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Gizdalord from the evil Hungary


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Hello. I thoughtthat i should make this tread to clarify anything about my self and to ask me about hngarian players or anything that is linked to hun. I am sad that they are like that, but i can assure you all i am not one of them. Just go ahead and ask ANYTHING U like. I wont get upset or anoyed. Put here the siliest or the most serious questions. I will answer them with my best knowledge and with absolute honestness Please feel free to ask. I want a clear stance :) :cheers

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Re: Gizdalord from the evil Hungary do you eat dogs? ;) :tongue2 if your 18 surely you should be out drinking and shagging? hmmm actually thats probably where i went wrong :) if you do wnat to join a prima site, go to crazy poker and you get a free$10, you need to register a credit card but dont have to make a deposit to get it

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Re: Gizdalord from the evil Hungary I was on the final table 50up on SO with you yesterday for a long time, said "hello" 3 times, "welcome to PL again" 3 times, was talking to you even more. Not a word from you. Then when you lost and was out I said "gg" with your response "pffff". We are very,very,very friendly here, but buy some manners and respect your fellow poker players :ok.

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Re: Gizdalord from the evil Hungary

How many of your Hungarian 'friends' will join Punterslounge in the next month? When Pene repeatedly stated that she did not want you to contact her on MSN why did you not respect her wishes?
Fair point TQM, but I dont think we can accuse Giz of being sexist....He appeared on my MSN as well, and I doubt that I am the only one... Giz seems OK, was a laugh in the $1 challenge, so, certainly for now, we just have to take him at face value...
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Re: Gizdalord from the evil Hungary

do you eat dogs? ;) :tongue2 if you do wnat to join a prima site, go to crazy poker and you get a free$10, you need to register a credit card but dont have to make a deposit to get it
Dreampoker and Pokertime give free 10 dabs without having to reg a cred card and EnT2002, i agree, am waiting for jeremy beadle to jump out 'you've been framed':loon
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Re: Gizdalord from the evil Hungary

How many of your Hungarian 'friends' will join Punterslounge in the next month? When Pene repeatedly stated that she did not want you to contact her on MSN why did you not respect her wishes?
Hmmm, I have no questions.... I can only back this up... And indeed what Heniek posted above!!!!!!!!! This is a friendly forum where we respect eachother... Hungarian or not... you will have to live up to this to feel at home here...!!!
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Re: Gizdalord from the evil Hungary

Fair point TQM' date=' but I dont think we can accuse Giz of being sexist....He appeared on my MSN as well, and I doubt that I am the only one...[/quote'] This is not an issue of being a sexist or not!!! It is an issue about showing other people respect... and about taking NO for an answer... ...ESPECIALLY after it has been said to you at least 10 times within 4 minutes!!!
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Re: Gizdalord from the evil Hungary okay lets try to answer them all I have only one account and 1 of my dad and another that i never ever used on the other (hun) odds. I will ask them to delet that one again. And ask my father to delete his cuzz he wont play again and it makes things difficult (probably this nght or 2morrow) I am a noob and i dont understand this one "Are you a PL regular on a wind up??" I am not eating dogs :) but dog food yes (joke) I will go there to reg but I'll need a credit card that i'm going to make next week. On the up i was not listening to chat. Aparently i have great spiritual problems(Love is suxx :( ) and it was better to ignore the chat. (simply checkmarked the ignore chat and chatbubles so i could not see anything) but i wont say pff or anything next time. i am a hot headed when i am seriously in abad mood. Appolagies. I will ignore the chat today too probably...if i will be home and play I told u i wont give this to anyone else. Time will show my true words. When i added her i asked her if it is a prob and i can delet her if She wants. She did not said to not to contact her but told me that She does not want to give it cuzz someone was jealous or something... and after i asked if its a prob she said no. I have added jeff as well...i had no more energy to add others it was aroun 2am and there was chool fom 7am... I added them cuzz of having relations in the boundaries of poker. And dont think that i have added pen cuzz she is a she... She is 29 and lives in other den. Pls dont think that i am soooo bitered that i looking for women on poker... I dont understand thisone aswell: "Are u ever starving or just Hungray?" okay i delet pen imidietly sry for the inconvenience. Keep asking and pls tell me that are my answers satisfies you?

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Re: Gizdalord from the evil Hungary

When i added her i asked her if it is a prob and i can delet her if She wants. She did not said to not to contact her but told me that She does not want to give it cuzz someone was jealous or something... and after i asked if its a prob she said no.
...that must have been you in the SO chatbox Mister V :lol :lol :lol My ever so jealous Husband... And Giz... I did told you not to contact me... But hey... you can always claim: LANGUAGE BARRIER :loon Anyway... have fun... and enjoy PL
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Re: Gizdalord from the evil Hungary

On the up i was not listening to chat. Aparently i have great spiritual problems(Love is suxx :( ) and it was better to ignore the chat. (simply checkmarked the ignore chat and chatbubles so i could not see anything)
No problem. Now, I know you have chat off, so will not bother to talk to you next time. Good luck at the tables :ok.
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Re: Gizdalord from the evil Hungary

Still not buying this isn't a wind up personally :unsure
I'm with you mate. Its the way its written. Partially good english then real "Mind your Language" style bits!! "ok I dilet pen imidietly" Nah wind up defo!! Good one too!
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Re: Gizdalord from the evil Hungary

Remember that although you lose 10 points for being taken in by a wind-up, you lose 50 points if it's not a wind-up and you say it is. No, he's genuine.
Yeah, I think so too.... It was a weird language on his msn too... strange letters/symbols...
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Re: Gizdalord from the evil Hungary

no doubt in my mind!! Check the reply thread and see how many difficult words he spells perfectly. Then look at the mistakes. Deliberate In my opinion
I deal with lots of people who write imperfect English, and that's exactly how they write. Difficult words they look up.
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