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Vastly Expensive Racing Systems

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To cut a long story short, my dad passed away this week, and I've been going through his documents etc trying to organise things. It's incredible how much paperwork one person can amass! In amongst his bank statements, car insurance, etc were countless envelopes from this company, Brimardon, with lurid claims of huge monthly profits. They're charging £2950 for 6 months phone tipping, or £4k for the "new PRO system". :eek Now my Dad loved the horses, loved having a bet & occasionally would pick a nice winner - but also used a few tip lines from time to time - he was probably the ideal Brimardon target, but it's unbelieveable how much money they've spent trying to get him to join up. Fortuantely he wasn't mug enough for Brimardon, but how many people actually go for this kind of thing?! I'd suggest it was a fair number judging by the money they have for glossy direct mailouts.. Maybe PL could start their own paid telephone tips service - management could be driven around in Maybach limos in a year or two! Has anyone on here fallen victim to this kind of thing before they discovered 'real' punting?

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Re: Vastly Expensive Racing Systems Firstly I'm sorry for your loss. It is easy to see how people are seduced by the advertising from the major tipping lines which is generally very cleverly written without revelaing all the facts. Many years ago I used to receive tips from a lot of the major players through relay agents who used to sell them on at vastly reduced rates and I never found any of them to be any good. After all if your info is that good why sell it ? I can't see much support on here for a paid for service when the whole spirit of PL is providing tips , info and opinions in an open forum .

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Re: Vastly Expensive Racing Systems

I can't see much support on here for a paid for service when the whole spirit of PL is providing tips ' date=' info and opinions in an open forum .[/quote'] Agreed, wasn't serious about that part! (though they could clean up :rollin)
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Re: Vastly Expensive Racing Systems The only thing that I subsribe to is Mark Howards racing books and for 5.99p the best books around. This is my personal view and in no way an advertisement of any kind, Their must be a lot of people getting involved with some of these software and tipping services as you only have to look at their advertisements in the post and the cost of full page adds is not cheap and they seem to be in there most of the time. PS Sorry about your dad.

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Re: Vastly Expensive Racing Systems Hi Rippy, My condolences on your loss. I have been getting a fair few of these leaflets. Not the one you are on about. Never subscribe to them so much profit.. so why sell it. Why not just employ other people to put bets on and pay % on profit's.. Only because it's a scam.. But as said in earlier post. the P/L is the best free tipping service on the net..

To cut a long story short, my dad passed away this week, and I've been going through his documents etc trying to organise things. It's incredible how much paperwork one person can amass! In amongst his bank statements, car insurance, etc were countless envelopes from this company, Brimardon, with lurid claims of huge monthly profits. They're charging £2950 for 6 months phone tipping, or £4k for the "new PRO system". :eek Now my Dad loved the horses, loved having a bet & occasionally would pick a nice winner - but also used a few tip lines from time to time - he was probably the ideal Brimardon target, but it's unbelieveable how much money they've spent trying to get him to join up. Fortuantely he wasn't mug enough for Brimardon, but how many people actually go for this kind of thing?! I'd suggest it was a fair number judging by the money they have for glossy direct mailouts.. Maybe PL could start their own paid telephone tips service - management could be driven around in Maybach limos in a year or two! Has anyone on here fallen victim to this kind of thing before they discovered 'real' punting?
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Re: Vastly Expensive Racing Systems Hi guys I'm newbie on here & relatively new (18 months) to racing, so hope you'll understand the naivity which follows - Subscribed to software called 'Racexpert'; cost £79 to join for 10 weeks + another £140 or so for add-ons including something called 'market watch' which was so disastrous that the company pulled it half-way thru & then refused a refund for the portion of the fee relating to the portion of the service not provided. This contravenes consumer law & I'm taking them to small claims court (solicitor says I'm 100% certain to win). The firm were very unpleasant to deal with, sarcastic, patronising & rude. The software was very fragile (prone to corruption during daily downloads), complex & time consuming; all it gave was the kind of normal info such as speed figs, trainer/jock stats etc you get from other sites like RP where it's free. You had to devise your own system/s from it just like you would from any other source of info. I found my strike rate dropped from my normal average (about 33-35%) to around 5% when using it. Some of their data had been incorrectly inputted. Of course they made grandiose claims pointing out their longshot winners, whilst conveniently forgetting the dozens of losers inbetween ( so wot's new?!) Just as bad are those glossy brochures dropping thru letterbox - "make scrillions a year" - they lure people in by stating they proof to RP. In FACT RP will only proof for a max of 1 month and ONLY in order to screen adverts; I've personally alerted RP to a couple of these scams resulting in RP forcing the firms to remove the proofing claims from the brochures printed year/s after any proofing took place. And as for the "money-back guarantees" - don't make me larf, they simply do a moonlit & can't be found (anyone on here fallen victom to The Racing Consortium? (aka 'Racehorse Investments Ltd') - tried to take a fee off me 3 times, 2nd & 3rd times claiming the card transaction had failed to go thru when it had been successful And as for those odds-to bets - don't ever fall for those (hands up, I did 3 times, fingers duly burnt). You are quite right, the return is VASTLY better when you DIY and also follow some very well informed & astute people on the forums. To highlight this, a Q: out of approx his last 90 tips, how many wins (approx) has Pricewise had? A - 5 !! Now most of us can do a lot beter than that can't we?! ATB

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Re: Vastly Expensive Racing Systems

