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**Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm


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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm LOL! Is there any point in me carrying on here?... Feel like I'm still practising my shooting while the team has left the pitch with their trophies....

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm 4th! :D Can't moan that's a new PB in one of these for me :ok Thanks to GaF, Hayward and Mr V for the moral support :clap (shame about that littlest hobbo to$$er eh?) Well done to Damo and also Mr V for making it an exciting ending to another great month in the Dollar Up! PL rules.....!!!!! DC

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm Well pi$$ed off, was sitting quite comftably with only 18 left and in............... Water board have been digging up the road outside the house all day, There I am playing poker last night and one of the kids runs down and "Dad,the bathroom is covered in water":loon Runs upstairs to find a lake in Bathroom...oh dear Then find the lake discovers it does'nt like the bathroom and decides to move down into the kitchen below:( Spent till 3am ripping up carpet,mopping up and checking the electrics. Now going to have to spend today on phone to insurance company:@ Typical, I have never done well in DU before last night:wall :wall :wall :wall Well done DC :clap :clap :clap :clap PS, GaF mate,looks like I won about $12 so i can i be shown as just about in credit for the January DU please, Ta

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm

Runs upstairs to find a lake in Bathroom...oh dear Then find the lake discovers it does'nt like the bathroom and decides to move down into the kitchen below
Sorry mate, but that really made me giggle. Thought you'd like to know that you did really well to make the final table, surviving 2 all ins. Anyway thought you'd like this in case SO isn't showing it; sproof0er.jpg
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm Have never seen that Hobbo Thre guy before, but he really laid into Paul after his QQ beat Paul's JJ, and from comments above its sounds like he carried on in a similar vein. Can't understand why people feel the need to criticise (or outright attack) other people's play in what at the end of the day is a low buy-in tournament.

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm Congratulation Damo - a worthy winner with a fantastic average score!!:notworthy :notworthy (Gaf will spot his error soon and add last night's score on) I hope you wear the yellow jersey and display the avatar with as much pride as I have done. :ok Great score for you too Mr V - everyone with an average of over 100 should feel well pleased. :clap :clap :clap :clap Runadrum, when you doubled up to $3000 at the start I thought you were safe from the wooden spoon. Big thanks to GAF for continuing his hard work and roll on Wednesday! :clap P.S Gazza, if you manage to persuade the insurance company that you had a Ping G5 (loft 7.5%) Driver lying in the bath then I'll give you £100 for the new one. :rollin

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm

PS' date=' GaF mate,looks like I won about $12 so i can i be shown as just about in credit for the January DU please, Ta[/quote'] Sorry guys - don't know what either of you are talking about...... ;)
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm crikey I feel honoured to have won the comp for January so in the best tradition of Halle Berry et al, I would like to thank..... My mother for bringing me into this world, my dad for giving me a bit of the irish blarney, my missus for putting up with me playing poker (and her sharing in the winnings!), my director for believing in me, my dog for not crapping in the back room anymore, my coach for not making me do sit ups every morning, the bloke down the road for not parking on my drive, the women at work who keep stalking me, my other dog and cat and 2 rabbits and the cockatiel, clare next door for having sky, dan harrington for showing me how to play tourneys, red rum for getting me interested in punting at the tender age of 7 (I had 10p to win - 10 WHOLE PENCE it was my weeks pocket money), and most of all my "baby soon to be" (only 5 weeks to go..... :D :D ) coz i need to earn a S-H-I-T load of cash to pay for the bastard nappies (do you know HOW MUCH they cost?????) I was really nervous last night (1st time ever in a poker game), trying not to blow it, fortunately I only saw 3 hands of any worth, one I won, the other 2 I lost. WELL DONE to all the "In the money" finishers last night :ok will endeavour to defend my crown in Feb and be as good a champion as TQM. BTW LOVE the avatar :) Cheers Damo :cheers ps oh yes a big THANK YOU to the PL'ers who are so friendly and supportive - bloody glad I got the invite to join :clap :clap :nana :ok

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm No mention of "worthy foes"? On behalf of myself and Jaded in good sporting traditon, I'd just like to say..... Balls to ya then. :moon :moon :moon :lol :lol :lol Nappies were much heaper when my kids were babbies. Just you wait til you have to sell a kidney to buy the latest footie boots. The bugga's never stop growing.:@

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm no point in coming 2nd or 3rd...... :tongue2 I did say WELL DONE to the money finishers, so that kind of includes you...... :unsure :$ :hope LOL yeah we reckon about £11 a week for nappies only........:puke Jesus - let me get past the nappies before you mention footie stuff. I REALLY feel sick now :puke :puke :puke :rollin Damo

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm night-feeds, teething, cholic, cradle-cap, excema, then as they start to grow...sharp implements, gas appliances, plug sockets, pens, marker pens, spending £2000000 on their first christmas to make it special, then discovering you should have just bought the paper, more new clothes than Paris Hilton, a quick trip to the shops turning into an arctic expedition, then the sun comes out. Getting their name down for the good schools, even if it means converting to the Amish as their schools have the best Ofsted reports. Then you have OTHER parents to deal with too, with their weird ideas. I mean, whats wrong with dying a strait-jacket to conform with the school uniform. Weekly parents evenings, yeacher training days at your busiest times. Bullies or bullier, broken bones, arse hole teachers who care more about Ofsted than 'our Fred', school concerts. Exam pressures at age 7. Non-competitive sports days :eyes. Then the day after they start school you discover that the High School they should have gone to is closing and the nearish Amish High school is in Kentucky.... So you put their name down for Yasser Arafat High down the road. Then depending on whether you've a boy or a girl the fun REALLY starts. Oh what wonderful times. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol Sorry for not reading your post properly mate. Hope mother and little Damo are fine.;)

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 9** Monday 30th January 9pm :lol :rollin :tongue2 :D :) :eek :rollin :lol ;) :eek :D :tongue2 :dude :lol ;) :clap :eek :nana :rollin :beer :tongue2 :D :rollin :dude :lol ;) :loon :clap :beer :tongue2 :dude :D :) :eek :clap this should be post of the year!!!!!!!!!!! I kinda know all this, but I WONT be prepared for it LOL yes thanks little damo/liz is great - but big Liz is VERY big and just a little fed up now!! thanks matey Damo ps which means I'll prolly miss a Dollar up or 2 in March - so I am relying on you lot to beat the Hungarians! :rollin

night-feeds, teething, cholic, cradle-cap, excema, then as they start to grow...sharp implements, gas appliances, plug sockets, pens, marker pens, spending £2000000 on their first christmas to make it special, then discovering you should have just bought the paper, more new clothes than Paris Hilton, a quick trip to the shops turning into an arctic expedition, then the sun comes out. Getting their name down for the good schools, even if it means converting to the Amish as their schools have the best Ofsted reports. Then you have OTHER parents to deal with too, with their weird ideas. I mean, whats wrong with dying a strait-jacket to conform with the school uniform. Weekly parents evenings, yeacher training days at your busiest times. Bullies or bullier, broken bones, arse hole teachers who care more about Ofsted than 'our Fred', school concerts. Exam pressures at age 7. Non-competitive sports days :eyes. Then the day after they start school you discover that the High School they should have gone to is closing and the nearish Amish High school is in Kentucky.... So you put their name down for Yasser Arafat High down the road. Then depending on whether you've a boy or a girl the fun REALLY starts. Oh what wonderful times. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol Sorry for not reading your post properly mate. Hope mother and little Damo are fine.;)
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