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August Champions League - Sporting Odds


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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds What a pratt Leading for quite a while - call an allin for 2.5k with AK morl then goes allin for with QQ for a further 5.5k - I call with A high. Heat of the moment - out in 10th. Didn't do anything after that hand hit me. :(

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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds

Im guessing Morls won this round... by the number of thank-you-all-posts :lol :lol :lol Well done, sonny :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap ...shame I can't take your chips in Copenhagen this weekend :sad :sad :sad
Im really really sorry......but i have a plan......gonna see how long and how much the bus takes lol
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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds I'm still happy with my situation :D It was always going happen where a few games gave me nowt :( .. I know what I need to do so hopefully I can improve on my low score :hope .. Again very well done to morlspin tonight and also teaulc on a very high finish :clap :clap :ok :cheers

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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds Note to self - i will not give my chip to Morls... i hope. Glad to hear you won it mate. Not so happy to hear you gave most of the chips i gave you away, but at least you pulled it back. Congratulations (until next time :ok)

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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds looks to be quite an important night tonight for points with 2 more to go,still 3 or 4 players could move right up there with a good result.... GOOD LUCK to all playing and may the poker gods smile down on each and everyone of us :ok :ok :ok

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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds

Nice one Morls :nana:nana:nana - and come on guys - there is another 4 games for you to get the points that you need this month. :hope:hope:hope
Cheers babes :cow Theres 3 left tho, including todays, so come on all! lets win this!
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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds very disappointed,was doing good had a great start and after nearly 2 hours 1 hand blew me out and i didnt need to play it,but thought BA was bluffing,,,,he had the full house with 2`s:wall :wall ...oh well ...good luck all

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Re: August Champions League - Sporting Odds Well played Mike, great result.. You took all my chips with JJJ v my 999 which annoyed me greatly at the time :cry . Been a good night for a few of us :D :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap You da man Mike :notworthy :ok :cheers

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