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Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!!


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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! I didn't hear anything yet from Betfair and it really pisses me off cause i'd like to know more about this entire thing. Is there a maximum number of points you can buy with your MPP? When is the live final going to be? When will betfair release the official and final leaderboard and when will they start to call all the guys?? I really can't understand how they can be so disorganized :(

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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! Thanks for your work on this Deathmask - KC Royal said in the last tourney the following, although I must stress it may be just gossip/heresay...

  • A maximum of only 10mpp can be added
  • They must have been added by midnight on 30/4.

Again, not sure how true it is or where that leaves anyone. I can't speak for Slikmik, but the only notice P-Lady had for the PokerPlayer Grand Prix was a phone call.:\

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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! Nice work deathmask, as I recall after the Poker Player Grand Prix finished it took about a week for them to update and another week or so to start contacting people. I wasn't too worried then as I was 2nd and there were no mpps involved. I would like to hear soon though so I can organise my various live final tables and TV appearances:rollin

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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! Thanks for your work on this Deathmask - KC Royal said in the last tourney the following, although I must stress it may be just gossip/heresay... What?? Valiant i think you are confusing people cause i am KCRoyal and i have never said that :) Actually i know nothing about this entire thing so i am also asking for some info :)

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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!!

how many go through how many points u need ? how many places qaulify got 26 points rem99 ? any 1 help
I'll keep you in suspense.;) Click on the pdf in Washman's post;
Forgot to add link in all my excitement!! http://www.betfairpromo.com/pokerleaderboards/CityAM.pdf
All those in blue are in (as far as I can tell). I must admit I used an account query some time this week to nag the poker people about this.:lol EDIT: As far as I can see, there are 16 PLers in!
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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! I'm a bit surprised to see I'm one of the punters in Blue. 1 lousy final table appearance was enough :eek As long as it doesn't clash with any holidays, I look forward to meeting some 'Punters' in the flesh :ok

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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!!

And there's a fair chance that he'll get invited if some refuse/can't make it. :hope :ok I hope he does - imagine the dirt he can dish on ya Red!!! :lol :lol :lol
Well if i had any dirt or skeletons i guess so but im an angel :D
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Re: Betfair City AM Freerolls - LEADERBOARD starting tonight!! If that's the final and official leaderboard i'm in :nana How is that there are so many guys with 0 MPPs?? That's weird, i thought you all were real money players :eek Anyway any details when the live final is gonna be??? It's really frustrating to know that they will warn you about the date of the final about three hours before the event :@

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