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The Sun Weekly FInal - Monday 14th November 8pm GMT


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Re: The Sun Weekly FInal - Monday 14th November 8pm GMT You just know when it isn't going to be your night. All in with AK, against AQ. Winning all the way, and hit your K on the river. Great. Except that gives the other guy a straight. Down to 1,000 chips, manage to hang in for about 10 hands up to 3,000. I get AA, so go all in as i'm still short stacked. Everyone folds except the big blind which was already all in (worth 70 chips). Hit A on the flop, and another A on the turn. 4 aces, which wins me 370 chips! :@ I'm still in, but I now know I have no chance!

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Re: The Sun Weekly FInal - Monday 14th November 8pm GMT I have always said that if you get 5 numbers on the lottery you might as well stop playing 'cos I would think that is your chance gone :@ The Sun final tonight has the same feel. Got an early lead and still going along nicely in top 6 with half the field gone when started to lose my broadband connection every 2 minutes. Now dangerous to raise 'cos might not be around long enough to call a reraise so started playing hands, while I could, that I wouldn't have played earlier - with the inevitable result. :wall I did think I should have sat it out but the connection is still dodgy even now (typing this for third time !) so would have been nabbed at some point anyway. I need a :beer

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