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Return of the beaten favs (3rd year) +119.45pts in 50 days. FINISHED

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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year) I understand your point, but highly doubt that having info on forums dramatically reduces prices. I'm hardly Hugh Taylor ;) I was also aware of the slight AW ground changes, I suppose these could be investigated further collating daily speed figures? I'm not backing all of these selections blindly. Maybe should start laying them?! I can see much more value in other runners in the field as it currently stands.

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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year) Jay If this forum isn't trawled by at least 1 bot on a regular basis, then it's the first horse racing forum that I've been on for a while that isn't. Also, it's possible that, independently of you and your system, other techniques (eg. data mining) could have been employed to identify the fact that beaten favourites have value and then exploited them. On the other hand, the system's recent downturn is probably down to bad luck and next week the system will turn the corner.

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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year)

Contrary to popular belief, the speed of AW tracks does change with the weather conditions. AW tracks get 'sloppy' and slower in wet weather. They also get slower in cold weather.
I always thought it was the opposite...as in the rain makes the surface more compact and therefore faster? so has the opposite effect to when there is rain on turf. Thats what I thought anyways I may be wrong :p Also Jay I remember when I was a lurker last year on here and I saw this thread and tried it out about a week before it hit a really long losing streak but the time I used it gave plenty of winners. Im sure it's just down to luck that this year hasn't gone as well. kutgw!
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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year) Santos Last year, I read a US study that was performed on poly tracks. It showed that rain has a cooling effect which causes a contraction in the polymer. So yes, the surface, in theory, ought to become more compact and therefore faster. In practice, however, they found that the surface doesn't 'settle' and therefore becomes less compact and slower. In addition, the rain cause the horse's hooves to lose grip because polymers don't absorb water. In cold weather, again the polymer contracts but because of the lack of settling, the track actually becomes slower. In warm weather, they found that the polymer expands, the surface becomes more compact and therefore faster. In addition, the polymer becomes more flexible and an improvement in the energy return of the surface is observed thus improving its speed. The study also noted that although the above effects were relatively small, they were measurable. If I can find the study, I will post the link.

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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year) Thanks guys. Glad you have become more than a lurker now, Santos! What does 'kutgw' mean? Usually I'm down with the kids but this one baffles me, haha! When rain has fallen at Southwell, the going is quite often described as std/slow, and i'm sure I've seen similar at other AW tracks when it's been similar conditions.

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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year) Yes I know it's fibresand. I was just trying to support your argument that substantial rain can make the going slower on AW. Two more losers today :(

Flat 13/71

AW 8/48 -18.47pts in total (+2.53pts with returned winning stakes)

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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year)

Thanks guys. Glad you have become more than a lurker now, Santos! What does 'kutgw' mean? Usually I'm down with the kids but this one baffles me, haha!
Haha apologies it means keep up the good work :D
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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year) Day 37 - 7/5/12 Bath 3:45 Shot In The Dark 4:15 Cahala Dancer Beverley 2:45 Kyllachy Dancer 4:00 The Osteopath 5:00 Kathleensluckylad 5:30 Northern Bolt Kempton (AW) 5:50 Haamaat Windsor 2:30 Mack's Sister 3:00 Emkanaat 5:05 Big Creek BIG DAY!

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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year) The Osteopath was a NR. Haamaat won, but at a lowly price of 2.38

Flat 14/87

AW 9/49 -19.04pts in total (+2.96pts with returned winning stakes) TERRIBLE YEAR! Glad I didn't go into this with my wallet blazing - hope anyone else hasn't either!

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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year)

Nooooooooooooooooooo' date=' I ******* missed it![/quote'] You are a plank Jamie!!! Tut tut.. You miss a 200/1 winner and a 100/1.. You would want a good ass spanking!!!!!!!!!!!!11
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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year)

Good Morning Star does the business at 94.25, which is a record since I started 3 years ago. The remaining 4 runners lost, but who gives a ****! Flat 15/90

AW 9/55 +70.21pts in total (+87.29pts with returned winning stakes)

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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year) +70.21pts in 39 days Well done today Jay :ok Can I ask what the "

(+87.29pts with returned winning stakes)" means? Bit rushed for time so can't look through the entire thread but I don't quite get what you mean by "returned winning stakes"...

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Re: Return of the beaten favs (3rd year) +70.21pts in 39 days Well, the first figure is the returns without including the 1pt wager. I had been deducting that from the total but started to wonder if I should be doing so. I did ask whether I should be including it but no one replied.

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