,bigandy,runadrum,avonlady,pocketlady,valiantandy,my bedmate burnleyjoe (who got the room to himself cos i went straight home as my youngest had to go to hospital after a football party,he`s okay tho)and it was good to meet moneyivey who was on my table to start with and then a bit later he got moved to the table of death,,,now this table was where at least 11 were all beat with all-ins going left right and centre...(if i have missed anyone,apologies) all in all a thoroughly enjoyable experience and look forward to the next one

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

didnt once get above my starting chips as whenver i got a decent hand everyone folded:sad
That's what happens when there aren't muppets there to call you and try and outdraw you :tongue2 Sounds like it was a superb event though and well organised :ok
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

Not sure about the clapping every time someone went out though.
well it was better than laughing:lol :lol , and yes gaf? was a different experience altogether,and was well organized,,i am now looking forward to the paddypoker live game in brighton where i will be playing my next live game,hope it is as good as apat`s organisation
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham just got back. mikes gone straight to the pub for some hair of the dog, thought he was going to barf in the car on the way home. he just couldnt pull himself away from the cash table last night but i will let him update on that (i wont live it down that he was the only winner yesterday) had a great weekend , shame about not making the second day but really enjoyed playing. ditto to all the good things said about apat , the tourney and the casino. nice to meet pl'ers again, made for a good day and night :ok gonna go and catch some :zzz now so im refreshed for the champs league tonight.

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

well it was better than laughing:lol :lol , and yes gaf? was a different experience altogether,and was well organized,,i am now looking forward to the paddypoker live game in brighton where i will be playing my next live game,hope it is as good as apat`s organisation
might be there too teaulc :)
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham I'm really really jealous of all the players who could play, but in what was a very long tournament I think that APAT maybe under estimated the amount of railbirds who maybe would have enjoyed playing side games. They started the cash tables up at about 9.30, which meant for those who had been there all day railing, such as Mike, BA and Avon it must have been a long day. I think that provision for STT's at future APAT events must be considered. Even though this is a small observation, and certainly not a criticism on what has been a very well organised tournament. I didn't hear a bad word said about the organisation or the setup, so credit to all at APAT. :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :hope a PLer will bring it home today.

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham I went out 97th.... Having lost a fair amount of chips from my stack of 16,500 when my full house (9's over my pocket fours) was bested by 9's over kings, my final hand in the tourney played out like this : A guy goes all in... I look down at pocket kings, so push all in for 5,200 Another guy calls us both... First guy turns over Ace 10.... I turn over my pocket kings... The third guy turns over pocket queens... There is a Queen on the flop, so I am now behind to trip queens... The turn is a king, so my trip kings are now in front... The river is a queen ! So, my trip kings are beaten by quad queens !:wall:wall:wall I thoroughly enjoyed the tourney, not least of all bevcause of the company of the other PLers there, who were all a great bunch ! :nana:drums:nana

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham Hi all, well where do I start ? it was great fun, again, to meet up with and be in the company of so many PL'ers, it cant be good for my health, enjoying myself that much :beer Got to say thanks to B.A and AvonGirl for the company early on, we must have spent several hours in each others company on the wrong side of the rail, but it was all good :ok The PL shirts stood out a mile, this is exactly what I imagined when I posted about them being sorted out ages ago, so once again, nice one DP, job done :clap Morls - got to apologise to you for rambling on, on the phone, I only got worse mate. From a railers point of view, I thought the APAT organisation looked spot on and was very friendly and well organised.I actually thought the appaulding of a player when knocked out, was a nice touch, and just proved the friendly tone. Hopefully the guys still in will be able to post their success storys on this thread a bit later. We walked into the casino to be met with..."Its the Sabans - but only one of you is playing !!!!" The jokes didnt stop, thanks mainly to teaulc -thanks mate - your time will come :moon ( glad your lads ok btw), but later I said to DesD that if they were short I was willing to help them out and step in, he briefly raised my hopes, by telling me 3 people at that time hadnt turned up and there was a reserve list - unfortunatley I'd be the 4th person on it - typical. My only whinge - is that I was disapointed to see the casino staff, what looked like, hassling Sam (Pocket Lady ) over ID several hours into the tournament, whilst she was playing which I didnt think fair - either sort it before or at the break, but whilst playing is not on, in my opinion. APATs Des, Richard and Tikay all took the time to speak to me, as did PokerPlayers Dave Woods, I enjoyed the conversation and meeting you guys. As Mr V as mentioned, we didnt get a side game going for ages, but once it started, it took Lou some time dragging me away. Pot Limit holdem £1/2 blinds, minimum £25 to sit down - which later raised to £50. Had some banter with some of the London Poker meetup guys on here, they were a good bunch, although probably not too impressed with my 94o which made me a few quid, after raising preflop and then again despite AK on the flop - although they were callin with 52o - so we both as bad as each other. No complaints though, they were nice guys. Once the broadway requlars started sitting down when the money raised, I quickly made myself public enemy number one, with a guy who had about 3 grand in £50 notes in his pocket, after I called him a fish after he called me to the river catching one of fours outs to give him a straight and busting my two pair to take a pot of approx £250. Several battles followed, I'm not sure he was a good player, but he was very succesful as he did a good job of taking most peoples chips, which........... he then gave to me, Lou finally dragged me off the table, when I was over £200 up in profit, after the weekends expenses. Once again, a good day out - some pics to follow. Cheers Mike PS MoneyIvey the website we discussed is www.thepokerdb.com

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham Just got back thanks to all the PLers it was great to meet you all and look forward to seeing you all again. cant remember too much to be honest i was trashed, although woke up this morning about £300 richer, bargain on the way home stopped at a service station put £6 in a £500 jackpot machine and dropped it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fckin buzzin, hangover went straight away, so apart from gettin drunk at the table, everything went as planned!!!!!!!!! Cheers all

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