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Week 26 Table & Week 27 Chat

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Well, blow me down with a feather, the drama just doesn't end around here does it! The to-ing and fro-ing between Jobu Jabulani's team and @Gazza's United's Palmers Allstars took another twist this week with the two teams now tied on 1,692 points. A rampant chasing pack is just behind but the 14-point cushion the top two hold will be tough to reduce in these latter months of the season.

Congratulations go to @SEAN NUMWA's FC We We for their 93-point haul. Not a bad total when the highest points tally overall was 133 points. It's interesting to note that 68 of those points came from their three Liverpool players. He could even afford to have a zero point scoring James Ward-Prowse in the starting XI!

The lowest score of the week goes to Terry Barker's Short Positioning. To put it bluntly, this team is currently a mess and the 17 points total for this week sums that up. It could have been a lot worse for the team had Kevin De Bruyne (6) and Danny Welbeck (5) not come in with a total of 11 points. Injuries and sold players suggest it's time for Terry to play his wild card!

The deadline for this next round of games is 11am GMT on Saturday 11th March:ok

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