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Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge


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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge cheers all thought Id give this one a crack last night cos i thought if my bro can qualify it must be easy(only joking) nearly blew it tho went from being massive chip leader when 12 left to just scraping in ,was trying to knock everybody out so i could get to bed ,see all the finalists on sunday

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge out in 10th put in my last 16k KQ one caller with only 38k in his hand i might add. he turns over 10-9 :wall gets a 9 on the flop. bye bye kev. could play the 3.30 one but need sleep. still a couple of chances tomorrow.:hope

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Cant get words out so short and sweet, flying in top 20, Pkt A's, re raised all in:loon He shows K/Q, flops *k* turn no help, Im chip leader :nana rivers a 3 out Q, im out. 7th on wednesday and this tonight!!! Anyone got a link for bingo?

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Managed to qualify for this tonight with no idea what I was playing for! :lol (must start reading every thread) I see the final's tomorrow night at 11:30pm - don't think I'll make it so will have to look for a stand-in. Anybody interested in playing for me? :hope TQM :dude

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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge

Good luck to all tonight - see you on the tables.:ok :hope for a PL victory!
Cheers Sam good luck to you too.:ok God iv only just got back from the pub and i'm leathered.Why Sunday why it's me only day(bar tuesday)when i love a beer and socialise(yep hard for us internet poker players). Come on PL'ers lets make ourselves known in front of the Yanks.by winning this.:ok In my drunken wisdom why not have those wristbands with PuntersLounge on them so when we are playing a live televised tournament(lol not me i mean,just one of our more talented players) the cameras will always pick them up when you look at the cards, seeing as we can't wear any T-shirts. God I love being leathered.:dude and rambling
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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge Yep, good luck everyone!! Sharpe speaking shite for a change - get some coffee quick, Sharpe!!! :beer

... and has TQM found somebody to play for him?
Yep, I had 2 of the top players from this forum volunteering to sub - had to pick one but I'm giving nothing away! :hope Someone from here can do it! :ok TQM p.s - I'm watching the golf with a large bet on Michleson - should finish 12:15ish so I'll check how everyone's doing. :ok
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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge

Yep, good luck everyone!! Sharpe speaking shite for a change - get some coffee quick, Sharpe!!! :beer Yep, I had 2 of the top players from this forum volunteering to sub - had to pick one but I'm giving nothing away!
Speakin shite:rollin :rollin :rollin This is quality Sunday shite talk it's very rare that, you should be honoured;) Why have I this funny feeling it's either V of Gaf playin for you,so i've only got to beware of raising into pocket Kings then. :beer :beer :beer :beer
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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge

Speakin shite:rollin :rollin :rollin This is quality Sunday shite talk it's very rare that, you should be honoured;) Why have I this funny feeling it's either V of Gaf playin for you,so i've only got to beware of raising into pocket Kings then. :beer :beer :beer :beer
you just wouldnt let it lie would ya:sad GL tonight everyone (even sharpe)
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Re: Mansion $1m Freeroll Superstar Challenge

you just wouldnt let it lie would ya:sad GL tonight everyone (even sharpe)
Trust me I still feel bad :( but no one would take the other player on on our table.I went to take out Gaz but he destroyed my stack.
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