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Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment.

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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment. I made a paper trail experiment on these sheets. Namely, took 3 goal winners (at least) and layed their opponents. Mostly @ home, but Chelsea for example away, too. And it looked nice. This weekend in Bundesliga 5/5 (layed Cottbus, Karlsruher, Schalke, Wolfsburg and Mgladbach) and EPL 2/2 (layed Hull City and Wigan). Not bad. I think I will start this thing with real money next weekend, but will look for team news etc, also. :ok

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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment.

In the Brits Leagues it was 50/50 3 from 6 correct so still a lot of uncertainty around.Don't be fooled Lorenzo and if you must bet' date=' keep the stakes low.[/quote'] Thanks for warning. But like I said, I will not only follow the spreadsheets, but also will follow team news and form.
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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment. Hi gerryjo, and welcome to the thread,hope you find something of interest here as the season unfolds.You can download free of charge very easily, see Message number 904 and page number 46 of this current thread.Any problems give me a shout.;)

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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment. Lorenzo, the prices are going to be pretty short on laying the opponents of the 3 goal ahead teams (not that this is a bad thing in itself) so as Merlin has said be careful, I mean if you are laying 8/1 and 10/1 shots you are likely to get a lot of winners but who knows whether there'll be a profit in the long term. It will be interesting to see, and as this thread is as much about finding ways to profit from the MW spreadsheets as anything else I say good on you for giving it a bash and good luck. I'm still wondering how long to give it before we start our engines, 6 games? or 7 or 8? Also has anyone got a record of predictions and results from the MW sheets for previous seasons? I wouldn't mind seeing them if you have, LMK. Ed

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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment.

And it's Wrexham :walltomorrow @ 2.04 for the NORMS...:hope
Weekends picks will come on Thurs/ Friday....good job this is only paper chasing, anyhows i'll put the table up after the weekend as this is the last one before its starts for real......
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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment. Its down as the 21st March 09 Lorenzo. You can get any fixture date by going into the particular League file and clicking on the ENTER RESULT TAB at the bottom of the page.This brings up a box.Enter the home team in the home slot and do likewise for the away team, and this brings up your fixture date.;)

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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment. OK. I will start with my "Lay 3 goal losers" system (only top leagues, not Coca -Cola etc.) 3 games this weekend: Lay Bochum win against Schalke @ 9,2 to win 10€ Lay Cottbus win against Dortmund @ 3,75 to win 5€ Lay Tottenham win against Chelsea @ 10,5 to win 10€ :hope Starting with 200€

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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment. So: Lay Bochum win against Schalke @ 9,2 to win 10€ :clap (Schalke won 1-0) Lay Cottbus win against Dortmund @ 3,75 to win 5€ :clap (Dortmund won 1-0) Lay Tottenham win against Chelsea @ 10,5 to win 10€ :clap (1-1) Lay Malaga win against At. Madrid @ 9,4 to win 10€ :clap (At. Madrid won 4-0) Starting bank: 200€ Total bets: 4 Winning bets: 4 Losing bets: 0 Strike rate: 100% Current bank: 233,25 Profit/Loss: +33,25 Not bad for starters :ok

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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment. ..... been there, done it and got the tee shirt.Using these sheets and predictions spells it all out.Wait until at least six games have elapsed at least prior to using them for more serious forecasting.Trust this is only a paper trial.;)

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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment.

Starting for real now so One for the Norms tonight Forest Green Rovers @ 2.36 :@
What makes this worse was that i watched the game & FGR hit the bar in the last min & then missed a sitter in injury time but in fairness Eastbourne played really well & deserved their win.....:clap
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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment. .... Did anyone notice the predicted scores for the two Conference matches played yesterday? Against the predicted we had exactly the same two scores as they actually happened,two spot on results!:clap

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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment. Hi there Merlin, muppet here (i pmailed you aaages back about the possible workings behind the sheets) You seem to a have a close group of peopl etrying out different systems using the sheets. do you have a summary of performance anywhere, for your system or anyone elses? eg previous seasons? do you have a post number that you can quote? keep up the good work!

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Re: Return to Oz and the Michael Wray Experiment. Hi there Martin, good to see you are still around.Unfortunately I don't keep every spreadsheet from season to season, but I do believe that on this thread there is a summary of how it has performed over the past two seasons, yield etc.Hope this helps you in your quest, and hope to see you here often.;)

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