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goater14 is the best player on PL. Think you're better? PROVE IT!!


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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!! Well i gave you all a chance to beat the best ever 5 scores total and it wasnt to be....im sure Heniek would have done it if he didnt sissy off over to Poland and chicken out haha Good luck all next week, some big scores still around!

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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!! Superb PL Performance tonight :clap :clap :clap Well done Col U and Phil on the final table :clap :clap :clap And DP, on Final Table and reaching 911 points, a new record :clap :clap :clap :nana :cow

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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!!

Avongirl and Kippe hit PB's :clap :clap :clap
and, much lower down the table, I hit an all-time high of 290 :cow On my jollies now for a couple of weeks, so I'll give the others chance to catch up :lol
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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!! In addittion to 156 BPP points, RnR wins a $3000 New World Seat and $370 Cash :clap :clap :clap Now, WHY were there only 8 entrants? :loon The rest of you are stark raving bonkers!!!! :tongue2 Dave488 is the new BPP :clap :clap The DaftP era is suspended......

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Re: Are you the best player on PL? PROVE IT!!

Nade getting the hang of MTTs and sets another PB :ok
Cheers :ok I often look at the table and see all the great players throughout so it feels excellent to be climbing up and set my new PB :D Keep up the gr8 work on PL GaF :ok
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