You are quite right, the return is VASTLY better when you DIY and also follow some very well informed & astute people on the forums. To highlight this, a Q: out of approx his last 90 tips, how many wins (approx) has Pricewise had? A - 5 !! Now most of us can do a lot beter than that can't we?! ATB
Indeed, PL is awash with great tips. Carl - 4/4 only days ago Ralphie - his quick system is over 1000pts in profit and running for a couple of years at least. Bowles - I've come to the conclusion what he don't know about racing isn't worth knowing - his posts in here & and in Systems & Strategy range from class to genius. %Man - 6/7 recently & winners ever day Tank Maestro - has picked a lot of winners in recent months too Slapdash - his big price doubles are amazing Socky & Gripper both turn in winning tips frequently Me - 'Go Forth' & 'Quick Return' both in healthy profit in a very short space of time - I'll admit there's a hell of lot I don't understand about racing and will probably never - I just try to look for trends and trap winners. It works for me! Apologies if I've forgotten anybdy but the underlying message is DON'T BUY EXPENSIVE SYSTEMS WHEN EVERYTHING YOU NEED IS HERE!
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Re: Vastly Expensive Racing Systems Many thanks for everyone's kind words - it still hasn't really sunk in, but life goes on, I'm just trying to stay positive & strong for the rest of the family.. Dad wouldn't have liked the thought of everyone moping around feeling sorry for themselves anyway. :)

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Re: Vastly Expensive Racing Systems sorry about your loss mate your dad will always be with you though my dads been dead a long while now too long but if i am unsure about anything i still think what would dad have done i get the answer - problem sorted

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Re: Vastly Expensive Racing Systems

Has anyone on here fallen victim to this kind of thing before they discovered 'real' punting?
Sorry to hear the sad news Rippy. In answer to your question, I was fascinated by teletext tipsters when I first got into racing. Probably back in the year 2000 i used to subscribe to one guy called SafeBet and to be fair he made a profit by tipping up 2 bets a day and doing a single and a double, if the first bet failed back the second in a single etc. He tipped up Giant's Causeway to win the Eclipse at 8-1 and also had a few 12-1 winners as well as odds-on favourites. Then he had a bad month and I gave up and tried a few out that I'd see in the Racing Post. One guy sent me all his results in the hope that I'd join but I just analysed his results and worked out his system, it was basically a 'chasing' system based on backing 1st and 2nd favs in maidens. Not for me. I bought a couple of cheap ones, £25 was the most I spent, on the net but decided in about 2001 that I'd had enough - most systems were based on favourites and I knew they wouldn't work. I decided to try and invent my own. The first one I had involved backing horses on a hat-trick that weren't upped in class and that made me a few quid but then it soon turned. I then went through loads of racing posts and looked at all sorts of data, staying up until the small hours fathoming stats, following tipsters out of form, tipsters in form, using the RPratings, top speed, most number of tips, forecast favourites in handicaps, you name it ... After 6 years of trying, laying horses is the way forwards for me now . Adrian Massey's database of horses has helped me design my own system/s - and I know other members such as %man uses it frequently to find winners. I still get the odd envelope through tempting me into buying some of these fantastic systems. A mate a work got involved and quickly blew a lot of money, his name was Roy Carter. After seeing this happen I now tear up any magazines that are sent to me telling me how I can make a fortune. I once had an idea that if I could get 10-20 people together to chip into a renound tipster then we woudn't lose that much money on the subscription fees. No-one seemed up for it at the time so I decided to knock it on the head. There's no way I'd subsribe to anyone now. All the best Danny
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Re: Vastly Expensive Racing Systems Safe bet are still running but are called the bet collection now. I have been dragged through the mill when it comes to tipsters. The best ones are usually quite cheap but there is always a bigger price to pay. I get an offer in the mail offering a road to wealth (i usually get about 20 letters per week). I used fall for it hook line and sinker. I would pay around £20-£30 for the month. A few weeks later on there line they would say ring in for a definate winnwer. They would want me to put £100 on for them and when the selection won i would send them the profit and i took my £100 back. All was fine until they started asking me to put £400 per horse on. I couldn't keep up. I was getting around 80% winners. It's happened to me with about 3 of the tipsters. I dont do it anymore though.

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Re: Vastly Expensive Racing Systems Great stories there lads, Ive never paid for any info,Ive been doing the Horses for about 18 months now and Im still learning but I guess you never stop learning tho. There that much info on the net that all you need is a fe hours or a good night infront of the PC collecting data and getting trends together. I personally look for reasons why a trainer/owner has sent a horse to a meeting,eg Today APMcCoy has 2 rides, and 1 for BinSurror and its only now 18 months down the line that a horse will crop up and ill remember 'having that' a couple of times in the past. I dont think Ill ever pay for tips as we have some great lads on here and at the end of the day I can lose my money myself with paying someone to do it for me.

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Re: Vastly Expensive Racing Systems Many thanks for all that feedback folks. My Dad died in 1985 but I still think about him a great deal and if ever I have a problem I'm finding tricky I think of what his advice might have been, so he's still with me in a way Re paid-for services - I'll cert be looking out for those forum-posters mentioned . Meanwhile, I can't believe that Racexpert have had the nerve/stupidity to email me their latest ad stating they had over 90 winners in last 8 days or something!! LOL - obviously NO losers of course since none were mentioned - they must think everyone's as stupid as them - unable to work out that if they really had found all those bets for themselves & punted on them to the exclusion of losers, they'd be sunning themselves on their yacht in Bahamas, not advertising their wares to all and sundry...unbelievable!! LOL

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