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The Deal from Hell


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On a little bit of a down swing with the usual variance playing havoc with my game. Out of the last 25 tourneys, won 1, finished 2nd twice in 2 PL tourneys and the other 20 having checked my stats see I have lost every one to a 2 or 3 outer on the river middle to late in the tournament. Can't guess what the odds are on that. Not much you can do about it other than to play through it. And then the other day the following deal which I probably should have got away from. But I have never before been deal KK's and been a 2% chance before the flop. The odds on that must be astronomical. Quite funny now. screenshot2506201213122.jpg Uploaded with ImageShack.us

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Re: The Deal from Hell Oh, ignore my stupidity, already 2 hearts and a club already out there minimalising any flush outs I guess. Could be as close as 1.4% to 1.5% with both rounded I suppose. Interesting one though. Always takes me more than the 15sec timer to work these things out lol

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Re: The Deal from Hell :Ah: :As: Win 79.18% Tie 0.12% :Kd: :Ks: Win 1.28% Tie 0.37% :Kc: :Kh: Win 0.93% Tie 0.37% :Qc: :Qh: Win 17.63% Tie 0.12% Courtesy of PokerStove :ok

Oh, ignore my stupidity, already 2 hearts and a club already out there minimalising any flush outs I guess. Could be as close as 1.4% to 1.5% with both rounded I suppose. Interesting one though. Always takes me more than the 15sec timer to work these things out lol
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Re: The Deal from Hell Cheers Pete, always find the %'ages fascinating and still trying to learn & improve my game from them however unlikely that is to happen :lol Also goes to show that the lobby % isn't even a true rounding, just rough figure guide. Would've done the calc myself, but was playing at the time and didn't want to set off any alarm bells/armed response from having lobby+calc software open. Appreciate you sharing Haich :ok

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Re: The Deal from Hell

reminds me of the Helmuth hand i was watching Live at the WSOP 2007 on his final table' date=' think he had black aces against red aces against KK, but you know they say it only happens online.............[/quote'] Was playing my mate HU last weekend when this hand came up....obviously all the chips ended up in the middle! I was the one holding the 52 thinking I was slow playing him after the turn came a 5 lol. Not sure what the odds would be here..... flopped-straight.jpg
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Re: The Deal from Hell The odds of being dealt a straight flush are 1 in 64,974 as for being dealt one on the flop.. Not sure.. It depends on your hole cards. The best odds are with mid range suited connectors, specifically 45s to JTs. For example, with 45s, you have 4 possible ways of flopping a straight flush (A23s, 236s, 367s, and 678s). Since you are holding 2 cards, there are 50 possible cards that can fall on the flop, creating 19,600 flops. (calculated as 50!/{[50-3]!*[3!]} ) That being given: 19,600/4 = 4900, or a '1 in 4900' chance. So the odds of flopping a straight flush while holding a mid range suited connecter are 1 in 4900.

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Re: The Deal from Hell Madness odds....Cheers for that Al :ok. Its the 1st time i've turned a Full house and pushed all in, only to realise I'm actually drawing dead :lol......craziest HU hand I've ever seen, so yeah it does happen live too....oh and for the record I was dealing, and I'd shuffled the pack a good few times before the hand!

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