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come to belfast?


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Re: come to belfast? Bestwestern Wellington Park Hotel has rooms for £66 per night. It's a 4 * so should be reasonable. Good facilities.. ie Pub !!! http://www.wellingtonparkhotel.com/bars/ Address is: 21 Malone Road, Belfast BT9 6RU Can anyone confirm if it is near the Yorkgate as I don't want to be f*ckin around with expensive Taxi's all weekend? Cheers Mike

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Re: come to belfast? Just found this for anyone who can share a room. I tried it for 1 person but the single supplement doubles the price :( http://www.bookin1.com/html/new_stage1.jsp?id=WPH&ref=hotelier&mode=fromFlash&search=&src=hotelier [url=http://www.wellingtonparkhotel.com/special_offers] It has 2 nights B&B for £69. It has 2 nights B&B with one evening meal for £99.

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Re: come to belfast? Wellie park hotel is further away than the hotels i posted, but tis nice, prob extra couple of pound in a taxi, but if a load of u go there then it would be fine, its about 15 - 20 min walk into town from there P.S SPAIN WHO:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana NOT BRAZIL :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy WE'RE NORN IRON :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy

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Re: come to belfast? my personally recommended hotels are: http://www.crescenttownhouse.com/index.htm situated in the centre of things with good cafes and bars nearby. http://www.benedictshotel.co.uk/ i even stay in this hotel sometimes if im out clubbing or that and am a bit flush. some of the rooms have a jacuzzi and wi fi for laptops....good restaurant for sensibly priced food ....and bar is dead on up until about 11pm..also private after hours guest bar!!

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Re: come to belfast? I feel it's my job to let everyone know about Gambler99 before you walk into the sad little boy. He was temp banned for asking for passwords again recently, then subsequently permanently banned for being abusive after numerous warnings. He then sent me this: ------ **** you Paul Ross your punterslounge site is the worst betting forum i have ever came acrosss in my life and ur a fat sweaty ugly **** and u make me sick and i will be letting everyone else from now on who joins punters lounge how much of a fat sweaty ugly looking bastard you are, your site sucks and your girl penelopyes is a totall mess **** u fat boy, banned for nothing your the ****in ignorant fool, u fat **** pot, smell u from here u minger ----- Now that sort of stuff is water off a duck's back to me and Pene just laughed at the comment about her, so why am I posting it on here? Well, it's likely the 23 year old going on 7, will turn up and I think it's only fair I let you know what this boy is really like, as it only takes one to spoil a party. Neither me nor Pene will be in Belfast now, not completely because of this I might add. Anyway, there are nice people in Belfast as I know a few myself, however this little boy needs to grow up fast. PL has NEVER had anything like this at any meeting I have been to, although the last poker meeting saw 2 people banned from future events. I hope you have a good time anyway guys and gals, hopefully without the 7 year old.

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Re: come to belfast?

I feel it's my job to let everyone know about Gambler99 before you walk into the sad little boy. He was temp banned for asking for passwords again recently, then subsequently permanently banned for being abusive after numerous warnings. He then sent me this: ------ **** you Paul Ross your punterslounge site is the worst betting forum i have ever came acrosss in my life and ur a fat sweaty ugly **** and u make me sick and i will be letting everyone else from now on who joins punters lounge how much of a fat sweaty ugly looking bastard you are, your site sucks and your girl penelopyes is a totall mess **** u fat boy, banned for nothing your the ****in ignorant fool, u fat **** pot, smell u from here u minger ----- Now that sort of stuff is water off a duck's back to me and Pene just laughed at the comment about her, so why am I posting it on here? Well, it's likely the 23 year old going on 7, will turn up and I think it's only fair I let you know what this boy is really like, as it only takes one to spoil a party. Neither me nor Pene will be in Belfast now, not completely because of this I might add. Anyway, there are nice people in Belfast as I know a few myself, however this little boy needs to grow up fast. PL has NEVER had anything like this at any meeting I have been to, although the last poker meeting saw 2 people banned from future events. I hope you have a good time anyway guys and gals, hopefully without the 7 year old.
Sorry to read this, made some good friends on this forum and i hope to meet a few more come PL Belfast. But as always it only takes one to fecken spoil it, and i promise 99.9% of Norn Iron peeps are very nice. Lets hope it aint put anyone else off as it would be a shame. Sorry again Paul and Pene and i hope to catch up with you in the future:ok
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Re: come to belfast?

think we are gonna make it you will need at least 50 posts on punters lounge to qualify to play in the belfast tourney just to avoid ppl joining pl just to play in this.(not that i am implying anything so underhand) so keep posting ppl.:ok
y 50 or more posts ?????????? when ur a member of a poker club u r welcome when ever u can make it. PS when u have 1000 posts does that mean ur a better player than someone with ten?:loon
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Re: come to belfast?

y 50 or more posts ?????????? when ur a member of a poker club u r welcome when ever u can make it. PS when u have 1000 posts does that mean ur a better player than someone with ten?:loon
no it means they talk more,:loon this IDEA was to stop someone with no intention of being apart of PL posting once and then turning up to a PL event. its like the password thing (c other posts):unsure
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Re: come to belfast?

no it means they talk more,:loon this IDEA was to stop someone with no intention of being apart of PL posting once and then turning up to a PL event. its like the password thing (c other posts):unsure
you also need over 50 posts to recieve private messages which you need to get the info regarding the tourney as it is not open to the general public,only to members of pl.:nana
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Re: come to belfast? well i was in london 8th 9th 10th sep @betfairs com over 100 players played in the main event every one i spoke to had a really good time there were all sorts of players from small stakes to the top pros on betfair the only precondition was that u had to be a member of betfair so mybe who ever is runnig the game in belfast should take a leaf out of their book embrace all becase after all its a game of fun as well as skill

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Re: come to belfast?

UR rite but the venue yorkgate is and im a member ther also lol:spank :spank
Well... what if I had my wedding at that venue... would you automatically be invited??? Just because you're a member there? What I think (know) Lemonjon and Bigmal are trying to tell you, is that this tournament is a private tournament, and has nothing to do with the poker club you are a member of. Punters Lounge members come to these events to meet friends, whom they speak alot to online. ...people who contribute to this place... 80 % of your posts have been merely complaints about this... (not really any contribution :unsure ) That's why there must be some kind of minimum of posts... otherwise people can join the same day as the live tournament, and that is not the point of Punters Lounge Live Events!! The point is to meet old friends AND to meet new friends, who contribute to this little society... Hope this makes it a bit more clear. Pene
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Re: come to belfast?

well i was in london 8th 9th 10th sep @betfairs com over 100 players played in the main event every one i spoke to had a really good time there were all sorts of players from small stakes to the top pros on betfair the only precondition was that u had to be a member of betfair so mybe who ever is runnig the game in belfast should take a leaf out of their book embrace all becase after all its a game of fun as well as skill
Any chance of a comma or full stop in there?:eyes
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Re: come to belfast?

So looks like i have to post alot if i want to play' date=' i live in Ireland can you just talk crap in posts just to build them up lol?[/quote'] I don't think it works quite like that, ;). But I'm sure you've got plenty of time to make a valuable contribution.
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