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Re: ST NICHOLAS ABBEY...RETIRED...INJURY After a lengthy surgery to fuse the pastern St Nicholas Abbey is recuperating in intensive care at John Halley’s Fethard Equine Hospital. Surgery was carried out at Fethard Equine Hospital in consultation with Dr Dean Richardson, Head of Surgery at New Bolton Centre Pennsylvania, along with Ger Kelly and Tom O’Brien. St Nicholas Abbey will remain in intensive care for some time and has many bridges to cross before he is considered out of danger. This morning he is well and comfortable and back enjoying his hay! We are lucky he is so fit and has a marvellous attitude and temperament which will be vital for his long recovery.

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Re: ST NICHOLAS ABBEY...RETIRED...INJURY Awful news confirmed by Coolmore just minutes ago: St Nicholas Abbey (14th January 2014) Regretfully St Nicholas Abbey has lost his brave battle after suffering a colic this morning. Surgery revealed a severe strangulating colon torsion that was unviable and he had to be euthanized on humane grounds. This is extremely unfortunate as St Nicholas Abbey had been in terrific form, the laminitis was resolving very well and the fracture had healed better than expected. Coolmore would like to thank the surgeons, the international experts and all the staff at Fethard Equine Hospital who gave him such excellent care 24/7. We would also like to thank the multitude of well-wishers for all the cards and messages of support for St Nicholas Abbey. He will be buried in the graveyard here at Coolmore. http://www.coolmore.com/st-nicholas-abbey/

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Re: ST NICHOLAS ABBEY...RETIRED...INJURY So sad, i was just writing about him yesterday for a photo-book i'm doing. One of the last things i said was he was a battler and needed to win one more battle before he could catch the plane to Barbados and retire at Derrick Smith's home on the Island. So weird. R.I.P

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