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Newbie advice and Windsor info

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Hi I have always been intrigued by racing. Its probably got something to do with both my parents being bookies. I have recently been getting more into it and betting small stakes whilst reading up on studying form etc. I am looking to get hold of some past form and try to put together some kind of system and will be narrowing it down at first to just Windsor as this is my local course. Where do I start with regards to obtaining data on past races? Is there somewhere you can download all this info or do I need to type it all in? Is there any good software out there for analysing this data or do most people just use Excel? I understand there is probably no such system that will guarantee winners but I am doing it as a way of getting used to studying past form and working out whats is important etc. If it helps me out with the evening races when I go then so much the better. Either way it gives me something to do at work when im bored.:D P.S. If anyone has any good tips for racing at Windsor I would be interested to hear them. Regards

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Re: Newbie advice and Windsor info Hi mate, Not sure what data you want but you can download previous results in csv format for excel from this site http://www.ukhorseracing.co.uk/Archives/CSVResults/default.asp Plenty of software out there but it comes at a price, raceform interactive is about £45 month although they do often have special offers on which works out a pound a day. A few others but wouldn't know if they are any good, try googling it and see if they have demos etc... Bets of luck and welcome to the forum

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