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£50 for the best design..any more entries to come?

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nobookie is looking for a logo. Brief: Text: nobookie.com The logo needs to be simple but in some way eye catching. It needs to fit in with the blue colour scheme on the nobookie forum. Just a gif. or jpeg of your idea, there is no need to produce the final article.

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Re: £50 for the best design Right i'll get the ball rolling with a first attempt, I've even thrown a catchphrase for good measure which is a crafty play on words as 'Better ' is an American gambler etc. I wasent so sure about the 'NB' text at the top, but it can be removed quite easily if it doesent look right. If i get time i'll even have a go at a couple more but that may have to be when i get back from my hols the week after next. nobookie1.jpg

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Re: £50 for the best design Hi Slick Some good ideas there. Thoughts: The logo text should be nobookie.com not Nobookie.com The 3D effect is great in No 3 but their is a problem when using a 3D logo for printed material e.g. newspapers, in getting decent reproduction. "Change to exchange" great slogan. The ball is probably a bit too much in 3 whick is nearest to the style we are looking for ...the need is for a logo that is instantly recognised but does not distract you when looking at a page. I think if you take these thoughts on board you will be very close. osesame

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Re: £50 for the best design Ok i have now decided to make it more basic, and associate it with the Euro symbol as it wont be long b4 were all using it and and it may create a wider market appeal. I just created a quick symbol and rotated it in image one, and in the 2nd logo i made it envelope the nobookie.com sig. 1) nobookie6.jpg 2) nobookie7.jpg

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Re: £50 for the best design Why do I get the feeling you've ruled me out already Odds? :lol Seriously though, Slick's designs aren't bad at all. I was once a graphic designer before encountering a crazy old religious fanatic who had me sacked (true) so, even in a totally pissed state, I can honestly say, I feel a bit sick and should have eaten before I went out. I like them though. :)

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Guest mcmadferit

Re: £50 for the best design Here is an attempt @ your logo osesame. I used the highly professional graphic packages that are MS Word and Paint!!! nobookie-arrow.jpg The arrows might be a bit close to Betfair's logo for comfort but they do look completely different so shouldn't be a problem. Quality looks a bit sh*t but good enough to get the general idea!!! Hope all goes well with your exchange mate. CheerS!

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Re: £50 for the best design Nice effort Mcmad, i too tried to get away from the arrows of betfair but found myself keep going back to them. I have around another dozen efforts some with arrows and some without, the best one in my opinion which i will post in a sec when i find a place to put it that allows hotlinking, is based on one of them old gambling caps which bookies and dealers used to wear. In fact it looked stupid when i first did it but then i added symbols to represent the cap and low and behold it looks good but now it has an arrow shape in it, which i tried to get away from. :lol @ Mickey, i reckon if it was in blue m8 the dosh would be winging its way up north!!

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Guest backhander

Re: £50 for the best design Slick's logo is excellent - a definite contender Brian? Although Mrs Beeton's is a close second :p

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Guest Bookies Runner

Re: £50 for the best design I like the look of Slick's, it's simple but sharp and easy on the eye. Stood out a mile the first time I saw it. Jim

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Guest Indigo Imac

Re: £50 for the best design draft3.jpgdraft4.gif My final two drafts with the latter probably being more to the style requested in the brief than my others :o

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Guest AnothrSpacecat

Re: £50 for the best design im a graphics designer aswell but the firm i work for will charge you about £50 for me just to open photoshop!:D but dont because from that 50 ill get about 6 :rolleyes :rolleyes untill ive officially stopped training in about 300 years if you want to wait till then is it just the logo you need? how is the rest of the website looking?

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Re: £50 for the best design AnothrSpacecat Just the logo at the moment The brief I admit is very lacking in detail,but the idea was to give free reign to ideas,of which as you can see there have been many. Think of all the places you might find this logo,web,press,clothing,Millwall football strip,etc.It needs to work for all of these. Re:the site Simplicity is our keyword for this,with generally the two blue colours used in the nobookie forum.When the basics are all in place those that wish to have a look will be able to offer advice and be rewarded for their efforts. .................................................................................... Thanks everone for all the input and all those who have put forward ideas will get something for their efforts.

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Guest AnothrSpacecat

Re: £50 for the best design ive got a quiet week now so ill throw in a couple of ideas tomorrow maybe i cant advise anything until i see the website finnished of course but pale blue isnt a great idea, youll fry the eyeballs of youre frequent visitors with that background

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Indigo Imac

Re: £50 for the best design Seeing as nobody appears to have what you are looking for yet, I have done a few more... The second doesn't look very good, too raggedy, but could sort that if needed, it's just for visual purposes at this stage. NOBOOKIE9%252f8.jpgNoBookie9%252f82.gifdraft39.8.gif

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