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Sunday 9/6/13


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32Red: €2.5k freeroll Poker/Encore-Coral: sidegames freeroll WPT Mag freeroll PokerHeaven: 10k freeroll GCasino: PPMag Brighton satellite GUKPT Sharky`s freeroll Stars: Pokercast invitational / 8 game SkyPoker; £50gtd speed (free token) good luck all :ok

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Re: Sunday 9/6/13 Freeroll Sunday pour moi. 32Red 2.5k freeroll OUT 744th AQ v KK PokerHeaven 10k freeroll OUT flopped flush v higher flopped flush Coral 1k freeroll OUT AQ v AJ Yep, Romanian fish spiked a J Paddy Power One freeroll (let my player status slip these last couple of months) 7th for $15

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Re: Sunday 9/6/13 Think I need a break, totally lost my mojo in recent weeks, losing my cool at the slightest thing and playing like a smoked haddock. Just don't see the point anymore. Standard raise KK, get multiple callers, cbet mid unconnected rainbow board, 1 fold, 4 still call, ace on the turn so forced to check/fold and hand eventually won by a villan showing A4o for single pair no kicker. You just know he's sitting there grinning smugly like he's a comic book hero or something. Yeah I know, think long term, keep playing solid, don't let it bother you, just not sure I can be rs'd anymore. At least most of my chips in the PPUKT went to a friendly ;) he's in far better mental shape to utilise them well. Gl Team PL :ok , ship all those seats and don't forget that play stops 3 handed with expenses determined by stack size!

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Re: Sunday 9/6/13 Bart I know how it feel when you play solid and correctly I've had some time off this week and still feel bit stressed about not catching a break when did play 2 tourneys on 888 ended AK>AJ for sizeable effective stack then even the other lose flip by flopping top pair to then see him hit his 2 outer set I know is a flip but does it really need to show it so brutal lol. Anyways just playing Poker770 : $100 affliate freeroll Poker Heaven : $10K Freeroll Was reg'd in Ladbrokes Freeroll do they boot players if sitting out as logged in 10 minutes late to find chips gone.

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Re: Sunday 9/6/13 770 Freeroll : As was saying J9hh I call a raise flop comes J 8 7r I again just call a big bet , turn 5 I raise all in with Top Pair and double ended straight draw , called by AK who binks a Barry Greenstein

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