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**Poker Tuesday 29th August**


**Poker Tuesday 29th August**  

  1. 1.

    • 18:00 Europoker Fish Tank
    • 19:00 Betfair 4000 Gtd
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Stan James Poker Zone Grand Prix
    • 20:00 Sporting Odds Champions League

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 29th August**

Oooooppps. I turned up ready to start at 9pm. I've never done that before. Nearly three years playing online and it's the first time I've got the start time wrong. I'm going senile. :\ Out in 336th.
what do you mean GOING?????????????????????????????:tongue2 :D :rollin
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 29th August** Earlier i entered the sj grand prix then read the terms and conditions for the payouts.It stated if u hav'nt deposited u dont get any money for finishing in top 18 which is fair enough.But my point is how many of u guys have been knocked out by some1 who has'nt deposited and cant win any money?Sounds a bit unfair 4 u guys who have deposited getting knocked out by some 1 who has'nt.Surely would of made more sense to have it as a raked hand tourney. btw i unregistered 4 the tourney because did'nt think it was fair 4 me to take people out when all i could win was nothing.:nana

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 29th August**

if you ever come back to the middleclub I'll explain how to it make it work :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2
I'd come back but Ginner works nights thurs fri sat/sun so a bit difficult just type it and ill try and understand it...............with my inferior brain:tongue2 Jammie Carrie
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 29th August**

Earlier i entered the sj grand prix then read the terms and conditions for the payouts.It stated if u hav'nt deposited u dont get any money for finishing in top 18 which is fair enough.But my point is how many of u guys have been knocked out by some1 who has'nt deposited and cant win any money?Sounds a bit unfair 4 u guys who have deposited getting knocked out by some 1 who has'nt.Surely would of made more sense to have it as a raked hand tourney. btw i unregistered 4 the tourney because did'nt think it was fair 4 me to take people out when all i could win was nothing.:nana
I stuck a tenner in there this aft, just in case.
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 29th August** ahh well out in 13th .............. i figured i might as well go for it with the JJ as 5th - 18th place got the same money ................... buggered if i'm wasting another hour or two more and still ending up with $50 (not when i get up at 6.15 am) might as well double up or get some sleep ........................... thanks for all the support...................................... even if i did miss most of it :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin

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