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50$ to who knows


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i havent posted for a long long time, so heres something i made a roll these days mostly by playing tournaments and sngs, but they got me tired so ill try to play some cash with 50$, see where it goes my first goal is to get to $1k this summer and play about 7k hands Every session consists of 50 hands Session #1 just started, wish me luck :hope Ill post all interesting hands of the session later on

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Re: 50$ to who knows 3rd session (last one for today) just ended Made a profit of +29.18$ New bankroll: $107.94 Hands: about 150 Been running extremely well, tho I know this wont last, so I might just reduce the sessions per day Tomorrow Ill play one or two sessions, and I will try to post up some hands from the first three gn

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Re: 50$ to who knows sorry lads i was just pissed losing big. i might restart this in a week, im trying to rebuild my roll, it got down to 60% so i was really upset. ill start this again when i cash a tournament again, i hope that is in a week or so

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Re: 50$ to who knows

im trying to rebuild my roll
With the greatest of respect - you'll never build a roll, no matter how good you are, if you sit down at 1 table with 50% of your available roll!! Doubly so if you get emotional about standard daily swings! Here's an article on Basic Bankroll management. http://www.pocketfives.com/articles/basic-bankroll-management-224586/ In summary - if you want to play NL25, and want a high risk of going bust (even if you are a winning player) then you need a starting bankroll of $375. If you want to be well protected from going bust, then to play at NL25, you need a starting bankroll of $1,000. I'm also curious of your strategy. Why 50 hands? If you are better than your opponents and are feeling good, why would you leave after 50 hands? Conversely, if at any stage you realise you are being outplayed, why hang around till 50 hands? Get up and go elsewhere immediately! Also, assuming you are planning on sticking at NL25 and not move up - to win $950 over 7,000 hands is (if my maths is right :unsure) a rate of about 54 BB/100. That's a totally unrealistic expectation and no-one wins at anywhere near that rate (over a proper sized sample). If you beat the game at 3 BB/100, then you're not doing bad! Sorry to offer negativity - but I presume you'd prefer honesty to fantasy!
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Re: 50$ to who knows That's a great post from GaF and far from being negative, I'd say that it's a hugely construtive one. Agree with everything said. Whilst players are obviously entitled to play however they like, the longer term view where you're using a 2 to 5bb edge over many '000s of hands is always the most profitable one. Poker is all about small edges, if you're 2% up on a table after 1,000 hands you're doing well, if you're 50% up after 50 hands you're pushed too much on black or red. We are all here to help each other. You will find a lot of hugely experienced (much more than myself) members who are willing to share experiences, thoughts and strategy etc if you're looking to try again. Good luck & let us know your thoughts and how you get on.

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