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Monday Night Poker 11/11/13 Remember the Brave Heroes


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Re: Monday Night Poker 11/11/13 Remember the Brave Heroes Happy birthday Bart! Stan James - PL Game - OUT Too busy in SNGS on FT and failed to connect with anything I called a raise with. GL all. Full Tilt So far... 14 tournaments worth $196.2 already busted out with only $10.7 cashed - Worst was allin first hand of a $26 comp with AA vs A8 and him rivering a straight. 19.30 - $26 PLO $2k GTD - 2nd for $463.32 20.30 - $12.50 sat to $55 Tournament - OUT 20.52 - $11 HILO $400 GTD - 2nd for $112.20 21.20 - $15 sat to $109 tournament - OUT 30 SNGS worth $865 - Cashed for $961.46 Lots of work to do.

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Re: Monday Night Poker 11/11/13 Remember the Brave Heroes Well played wolf , played very well at FT , unlucky on final hand maybe bet/fold on river guess you would been happier getting it in on the turn. The winner seemed like a solid winner and PLO specialist so again very well played. Myself just one game tonight 8 game $2.20 MTT , currently on bubble with 6 paid and 7 left of starting 55 players , love this game to have a relaxing evening at tables

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Re: Monday Night Poker 11/11/13 Remember the Brave Heroes

Happy birthday Bart! Stan James - PL Game - OUT Too busy in SNGS on FT and failed to connect with anything I called a raise with. GL all. Full Tilt So far... 14 tournaments worth $196.2 already busted out with only $10.7 cashed - Worst was allin first hand of a $26 comp with AA vs A8 and him rivering a straight. 19.30 - $26 PLO $2k GTD - 2nd for $463.32 20.30 - $12.50 sat to $55 Tournament - OUT 20.52 - $11 HILO $400 GTD - 2nd for $112.20 21.20 - $15 sat to $109 tournament - OUT 30 SNGS worth $865 - Cashed for $961.46 Lots of work to do.
Up for the night approx $425. Happy with that :)
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