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PL Poker Club - Mixed Holdem - 8.15pm 2/12/14


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Re: PL Poker Club - PokerStars / Tues. 11th November 2014 - NLHE $5.50 - 8pm just wanted to post this.........for the record (friendly game and all) Table '1032957672 1' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: teaulc (2415 in chips) Seat 4: danj (4385 in chips) Seat 5: AKA2 (1670 in chips) is sitting out Seat 6: init2winit28 (3530 in chips) danj: posts small blind 20 AKA2: posts big blind 40 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to danj [7c 4d] init2winit28: calls 40 teaulc: calls 40 danj: calls 20 AKA2: folds *** FLOP *** [6s 4s 7d] danj: checks init2winit28: checks teaulc: checks *** TURN *** [6s 4s 7d] [Ah] danj: checks init2winit28: checks teaulc: bets 160 danj: calls 160 init2winit28: folds *** RIVER *** [6s 4s 7d Ah] [4h] danj: bets 600 teaulc: folds [Ad Kh] Uncalled bet (600) returned to danj danj said, "74" danj collected 480 from pot danj: doesn't show hand *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 480 | Rake 0 Board [6s 4s 7d Ah 4h] Seat 1: teaulc (button) folded on the River Seat 4: danj (small blind) collected (480) Seat 5: AKA2 (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 6: init2winit28 folded on the Turn

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