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**Poker Monday 4th September**


**Poker Monday 4th September**  

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    • 16:30 Betway After Work Freeroll
    • 18:00 Europoker Fish Tank
    • 18:30 Nordicbet $1500 Freeroll
    • 19:00 Betfair 4000 Gtd
    • 19:30 Betfair Poker Player Grand Prix
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster

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Re: **Poker Monday 4th September**

why cant we do the grand prix GaF?
I was going to do this last time - but had to change it because the password is not publicly available (Grand Prix I it was - they emailed it out - but not this time)
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Re: **Poker Monday 4th September** GaF - not really complaining about the choice of focus game, more of an observation. 2 weeks ago a lot more PL'ers entered Grand Prix than the focus game as I remember. I'm sure the huge majoity of regular focus game players will have access to the password, and will have chance to play at 7.30.....be interesting to see the numbers tomorrow. As I said, not really complaining - you're never going to please everybody (I can't deposit on SO, so can't play champions league, but that life), and I think the spread of games so far has been good, but 4.30 will be impossible for most.

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Re: **Poker Monday 4th September**

Do you need to make a deposit on this site before you can cash out freeroll winnings?
I don't know specifically, but almost all sites require a deposit before you can withdraw. Washman - I see what you're saying - and in terms of numbers, I'm sure there will be more in the grand prix. However I made the decision early on that I wouldn't chose either raked hand games or restricted games - just by principal - if the tourney isn't open to all and restricted to purchasers of a magazine, then I still think it is wrong to have as a focus game.... Whilst I appreciate the time is restrictive for the Betway - the principal is that anyone who is available at that time is able to play. In favour of it is that it redresses the balance a little for those who work shifts and cannot make all of the evening games - the intention has always been to make games widely available to as many people as possible over time (and not on an individual evening)
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Re: **Poker Monday 4th September**

I agree with Washman, I play the Grand Prix but am unable to download Virgin so cannot play in their games. And I notice that betway do not allow players from Holland, have we any?
I'm not aware of any poker players we have from Holland .... though even if there were, that wouldn't change anything as I wouldn't chose the focus game to suit a small number of players. The Betfair Grand Prix is a complete non starter so far as I'm concerned - as it is restricted to Poker Player buyers ...... If the Betway game wasn't the focus game then it would be a buy in game - typically we end up with about 15 players in non value added buy in games - I think we will have about that anyway for the Betway - so as many people probably still get to play (though we will see - it's an "experiment" too)
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Re: **Poker Monday 4th September** While I agree that this start time is restrictive for most players, I'm happy to at last have the opportunity to play in one focus game given the time difference over here. Great move Gaf, one of these start times every week please :ok Sorry, only joking, just being selfish........;)

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Re: **Poker Monday 4th September** To answer your question , not at the moment . I made the cash some weeks back and got paid one day later later in my neteller account . Hope that helps :ok

Have just downloaded betway, this is the 4th new site I have downloaded in the last 3 days. Do you need to make a deposit on this site before you can cash out freeroll winnings?
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Re: **Poker Monday 4th September** I´ve voted to play but may have to go out before it starts. Good idea to have an afternoon game every now and then, just not sure to be able to make them. Maybe sunday virgin games, monday pms etc etc as a norm, and people can plan around them? Just a thought:\

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Re: **Poker Monday 4th September** Gaf. I think thats not a bad choice , As you say you will get some of the lads not to happy about it. Of us that work shifts and i am on permanent late shift 1.15 till 10.15pm. So i miss a few games here and there as i guess others do as well. It does gives us a chance to get and catch the others up:lol . So i think you are been very fair with your variation:ok BTW. Good luck to all where ever you are playing today. :hope

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Re: **Poker Monday 4th September** Phew - I made the focus game in the last minute !!! The poll is showing 22 entrants - for me that totally vindicates the choice of focus game. This is more than we would have got for a non value added buy in game in the evening and also is giving an opportunity to a different segment of PL'rs - the goal at the start of this was never that everyone could make every game. I hear what you guys are saying who cannot make it, however on balance, I think I would make the same choice again......

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Re: **Poker Monday 4th September** I can't play in today's focus game, but I have no problem with occasionally having them at "unusual" times. Those who work "normal" hours should recognize that there are some people who work evenings, or live in different time zones, who have as many problems playing at 8pm as most of us have playing at 4.30pm. One suggestion I would make is that when we have one at an unusual time, then it might be a good idea to give as much notice as possible, so that those who assume they can't play the focus game because they're not available in the evening are more likely to notice it.

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