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Tuesday 14/5/13


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Re: Tuesday 14/5/13

Anyone watching the SCOOP 03 H Looks as if Moorman could be adding to his already impressive CV...Pretty big chip leader 143k up top!
Yeah insane structure , some online beasts still in the 03-M too Roothlus , Gboro780 to name a few. Can't seem to locate DTD loaded password on there site so bit just concentrate on SCOOP
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Some sort of hand in gukpt would be nice for a change. Managed to double barrel bluff my way up to 2nd briefly before even more impressively spewing loads off to the guy who loves to limp every hand. Trying to rebuild more carefully this time. Feck it, scrap that, just lost a reshove over shortie with aq vs 54, down to 2.6k in 8/11 from 21, avg 5.7k Spit going well in 3rd, gl mate.

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Re: Tuesday 14/5/13

Staying logged in to rail mr spitvenom
Same as you mate, very few hands....ended up out in 6th. I raised utg 2400 (b 400-800) with 55 for roughly 1/3 of my chips (had about 7400) and the BB called...flop 998 rainbow. We both have around 5000 chips more or less but i'm first to act. so I'm thinking if he hasn't got a pp I'm probably good here, as he's probably called with AJ, A10 possibly KJ, as he never came over the top, like he did when he had a pp before on a couple of occasions. Anyway, the guy snap calls my shove and shows 85h....for the flopped 8?? I don't really get why he called for 1/3 of his stack with this kind of rubbish tbh, guess i just got a bad rub.... anyway GL if your still playing :hope
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Re: Tuesday 14/5/13 yep saw it mate, ugly. Tbh the standard in these finals have usually been extremely good, but tonights was definately weirder than some of the £5 sats I've played lol. To be fair the GPS is exactly the same, £5 sat difficult as hell to get through, £55 final fishy as anything (but they always catch). At least the 2 guys who won the seats tonight were of the more errr traditional methodology for want of a better phrase. Myself & Al have had a good laugh with Heron, good down to earth bloke, good seeing him win through. Better luck next time mate.

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Re: Tuesday 14/5/13 The standard in the £55 GUKPT sat is so, so terrible. I'm no pro, but some of the stuff you see people do is just laughable, limping utg with about 12 bigs etc. Anyway, shocking day, and last couple of days for that matter, but 86/169 in the big 55 on stars, due a bink. Just busted, AQ v JJ, standard spot, gg.

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Re: Tuesday 14/5/13

The standard in the £55 GUKPT sat is so, so terrible. I'm no pro, but some of the stuff you see people do is just laughable, limping utg with about 12 bigs etc. Anyway, shocking day, and last couple of days for that matter, but 86/169 in the big 55 on stars, due a bink. Just busted, AQ v JJ, standard spot, gg.
UL mate, you must be due one soon!
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