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Not a happy chappy!


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Not been posting for a while due to splitting up with the missus, having to find somewhere else to live (what a waste those Milan tickets were!:( ) and getting myself back online. Before the poo hit the fan, my run of success and fortune on the poker tables was at an all time high. Now....my god! It's bloody awful. Due to having a lot more free time on my hands, I reckon I've played 20 tourneys since getting back online a week ago. Haven't even got close to a final table yet whether there be 70 entrants or 300! Previously I was reaching the final in a high number of my tourneys. Since then, I reckon I've won 5 out of 25 all-ins. And in most of those cases I'm getting favourable odds turned over. Had AA beaten a few times, AJ beaten by K9-type scenarios beaten endlessly and even KK beaten by 87o when he hit a flush! I've tried flatcalling big hands and got beaten by the limpers, I've tried raising or going all-in on big hands and got beaten by garbage. I've played aggressive and lost. I've played patient and lost. I've even used the last 2 PL tourneys experimenting with my style of play! All in all, I am getting beat by muppets making ridiculous calls and getting lucky (and I don't mean the PL tourney players by the way). Basically I'm thoroughly pissed off at the moment and am hoping for a huge turn of fortune before the LEOCOP finals (qualified for the 100k and 75k before all this crap started) in a couple of weeks. Soz for whining but hoping a problem shared, etc.... Would be interested to know whether ya reckon I should stop playing for a while or carry on and ride it out bearing in mind that these finals start in 2 weeks? I know everyone has some sort of bad luck run but honestly, this situation has become ridiculous.

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Re: Not a happy chappy! Sorry to read about your troubles, wayne. Oooh I dunno. Have a go at a couple of freerolls, experiment a little (although it looks like it's not as though you haven't tried doing something different in your play!), try and get back in the groove as cheaply as possibly but don't play if you don't feel up to it. ....chasing bad money with good money needlessly and for the hell of it is gonna do you more harm than good. Sort out your priorities whatever they are and then when you feel better, get back to the poker tables. Do yourself proud in those LEOCOP tables (are you one of the players quoted in Ladbrokes' odds?!). :ok

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Re: Not a happy chappy! Wayne, I appreciate that I don't know you and you can tell me to butt out if you like, but I think that mood and attitude have a lot to do with how well you do. I find that if Something goes wrong and it gets to me then everything seems to go wrong at that time too, I was suffering from a bad run of luck myself lately (nothing compared to what you've had to go through), it seemed like nothing I did changed things either. For me taking a break was the best solution, remove yourself from it and come back to it with a fresh mind and as positive a mood as you can, maybe do somthing else that keeps your mind sharp for a while, or play on the low level STTs that you're bound to do well in to build up your positivity about playing. It can be too easy when things are going badly to over-analyse what you did wrong and focus on the negatives; when what you need to do is start feeling good about yourself again :) Good Luck!

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Re: Not a happy chappy! Sorry to hear about your probs at and away from the poker table Wayne. I don't think it is my place to comment or advise about things non-poker. As for the poker i think state of mind has alot to do with how you play IMO you are on a form of tilt, I get this when you feel not matter what you do someone will outdraw you or bluff you in a situation where a bluff is ridiculous (fave one is where someone is all in). If you feel you can't play like you were when you were winning. You have 2 options 1) stop playing or 2) drop to limits where you are losing amounts you don't care about losing. I would emphasise that is NOT the same as what you can afford to lose, none of us like losing. If you get back to your game which was obviously working you are and will be a profitable player. Let those fish give them the money that is rightfully yours.

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Re: Not a happy chappy! I've only played you a few times Wayne and you're a player I respect. It could have something to do with the mind + attitude thing but if you're being beaten despite having the odds in your favour then I think you can put it down to a bad run (as happens to us all).

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Re: Not a happy chappy! Cheers for the nice comments all. Think I agree with the 'mood and attitude' theory but as thats improving, my cards seem to be getting worse and the bad beats keep on rolling in. My losses are minimal to be honest against my previous winnings but I'm trying to stay at a reasonable level as the lower you go, the more muppet beatings you tend to get. And thats what I feel like I'm battling against. Having thought about it today, in most cases I've been ahead when the chips have gone in the pot and if I had the chance again, I'd still play the same hands the same way. The whole idea is to be ahead when you're putting your dosh in. So, as you say Gettin, I guess its just a bad bad run. Does poker mirror life? That is the question! Anyway I'm gonna have a few days off from the poker and give myself a week to get back into the groove for my big tourneys. Good luck to y'all. And whoever's got mine, fooking give it back! :)

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Re: Not a happy chappy! Wayne, This sounds harsh mate. Its just poker tho as I am sure you realise, we play a super high variance game in NL hold em and I have experienced month long huge losing swings where I was constantly badly cold decked/bad beaten (and that was playing 8hrs a day waiting for it to turn). That isnt a lot of comfort to you tho I know mate, all you can do is keep, as you correctly say, putting your money in when you have the value/when you are ahead and eventually it will turn. You can also think back to your many good poker successes to help cheer you up during this losing patch :D Zarathustra : LOL Jez

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Re: Not a happy chappy! Hi Wayne, sorry to hear about your troubles. As far as the poker goes I could have almost written your post myself, as I've been going through a similar bad patch for about 3 weeks :( Although I tend to play $5 or $10 STT's and haven't had near the levels of success you have had, I've gone from nearly 3 months of making a profit each week to not being able to win a game if my life depended on it for the last 3 weeks:sad Its the worst run I have had- but looking at how I've played my hands, although I have made some mistakes, I've been ahead in most of them and generally wouldn't have played them differently. I had a good one happen tonight. First hand of the Ladbrokes Leocop warm up freerole. Everyone has 1500 chips I'm UTG and dealt AA. I bet 160, next guy calls, next one goes all-in, everyone folds round to me, I call all-in, after some thought the original caller also goes all-in. When the cards are shown the guy to my left has AQo and the guy who originally went all-in turns over A10o wooohoo:dude Happy days........... everything's cool and funky .......... I'm a big favourite (I looked it up and my chance of winning was 86%)................. I just need the flop to not be a complete bastard and we are home and dry............ WTF:eek .......... K Q J :eek ........ the lucky git flopped a straight. Turn and River are both rags.......... Game over....... thankyou and goodnight $%@# !!! :wall ............. right now this result seems to be the norm rather than the exception, (at least this was only a freerole) but the way I look at it is that if I'm going to start folding AA pre-flop I might as well stop playing poker. Ultimately Wayne, you are a good player and you know when you lose as a result of poor play and when you are just being unlucky. Basically we both just have to ride it out until we start to get an even break of the cards- It will happen sooner or later. (hopefully sooner;) ) The only thing I would say is that although i know it can be frustrating, make sure you don't let the bad beats etc change the way you play hands. You were playing well before and your style of play that won tournaments will be successful again eventually. Good luck and hopefully you will get back on track quickly:hope

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