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Is this ethical??


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Hi All, I was having a really bad run, and I'd suffered a couple of big bad beats - so when I got this hand I thought I'd use the chat box to pretend I'm on tilt - with great results. ***** Hand History for Game 4250537307 ***** 2/4 Texas Hold'em Game Table (Limit) - Fri May 12 15:19:01 EDT 2006 Table Table 95476 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button Total number of players : 10 Seat 1: MarcoDJM ( $89.50) Seat 2: thomas0080 ( $154) Seat 3: Mike_NM ( $53.50) Seat 4: BD7200 ( $176.50) Seat 5: the_cloud ( $43.38) Seat 6: KingEnnam69 ( $80) Seat 7: Do9527nanNAN ( $66) Seat 8: captainkfoo ( $116) Seat 9: Shiloh66 ( $51.75) Seat 10: susyq114 ( $131) the_cloud posts small blind (1) KingEnnam69 posts big blind (2) ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to the_cloud [ Kd, Ks ] Do9527nanNAN folds. the_cloud: hate this hame captainkfoo folds. Shiloh66 folds. susyq114 folds. the_cloud: game MarcoDJM calls (2) thomas0080 raises (4) to 4 Mike_NM calls (4) BD7200 folds. the_cloud raises (5) to 6 KingEnnam69 folds. MarcoDJM calls (4) thomas0080 calls (2) Mike_NM calls (2) ** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh, Kc, 7s ] the_cloud bets (2) MarcoDJM calls (2) thomas0080 calls (2) Mike_NM folds. ** Dealing Turn ** : [ 8s ] the_cloud checks. MarcoDJM checks. thomas0080 bets (4) the_cloud raises (8) to 8 MarcoDJM calls (8) thomas0080 calls (4) ** Dealing River ** : [ 6d ] the_cloud bets (4) MarcoDJM folds. thomas0080 raises (8) to 8 the_cloud raises (8) to 12 thomas0080 raises (8) to 16 the_cloud calls (4) ** Summary ** Main Pot: $85 | Rake: $3 Board: [ Jh Kc 7s 8s 6d ] MarcoDJM balance $73.50, lost $16 (folded) thomas0080 balance $122, lost $32 [ 6s 6h ] [ three of a kind, sixes -- Kc,Jh,6s,6h,6d ] Mike_NM balance $47.50, lost $6 (folded) BD7200 balance $176.50, didn't bet (folded) the_cloud balance $96.38, bet $32, collected $85, net +$53 [ Kd Ks ] [ three of a kind, kings -- Kd,Ks,Kc,Jh,8s ] KingEnnam69 balance $78, lost $2 (folded) Do9527nanNAN balance $66, didn't bet (folded) captainkfoo balance $116, didn't bet (folded) Shiloh66 balance $51.75, didn't bet (folded) susyq114 balance $131, didn't bet (folded) I love the yanks - but is what I did strictly ethical??

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Re: Is this ethical?? Yes - absolutely :ok (and the yanks are masters at it ;) ) Careful you don't give a "tell" though - I'm always suspicious of someone doing that AFTER they've seen their cards ......

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Re: Is this ethical?? First time I'd ever tried it - I was on a desperate run - and they had me down as abit of a novice (I'd got caught out a couple of times trying to nick blinds), so I played up to the image.

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Re: Is this ethical?? I would like to say that was on purpose - but it wasn't - I was rushing to get the comment in. You're right though - in hindsight it did add to the effect :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2 :tongue2

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Re: Is this ethical?? I was reading in WPTPoker magasine today about using the chatbox in this way. There was a story of a guy that became friendly with another player through chat, and persuaded him to join a heads up table due the site being full of collaborating teams, saying that heads up was the only safe way to play. Of course, this was entirely made up, and once on the heads up table the expert enticer destroyed his victim, taking him for $3,000+. Personally, I see this as scamming. Flat out lying to someone is unfair and unsportsmanlike. A bit of banter is to be expected, but to me this goes beyond banter, and into the world of the con-artist. Anyone ever played three card monte? It's a street game with three cards - two pictures and an ace. All three cards are placed face down, with the ace clearly shown in the centre. After a bit of mixing, bets are placed on where the ace is. The punters will lose every time, since it's a scam (various techniques are used to mislead the punters. The hand really is quicker than the eye). You cannot win, but the scammers will lie (and even use stooges in the crowd who will win to give the illusion that it's possible) to make it look like a fair game. Is this ethical? Of course not. thecloud's story is borderline, as is a lot of chat I see online. Usually, I switch off the chatbox simply to avoid this sort of thing. But I know, poker is a mind game, and it is to be expected that some players will lie about what cards they have/had.. but there's a fine line.

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Re: Is this ethical??

I was reading in WPTPoker magasine today about using the chatbox in this way. There was a story of a guy that became friendly with another player through chat, and persuaded him to join a heads up table due the site being full of collaborating teams, saying that heads up was the only safe way to play. Of course, this was entirely made up, and once on the heads up table the expert enticer destroyed his victim, taking him for $3,000+. Personally, I see this as scamming. Flat out lying to someone is unfair and unsportsmanlike. A bit of banter is to be expected, but to me this goes beyond banter, and into the world of the con-artist. Anyone ever played three card monte? It's a street game with three cards - two pictures and an ace. All three cards are placed face down, with the ace clearly shown in the centre. After a bit of mixing, bets are placed on where the ace is. The punters will lose every time, since it's a scam (various techniques are used to mislead the punters. The hand really is quicker than the eye). You cannot win, but the scammers will lie (and even use stooges in the crowd who will win to give the illusion that it's possible) to make it look like a fair game. Is this ethical? Of course not. thecloud's story is borderline, as is a lot of chat I see online. Usually, I switch off the chatbox simply to avoid this sort of thing. But I know, poker is a mind game, and it is to be expected that some players will lie about what cards they have/had.. but there's a fine line.
Hmmm... I'm really not sure that these are two comparable activities. And I'm not sure its a fine line either, but thats just my opinion I guess. I don't think anything unethical has happened on this occasion - to be honest i'd be very wary of anyone who said something like that after they looked at their cards, but I'm glad it worked on this occasion :lol As you point out, poker is a mind game. Really, I think that as long as you don't point to a specific hand, and therefore spoil things for another player at the table or are colluding with another player then you should be able to say what you like within the limits of reasonable courtesy (although I'm sure I fail there too a bit sometimes to be honest) at the table. As you also rightly point out, we can turn player chat off anytime we like. :)
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