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Re: Omaha

i done the same as you.jumped into one by mistake and somehow managed to come second.not really sure how though.:rollin:clap
Yeah, I was frantically reading thru the rules as soon as I saw 4 cards coming my way on the first hand. :rollin
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Re: Omaha LOL you then realise that holding trips Aces in your hand ain't that good - but its a bit late after reraising for half your stack...... (ahhhhhh memories of the first time I played Omaha!) Damo ***************************************************** Yeah, I was frantically reading thru the rules as soon as I saw 4 cards coming my way on the first hand. :rollin

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Re: Omaha I play mostly Omaha, but generally hi as oppose to h/l. I agree it requires more thought, but I think it's much better suited to cash games. Problem with Omaha for tourney play is no hand is very far ahead of the other, so tiny EV means more variance and tourneys end up involving even more luck than they already do in the short-medium term. The variance is already big enough with holdem tourneys, can go along time playing winning poker without winning one - omaha is even worse. There's often situations in Omaha where two players with totally different hands would be pushing in against each other even if the cards were face up, and would be right to do so - that doesn't really happen in holdem.

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Re: Omaha I've been playing 10c-20c PL Omaha on dream poker a lot recently and really enjoying it, i tried a Omaha H/L STT and made the money but struggled with the low hands part of it. there's a lot more action compared to Hold-em, with bigger pots to be won (and lost). more often than not though it's the nuts or something close that wins (depending on how many players), folding an inferior full house in the face of a big bet is hard but has to be done. And i've lost count of the times i have flopped the nut straight and been outdrawn, as Masterplan says it's PL and people will call to the end to hit a flush or full-house when they have flopped a flush draw or a set. But i think it teaches you things that you could be lacking in hold-em, like being aggressive and betting hard with the best hand because the best hand should win in the long run so you make them pay. And you get to play a lot more after the flop because Hold-em is aggresive pre-flop and Omaha is aggresive post-flop. And playing on the low limits, as long as you know the rules you've got an advantage over quite few of the players there.:lol Only been playing it about a month and still have a LOT to learn, but if i carry on making a profit in the long term then it's a game i'll always play.

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Re: Omaha Love playing Omaha. Very first hand I got 3333 and thought it was Christmas. Instigated massive raises and four were all in BEFORE the flop. Was absolutely disgusted when I lost to a straight...4 of a kind no good then??? Slinked off to read a couple of strategy guides and realised what a DORK I must have looked! Now I play as much Omaha and Hi/Lo as I can, though do tend to play STTs rather then cash games. One interesting point is when playing Hi/Lo...I still get sucked into playing the nut low A2xx and end up losing on a ''winning'' low hand due to two or three sharing the same half of the pot...can't work out when I should be realising the danger and folding to avoid this. There is much argument about the best starting hands in Omaha, I reckon AQ and AJ both suited (allowing the K flushes to face up to your A). But have seen people argue 6789, AAKK, JQKA and others. One thing I definitely do not like doing is having to pay more than the BB to see the flop...raising pre-flop in Omaha doesn't make much sense when there is no distinct ''best'' starting hand.

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Re: Omaha I raise pre-flop on almost every hand I play in Omaha :D My logic in doing so is that it's PL, and I want to be in a position to bet a lot to manourvre (no idea how to spell that word) subsequently - without a pre-flop raise I can't bet enough to push anyone out of a pot on the flop if that's the best play. I'll always raise if I choose to play a pocket pair for this reason, because I need to make the draws choose a -EV decision if I hit my set and they chase. Your point is well taken though, there's a lot less between the starting hands and I agree you should not be raising like in holdem on the independent strength of your hand.

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Re: Omaha Just came 3rd of 36 in a $5 H/L game :) Gaz, www.pokersyte.com has some fairly decent tips. Nothing mindblowing but enough to get you off to a solid start. My strategy for that tourney was pretty much play the hell out of A2xx and A3xx and fold everything else, until the end. (Edit: That was a limit game, btw - would have been slightly different in Pot Limit.)

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